Ask me anything on working while traveling or traveling

Scandinavian women by far. Stockholm #1, Copenhagen # 2. These girls are blonde hair/blue eyed or jet black/blue eyed supermodels working at McDonalds.


Yeah how do you handle internet access while travelling. Is there a mobile 3g type solution you just hook to your laptop or what?
I was also wondering about what is the best thing to do about broadband on the go. I have a mobile broadband package now and have looked at the rates abroad and they are pretty horrific. Would like to head to some Spanish Island next year and so will need to look at this soon.
Fuck the sightseeing and all the fluffy "which flower almost brought a tear to your eye" type posts.... How many bitches in how many different countries did you fuck?

This. This newbie will go far.

Do you think you went for 2 long? I've seen loads of European cities on my own as well but prefer to fly in for 4 or 5 days and then come back home to recuperate, hit the gym, do some work and then head off again. Seeing so many cities in a row to me is like watching 4 or 5 movies in a row. But I suppose I'm a short and cheap flight from home practially anywhere in Europe.

Also, 5 days in London is way too short to get a feel for it IMO, it's massive.
Man, that's a great itinerary. I did a couple summers in Scandinavia, very long days and the girls like to sunbathe topless in the parks, awesome. Personalities are a little like the weather, however, generally sort of cool. They are very frank, stare right at you when they're interested, but don't seem to have much...passion I guess you would call it.

For your next trip you need to do Asia. I've never been able to go back to Europe once I got here.
Yeah how do you handle internet access while travelling. Is there a mobile 3g type solution you just hook to your laptop or what?

I made sure beforehand the area I was staying at had Wifi and there were places near me available for backup.

Western Europe has pretty good mobile plans but once you get into Central/Eastern this becomes a problem

Mobile access was a big issue while traveling, one I still haven't solved yet. I had what I thought was an unlimited data plan only to be charged over $100 for less than an hours useage in Amsterdam, and a $1,000+ bill for 2 months.

Suffice to say, I had to do more without. Calls are $2-3 a minute, so I used skype more often than not. Handled all emails, bills, work from my hostel/hotel location. I spent on average 2 hours a day working, always before or after sightseeing. Again, you will become much better at time management while you travel. IF not, you run out of $$.
This. This newbie will go far.

Do you think you went for 2 long? I've seen loads of European cities on my own as well but prefer to fly in for 4 or 5 days and then come back home to recuperate, hit the gym, do some work and then head off again. Seeing so many cities in a row to me is like watching 4 or 5 movies in a row. But I suppose I'm a short and cheap flight from home practially anywhere in Europe.

Also, 5 days in London is way too short to get a feel for it IMO, it's massive.

The original plan was 3 months but ended up being 7. Somedays I felt like the days were a drag, then I'd get to a new fascinating city or natural park and rekindle an interest.

Being 10 hours away by flight you tend to see as much as you can while your there. The longest I had traveled inside my own country was 2 weeks, and at the time I thought that was a long time.
What, and this question is for anyone with the answer, is the ultimate mobile internet solution?

One of those black satelitte phones with the thick aerial and a rugged laptop like you see in the movies or a smartphone like the iPhone?

airmon + airodump + aireplay + aircrack
mad props to you.

what are some tips for flying with a laptop that you learned in this trip?
in terms of security, ease of transportation, etc.

what did you carry your laptop in to keep it safe?
what did you carry your laptop in to keep it safe?

This is my question. I might buy a cheap netbook that has good battery life so that I can stay connected. I have some travel I'm about to book here, but I'm concerned about hostels in the first 2 bullet points:

This is for a bachelor party:

- Sept 23, leave LA for Amsterdam. Party there the weekend, then hit up Interlaken and wherever.
- Sept 30, Arrive in Munich for Oktoberfest. Hit it hard until Oct 4, when the bachelor goes home and people separate.

- Oct 4-19, go to Hong Kong and hang with my buddy in China, who's running a business out there. There will be partying, but also lots of working and internet geeking since he doesn't have time to entertain me and I need to pay the bills anyway.

I might just buy a netbook in Hong Kong, or should I bring one with me and have hostels lock it up?
I've always wanted to visit Amsterdam and check out the prostitutes that you window shop for right off the sidewalk. Did you do that?
How was the booking done for all those cities? Did you have a travel agent, or go through a train system or something? How was your travel itinerary planned?
That is one killer itinerary...hope you had a blast.

This post really hits home since I just came back from a 1.5 month journey in Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, S. Korea, Taiwan).

In terms of doing work while on vacation, I would encourage everyone to bring/buy a netbook. I believe I made the right decision in not lugging around my Macbook...

...but there were definite times where I wish I simply owned a netbook. Everyone was using them. Starbucks, Mcdonalds, was pretty easy to find wifi spots.

I anticipated that I'd just resort to using internet cafes, since they were so cheap. But I don't think it was worth the hassle.

Some internet cafes had no mics so I couldn't use Skype to call back home. Now anytime I travel, I'm going to bring an earbud mic headset.

**I have read Vagabonding....brilliant book. If any of you are heading to ASE, and want my copy, I'll be happy to give it to you.
props to going to some of the more out there places! i found romania a pretty interesting place esp south of costanta in vama veche near the bulgarian border
That's awesome man. So much to take in with such a (relatively) short amount of time. Still though, I can't imagine being gone from the US for 7 months, that would be a life changer I'm sure.