Are you incorporated?

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I registered my business 3 years ago, when I was 16.
You need to be 18 to register your own business in my country but we got a seperate documents that took care of that. I just needed my dad to come with and sign off full responsibility to me.
As most of us make money via Affiliate or Adsense income via content sites, data feeds, etc...what would you write for your Business Purpose when filling out LLC forms online.

I plan to use:
"To operate an internet marketing company"

There's just a simple guide on showing simple business purpose statements. Some states don't even require a business purpose but I don't want to have problems in the future if I needed to be considered more of a media company or another term that would better encompass what we are doing with affiliate marketing.
stanley said:
I operate as a sole proprietor and also a part of a 2 person partnership.
An LLC in NY costs $500 per year but being a sole proprietor doesn't cost anything.

If someone sues you, it'll cost more that $500! You don't even have to do anything wrong, it costs you to prove you are inocent. If you don't have much, but someone "thinks" you are a target. Be smart-research some more!
jan is right!...but if you are incorporated or not it still costs money to defend yourself... and thats never cheap... it just depends if you have personal assets you want to protect

PS cute picture Jan ; )
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