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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I was speaking to my rep at Facebook Ads and we've agreed to work on something beneficial just for WickedFire members.

It seems that a lot of you have A LOT of questions, and not many answers coming your way, or at least a lot of guesses from other guys, some good, some not. So instead of giving answers that are based on guesses, lets get REAL answers directly from Facebook themself.

All you have to do is post a question in this thread, and I'll be relaying it to him. I figure a list of 20 or 25 questions should give us A LOT of good solid answers to help everyone in their quest to dominate over Facebook advertising.

If you're looking to get a budget increase cap of $5k/day or more read the following:
For those of you looking to spend upwards of $5,000 per day on Facebook, shoot me a pm with your FB account ID and a sample of a campaign screen shot you've run (doesn't have to be from FB, just proof that you can legitimately spend what you say you can and not just poking around for higher limits for the hell of it), and I'll pass it over to him to raise your daily spend limit in exchange for feedback. He's pretty good about it.

Updated: After a review of this post, he said that you should only be using ONE account. So for those of you submitting an account for limitation increases only send ONE account ID please. Thanks!

Godamn it Jon. After I gave up on them this comes along?
I may have to swallow my hatred of them. Or maybe not.

How about this. What would it take to get an account rep spend wise, and is there any real benefit with it or is it more of the same?

Not meaning to be an ass, but after my last adventure with them I concluded facebook deserves to go bankrupt the way they treat everyone, and I'm not exactly a masochist. So kinda trying to figure out if it's worth my time nowadays if I give them another chance.
Godamn it Jon. After I gave up on them this comes along?
I may have to swallow my hatred of them. Or maybe not.

How about this. What would it take to get an account rep spend wise, and is there any real benefit with it or is it more of the same?

Not meaning to be an ass, but after my last adventure with them I concluded facebook deserves to go bankrupt the way they treat everyone, and I'm not exactly a masochist. So kinda trying to figure out if it's worth my time nowadays if I give them another chance.

I'll pass those on to him..

But even with a FB rep on your side, you still have to follow the same rules for ad approval and shit. They don't give you any special favors. I'm not going to shoot off the perks of having someone to contact over there whenever you want, but they DEFINITELY outweigh not having one, thats for fuckin sure. If you're spending $5k or more a day, you should be able to get a rep I'd think. They are also great to have for feedback on your ads, a bit more than just the regular pointers or "look at section 9 in our rules" kinda crap. Even my rep at Myspace isn't as solid and I've spent more over there than at FB.
I'll pass those on to him..

But even with a FB rep on your side, you still have to follow the same rules for ad approval and shit. They don't give you any special favors. I'm not going to shoot off the perks of having someone to contact over there whenever you want, but they DEFINITELY outweigh not having one, thats for fuckin sure. If you're spending $5k or more a day, you should be able to get a rep I'd think. They are also great to have for feedback on your ads, a bit more than just the regular pointers or "look at section 9 in our rules" kinda crap. Even my rep at Myspace isn't as solid and I've spent more over there than at FB.
My account would be 100% legit, and I would not expect any favors. Hell, I'd make a new account and start fresh for em.
The main reason I never gave a shit about the rules was because I was treated as an enemy by them, so I in turn acted like one. Keep in mind I'm not spending anything over there anymore, but if I thought there was any chance of it being worth my while(from a not-tearing-out-my-hair perspective), it wouldn't be hard to scale up fast.
The extra thing at the bottom is just for people who are able to spend $5k+ a day.. its not the point of the thread itself. Just a perk to those interested. Because he said not to give out his contact info on the forum, and to make sure its reserved for legitimate advertisers on their network, thats the point of a screen shot, duh.

Just post your damn questions here and I'll have an answer back from Facebook for ya. It beats guessing is all I'm saying.
My question is how do they disapprove an ad? Is it really manual? It's almost like a bot disapproves the ad (mostly cause what they disapprove it for doesn't make any sense half the time) And if they really are manually disapproving it then how bout instead of saying #6 and #7 and having us guess and resubmit 300 times they actually say something like, "I'm disapproving your ad because you apparently never graduated past the 3rd grade and can not compose a proper sentence" If they are worried about time, seems to me it would save alot more time telling us what they want instead of manually disapproving 300 ads. :-/
I would like to know if they will ever integrate multiple account management features into the social ads platform. I managde some PPC camapaigns for local clients (clubs, landscaping companies, ext..) and some would fit quite well into the FB environment however I never bother as there would be no easy way to manage their accounts.

