Arbitrage Niche Explorer - Beta test

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The Purple Tentacle
Jul 2, 2006
We've made a script that might or might not be useful to those of you who are into PPC arbitrage. It's supposed to analyze the niche of your choice and let you decide quickly if the niche is worth using.

It's a free script, all we want from you is further suggestions on how to improve it, and maybe a nice link to our main site (Six of Spades) if you end up using it :)

Please note that we may have to do further tweaking of the score system, that's why we wanted some feedback from you guys. Oh yeah, and don't forget to read the instructions above the search field!

And one last thing to add, DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT overuse or abuse or scrape it since that'll mean we'd have to turn it off. If you have interesting ideas that would need scraping it, we'd love to hear them and work something out.

Arbitrage Niche Explorer
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if you cannot make it open source this means your stealing people's niches:repuke:

Yeah, I anticipated replies like this. Quite frankly, I'm not even doing arbitrage myself, I just love writing tools and I'm doing this as link-bait only.

Also, I don't see how this differ from any other keyword tool. I guess being a bit paranoid is justified when it comes to stuff like this. If you don't want to use it, fine. If you're worried about me stealing you precious niches, make me an offer and I'll share the script.
Just made a quick run through on some terms. Looks like a cool tool albeit a tad slow but that probably has less to do with the app. I like how well it's laid out with the bar graphs and numbers, the export txt file feature and the related terms. Wondering if the related terms can be a long single column.

Some terms didn't show any results even though I'm sure there should be as they were popular.

I'm kinda new to arbi so what is that niche score based on and is a higher number better?
Yeah it's a little slow unfortunately. 7search is kind of slow and it's got a couple of pauses in the script so we don't hammer their server too hard.

What results didn't you get? If it's the CPC stuff, try going to and search right there. Chances are they have no data on that keyword. If it's the search volume stuff, just hit "Find" again and it'll probably work.

Yeah a higher number is better. The total score is kind of useless though, so I suggest looking at the other stuff instead.
Actually, it doesn't really work. :D It's just the average of the other scores. It's almost always around 3 or 4. I suggest you look hard on the other scores individually instead of the total score.
Actually, it doesn't really work. :D It's just the average of the other scores. It's almost always around 3 or 4. I suggest you look hard on the other scores individually instead of the total score.

I noticed the same
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