Anyone use real phones anymore?


New member
Jul 30, 2007
I want to make calls like a boss on a phone with enough heft to slam on the unworthy (i.e. not a cellphone). Probably the only thing I miss about the old day job. Can anyone recommend a good setup for a business phone for the home office?

I've been using Google Voice + Skype + wireless headset but that's getting kind of flaky and tiresome. Want something more substantial as it's looking like I'll be spending more and more time on the phone.

I know Wickedfire is the only interaction most of you homebodies have with other human beings in your average day but I figure there's gotta be some baller media buyers out there tearin up the wires, slashin all the rates.

So you wanna be a baller? Best get yourself one a these son.

I have T-Mobile voip service which is unfortunately not available anymore, I would probably recommend Vonage, I never heard a good thing about Magic Jack except the price.
Yes because nothing pisses me off more bein gon the phone with some basement dweller while their cell has zero signal.

This is a business, not a children's game. Treat it as such. Landlines son, VOIP echoes/delays also scream "I copy LP's and have 17 dollaz"
If you have cable internet you can get a land line from them usually for very little extra cost by the time you get their bundle discount. Many will offer unlimited long distance for either your state or the US (I have no idea what the options are outside the US) for less than $30 bucks. The down side is if your going to be making international calls, depending where your calling some country's can get a bit spendy.
I want to make calls like a boss on a phone with enough heft to slam on the unworthy (i.e. not a cellphone). Probably the only thing I miss about the old day job. Can anyone recommend a good setup for a business phone for the home office?

I've been using Google Voice + Skype + wireless headset but that's getting kind of flaky and tiresome. Want something more substantial as it's looking like I'll be spending more and more time on the phone.

I know Wickedfire is the only interaction most of you homebodies have with other human beings in your average day but I figure there's gotta be some baller media buyers out there tearin up the wires, slashin all the rates.

I resisted going to VOIP but about 5 years ago made the switch. It was the best move we ever made. There is No difference from our old land line. I expected some sort of a compromise (it's so much cheaper) but I was shocked when I made my first call. It's that good.

I'm no expert and it probably depends alot on your provider, we use
westchester cablevision -- and our VOIP is via cable modem. So ask around there in Chi-town.

Yeah and phone slams, that just depends on the type of phone you buy, there are still slammers available.
haha, mine too. Although I was proud of him when he finally got a 'smartphone' a couple of weeks ago. No idea which one he bought, but he has sent 2 text messages so far, which was a first for him.

My dad got a blackberry about 2 years ago, but never used it except for making phone calls. I showed him how to email and text, now he doesnt call me anymore. He LOVES texting.
I use ringcentral for both offices. An 800 number comes with it and a local number for each line. I can get all calls to route to which ever office I'm at, or set it to ring X amount of times and then forward to either the other office or my cell or a combination of any number of phones. Voice mail can be picked up online or sent as an email to my cellphone
Faxes also are included and can route to my email as a PDF. They have an app also so you can receive calls/voicemail / and fax. You can also make calls on your iPhone or blackberry as your business number when connected to wifi
Believe it or not, I've been rocking NO CELL PHONE or device for over 1.5 years now and fucking love it. I have one landline for the business, do some skyping, and other than that leave me the fuck alone no you can't call me directly :)

I'm sure there will be a day I'll be stuck/regret it but I hate the things, am surrounded by studio/web all day every day I can't have another one in my pocket too - I rebel, and use my real phone only.