arbitrage is crazy

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
hey guys,
i might be simply going crazy, but i have tried 2 ppc arbitrage sites and i simply am losing more than i am earning. i'm pretty newb to all this, so maybe bad ad placement. i need tips, any tips. and how much do you guys usually pay for your ppc ads? mine are around the 10-11cent range. is that too much? how do people like Jon get a 66% CTR? at most mine is still less than 10%. My 2nd arbitrage site is still new(just testing today actually, but it still isnt doing very well). tips on ad placement or anything would be great. thanks guys

I haven't tried arbitrage yet, but all I cn say is, you put up one hell of an effort and I hope things work out for you soon :)
make the site a crappy as possible like - try this.....
Text link 728x
336x280 ad
h1 high paying keyword
text any old text about the keyword
336x280 ad

make sure there is no leakage (places people can click where you dont make money)
DanNicol said:
make the site a crappy as possible like - try this.....
Text link 728x
336x280 ad
h1 high paying keyword
text any old text about the keyword
336x280 ad

make sure there is no leakage (places people can click where you dont make money)
seems like that just makes people close the window. people know what spam looks like now 'a days.

what has been workin' better for you guys? a site that looks legitimate, or a POS site that people try to escape through your ads?
kyleirwin said:
seems like that just makes people close the window. people know what spam looks like now 'a days.

what has been workin' better for you guys? a site that looks legitimate, or a POS site that people try to escape through your ads?

yes on adwords and 1st tiers. they are savy - but on the 3rd tier they click
Patience is key.

If you're looking for ad placement ideas, search Google and find other PPC arbitrage sites to see how others have integrated their ads. I believe there was a thread here on WF about great ad placement -- search for it and learn from others. Jon recommended paying around $0.05 per click using a 3rd tier service (e.g. SearchFeed or 7Search).

Seeing as how your site was created today, I think it's way too early to judge your progress. Stick with it for a while. If you're trying different ad placements be sure to only make one change at a time so you can track what works and what doesn't. If you change 10 things at once and your CTR suddenly improves, you have no clue which change has the positive effect.

If you're totally confused on ad placement look over some AdSense case studies for help:
ok, some stuff to test out here,..will definitely take each one of your suggestions to heart. i might try what DanNicol suggested, just to test it out and also, of course i will be patient with thise site for the next few days. thanks guys.

any other stuff about ad placement and such?
While I think that above layout is fine. I personally think ad's under headers intergrated nicely with the text draws better CTR in my opinion. Also intergrate a left side vertical or leaderboard on bottom.

Also you are paying to much. I would only go to 5 cent max. 10cent is just to risky if you have some cash to blow and think you can really optimize your site to get the payouts that 10cent ad's generrate then fine but you need some really high ctr to come out even a little on top.

It just takes some time to write/rip off half way decent content make sure your content is good so your ad's that you are generating are specifically for the arbitrage you are driving in to.

Also you might want your ad's to set for a day so it can adjust to your content. Sometimes that takes a few hours or a day to start refreshing some good relevant ad's. Double check that before you throw arbitrage at it. I would go with a three tier person I personally go with 7search really legit company.
personally, i like disabling the back button, the scroll bars and sometimes make the window an absolute size (so there's no X).
DanNicol and dxearner seem to be on the right track. When you are starting out fresh and new, or if you are coming off of a failed campaign, then it means you are doing a few things very wrong.

You should not be paying more than 6 cents a click, ever. The beauty of these 2nd and 3rd tier engines is that you can bid on super general keywords, and still get them for 1c-6c a click, compared to the tier 1's where you'd be shelling out at least $3 a click for the same spot.

As for the layout. Go basic and raw. For content, a lot of people may disagree with me here, but I gotta say, all you need to do is jack some content from somewhere else and stick the nofollow tags on the top. This is not a site or page you want to be getting into the engines. Return users is not a priority here either. Your goal is to get cheap traffic to the site, click your ads, and leave. Do you think they are going to read the content and say "hmm I wonder if this guy stole this article or press release from another site". Hell no, and for ad placement, people coming to the site aren't webmasters! They don't know what adsense spam is! It's a very simple process for them. Click keyword, go to site, read first few sentences, look at ad links (that look like content links), click to get better information, leave and never come back. That's the cycle you want to always have.
Jon said:
DanNicol and dxearner seem to be on the right track. When you are starting out fresh and new, or if you are coming off of a failed campaign, then it means you are doing a few things very wrong.

You should not be paying more than 6 cents a click, ever. The beauty of these 2nd and 3rd tier engines is that you can bid on super general keywords, and still get them for 1c-6c a click, compared to the tier 1's where you'd be shelling out at least $3 a click for the same spot.

As for the layout. Go basic and raw. For content, a lot of people may disagree with me here, but I gotta say, all you need to do is jack some content from somewhere else and stick the nofollow tags on the top. This is not a site or page you want to be getting into the engines. Return users is not a priority here either. Your goal is to get cheap traffic to the site, click your ads, and leave. Do you think they are going to read the content and say "hmm I wonder if this guy stole this article or press release from another site". Hell no, and for ad placement, people coming to the site aren't webmasters! They don't know what adsense spam is! It's a very simple process for them. Click keyword, go to site, read first few sentences, look at ad links (that look like content links), click to get better information, leave and never come back. That's the cycle you want to always have.

Where exactly are you using the nofollow tags? If you link to the source that just creates an opportunity for the visitor to leave your site without clicking an ad, right? That doesn't help. Am I missing something?
Jon said:
all you need to do is jack some content from somewhere else and stick the nofollow tags on the top. This is not a site or page you want to be getting into the engines.
So by not allowing google to crawl the page, would that mean your adsense account wouldn't be affected by smart pricing?
Xrproto said:
So by not allowing google to crawl the page, would that mean your adsense account wouldn't be affected by smart pricing?
Don't block them from crawling it in the robots.txt file, just add the meta noindex tag in the head to stop it from being listed in their index.
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ConceptualMind said:
Where exactly are you using the nofollow tags? If you link to the source that just creates an opportunity for the visitor to leave your site without clicking an ad, right? That doesn't help. Am I missing something?
I'm pretty sure he's talking about noindex... he just doesn't know what he's talking about :p .
kyleirwin said:
Don't block them from crawling it in the robots.txt file, just add the meta noindex tag in the head to stop it from being listed in their index.
Ah gotcha. Thanks.
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