Anyone Watch Good Documentaries Lately?

My favorite documentary (on an entrepreneur perspective)

Jiro Dreams of Sushi. It isn't really about sushi, it is the story of a man that did what he loves for several decades and is still going. A perfectionist that makes the perfect product (in this case sushi). Just watch it :)

[ame=]Jiro Dreams of Sushi Official Trailer #1 - Jiro Ono Documentary (2012) HD - YouTube[/ame]

I'm trying to find the full movie now. It is available on Netflix though!

Yes, actually.

[ame=]Objectified trailer - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Helvetica - Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Gold Rush is good. Also Jungle Gold, but that's a bit less realistic. Not so much documentaries more docu-soaps, but nonetheless very addictive to watch.
The second I saw this I knew the woman was going to crack and break into tears at some point.

I was correct.

This one was one of my favorite cause it taught me what trading stocks was like. Also showed me a lot of stuff like What hedging was and what a hedge fund was all about. And yeah The chick was messed up but i thought the environmentalist was the worst.
Useful links, documentaries for everyone!

Top Documentary Films - Watch Free Documentaries Online

Documentary Storm - Stream Full Documentaries

Watch Free Documentaries Online | Documentary Heaven

Watch Free Documentaries Online - DocumentaryWIRE

///suddenly ass,


Good call on this, thanks...been watching
Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street

pretty interesting, imagine trading based on google searches/trends-> Blackbox and HFT = FTW (lulz)
The film chronicles O'Grady's years as a priest in Northern California, where he committed his crimes. After being convicted of child molestation and serving seven years in prison, O'Grady was deported to his native Ireland, where Berg interviewed him in 2005. Additionally, the film presents trial documents, videotaped depositions, and interviews with activists, theologians, psychologists, and lawyers which suggest that not only were Church officials aware of O'Grady's crimes, they actively took steps to conceal them.
"Reversal of Fortune"

Saw that one like 4 years ago or so, they set up a box of $100k cash in a dumpster and they make a homeless guy believe he found it. Then they document what he does with the money. Very interesting.
Anything from Ross Kemp ---> Good stuff he shows (mafias, gangsters, cartels,...)
How to make money selling drugs
I knows someone already mentioned it, but I have to talk about Senna. Senna is one of my favorite movies ever. I have always had a great passion for auto-racing and cars in general. Senna gives a peak into what that world is all about, especially to those that have never experienced it. The story personifies the true spirit of competition that racing is built on. I encourage all of you to do an HPDE event or even autocross at some point. Go racing. It is the most exhilarating, freeing experience you will ever have. Good lukc worrying about family and business problems while flying into a chicane at 90mph. For those that haven't seen it --

Senna - Official UK Trailer - YouTube

This movie is fucking fantastic.
Such an amazing list. Million dollar traders is cool as a c c c c cucumber.

Exit Through The Gift Shop gets my vote.
[ame=]Louis Theroux Law and Disorder in Johannesburg _ BBC Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

This is the most violent documentary you will likely ever have seen. Barbaric people in South Africa, watch it.

[ame=]The Most Hated Family in America (1 of 8) - YouTube[/ame]

The Westboro Baptist Church (God hates fags church). This is hilarious, see it.

[ame=]Meet Americas Nazis - YouTube[/ame]

Louis Theroux and the american nazis

[ame=]Louis Theroux - Miami MegaJail Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Niggas nigging in Miami Megajail.
I was about to recommend Louis Theroux, but Rusvik beat me to it. They're very good, really worth watching. His interviewing style is great to watch as he manages to come across as totally nonthreatening and non-judgmental whilst asking intelligent questions that give the interviewee plenty of room to incriminate themselves or open up. Louis.T would have made a great lawyer.

Jiro dreams of Sushi is also a good one. Jiro's sushi restaurant has bout 8 seats in the whole place, but his attention to detail as well as fanatical devotion to all things fish and sushi is incredible.
[ame=]ESPN 30 For 30 - Once Brothers - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Magic & Bird - A Courtship of Rivals HD - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]30 Fo 30 - You Don't Know Bo - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage (Polskie napisy) - YouTube[/ame]
It Might Get Loud is great if you're a fan of rock guitar.

If you're a film buff and/or David Lynch fan, David Lynch: Eraserhead Stories is a must.