Anyone Watch Good Documentaries Lately?

[ame=]Asses of the Caribbean - full - YouTube[/ame]

Good stuff.
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///suddenly ass,

Just downloaded 7 different documentaries....excited about Conan, Life in a Day, and the Interupters.
Anything with Louis Theroux, but let me recommend the one about violence in Johannesburg and the other with the Westboro Baptish Cult (they are the ones with 'God hates fags' posters).

Louis Theroux is the man when it comes to documentaries of strange/dangerous/funny people. He has done docus on porn, racists, gamblers, wrestling and many other things. The one with Miami Mega Jail is also great. Almost all of them are on Youtube.
[ame=]Million Dollar Traders (Full Series 1 of 3) - YouTube[/ame] I loved this one.