Sure, we could make a seperate facebook account for each company but It would be quite anoying. Furthoer more I doubt they would want me to have full access to there FB accounts.
To answer your first part, yeah they're manually approved/disapproved.

My question is how do they disapprove an ad? Is it really manual? It's almost like a bot disapproves the ad (mostly cause what they disapprove it for doesn't make any sense half the time) And if they really are manually disapproving it then how bout instead of saying #6 and #7 and having us guess and resubmit 300 times they actually say something like, "I'm disapproving your ad because you apparently never graduated past the 3rd grade and can not compose a proper sentence" If they are worried about time, seems to me it would save alot more time telling us what they want instead of manually disapproving 300 ads. :-/
How does Facebook make their Advertising Guidelines? Is it from FB user feedback? Or is it a bunch of reps in a room thinking of random stuff they think is wrong.

If it's #1, how can advertisers/affiliates work WITH Facebook to create ads/offers that do not "harm" Facebook users (instead of FB just banning entire niches).

Seems to me that instead of FB banning an entire niche, they can use the revenue they were making from that niche to come up with ways to protect their users AND allow advertisers to run ads in that niche. (For example, maybe categorize ads and allow users to "opt out" of seeing ads from up to 5 categories. Or maybe ban the use of celebs in ads, or any other ideas they/we can come up with that works for all 3 parties: FB, their users, and advertisers)...
Damn, I thought I was doing pretty well with a daily spend limit of 3500. Unfortunately I haven't been able to hit that cap for the past 2 months, so I guess it doesn't make sense to try and get the 5K increase.

My question for facebook ads is do they ever plan on implementing an API for ad creation, and if they do can I be part of the beta test?

Congrats on having an account rep at Facebook Jon, that is pretty sweet.
Do they always check the destination url or will they ban the ad immadietely if they see something they don't like? I've had every ad tonight banned and not one of them checked to see where the link went to.
  • Are all the creatives reviewed in an audit? If so, what triggers an audit? What would be grounds for a banning?

  • The system appears to distribute clicks throughout the day, and hits the daily spending budget somewhat near when end. Is there a way to increase spending within a specific timeframe?

  • Why do interns not like to drink on weekdays?
Do they always check the destination url or will they ban the ad immadietely if they see something they don't like? I've had every ad tonight banned and not one of them checked to see where the link went to.

Yep for tonight that seems to be the case as my links were going to a huge well known company and without even looking, they denied my ads. They quoted me section 8 and 9 of the guideline which none of my ads violated.

To test the theory, I made 2 ads that directly sent them to one of the big blogs and they denied right away.

They are in their hate mode right now.
Why don't doesn't FB adopt the way Myspace does things? If your ad gets rejected they give you a reason why and the ability to alter your ad to resubmit it. If Facebook would just add a little note in there in would save our time and their time. Except don't adopt that min. bid bull. The disapproved messages are so vague. For example, Section 8:

Language and image content
  • Provocative images will not be accepted.
I would love to know what exactly falls under "language" and "image content".

So my ad keeps getting disapproved for sections 8 and 9. It does not apply to anything in section 9 and my image is an innocent as can be. My ad text uses 1st grade is the problem? And it obviously has to be something wrong with my ad because they aren't checking my links!

xmcp123 said it the best:

The main reason I never gave a shit about the rules was because I was treated as an enemy by them, so I in turn acted like one.
I want to know how an ad effects the other ads in the same campaign.

I would like to also know if paused ads/campaigns effect active ads/campaigns in anyway. If so how?

I know CTR is the main factor but there are hidden stuff that I've noticed over time that effects an ad getting impressions or not.

Also, will they ever give us a "spend until depleted" option. Because I would like to spend ALL my budget during certain times and not have FB start dicking with the traffic when I've burned half my budget already and it's only noon.

Another thing, get rid of the ad board. Because good ads end up getting shut down because dickless affiliates that can't make money reports every ad on the ad board until FB gets enough complaints to shut it down. That there is the most annoying thing. I'm talking about completely legit shit too not my boobie pics.
A short while ago, I saw some posts here about getting your ads approved automatically and instantly. You had to pause an already accepted ad and create a similar one (using the create similar ad button). I tried it, but never got it working. How does this automatic and instant approval work?
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