Are You A Swoopo Addict?

It's good for swoopo -- bad for YOUR wallet. Spend some time thinking about the model - and if you can't figure out why it's most likely BAD for you. Google Swoopo scam.

From our side of the ring though - it's an awesome idea, great design, great implementation.
Its an amazing idea really. Spread the cost among so many bidders that they never notice the real cost. When it first came out I thought people were to smart to fall for this $1/bid .60/bid crap, man was I wrong.
I thought I'd be clever and rig up a greasemonkey script to autobid at 2 seconds remaining, stick to the nailbiters, and only bid on the auctions that listed '0 bidders in the last 30 minutes'. I'd get up at 2:30am so I could start the auction hunting at 3am.

There are no auctions that list 0 bidders in the last 30 minutes.

Those new auctions never expire with few bids at retarded o'clock, they're set to expire at 8am to noon ish, which is about the right time to start a bidding war and keep it going for hours.

There's too few nailbiter auctions.

The timer is inaccurate. When it says 2 client side, it could be anywhere between 0 and 10 server side. Plus, it keeps freezing and jumping. When you hit bid at 2 or 3 seconds remaining it freezes, then it either pops back up or you lose. If you lose you're never really sure if it's because it took that long to negotiate an XHR connection or if there's too much time float between machines.

This clever bastard tried a more sophisticated route and share his greasemonkey script: joshua stein: trying to game

Also note that those people who get a $1300 laptop for $133 had to pay something retarded in bid fees.

People are surprisingly aggressive in bidding. People were bidding items well over what Newegg was selling it for.

I got a better return buying $1 lotto tickets. On my lifetime record I'm still $18 ahead there, actually. Swoopo was a waste of $26 and a lot of time and coffee.
Bids N Bobs is novel because each bid brings the price down by a penny and if it goes negative they pay you. They also sell cash. 9.99 pounds start bid for 1000 pounds. If that doesn't set off warning bells I don't know what will. I mean, they're as legit as Swoopo, but you're not going to win that auction without spending a ton.
Online auction :: Planet Bid
EXACT same type of site. Been operating for a while now. I wouldn't be surprised if the one guy was opening up multiple sites in different geo locations, because it's an insanely good model.
Luckily, I actually one some "free" bid token on my first go so I actually figured out what was going on before I laid down some money.
I recall at the time that after doing the math, the Wii that I attempted to buy last year went for nearly $900AUD.

I guess the idea is that provided you haven't put down too many bids yourself, you can still come out ahead of the game on a purchase... IF you win the bid.

hirop: $133, at $0.60(real) for every $0.01 increment is just shy of $8,000(real)