Anyone use


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I'm becoming a little concerned having forked out a large sum of cash for web development work. Communication with the developer being slow has made me worrisome of an elaborate scam, the freelancer who won the bid had over 350+ reviews with a 4.9 reputation (out of 5)

...I've since google " scam" and seen a few bad reports.

Fuck it was a great site when I have used it in late 2007-08 when Plendo Sweden owned but after it handed over to Aussies it become worst site.

Quality providers have been moved due to many shady factors.
I use it and havent got big problems yet, you have to communicate with your freelancer and interview him before he makes your project
Not a good place. I placed few projects and noticed that most of freelancers are lazy to complete the project. They start it, but they make more bids for other projects. I don't like to get refunds or make fights with these workers. I heard Odesk is better than freelancer.
Just my 2 cents. is not scam but it has many scammers. Still it's the place where I hire people for cheap content because it's 2-3x cheaper than an IM forum, for the same quality content.

Don't trust feedbacks much because the feedback system there is easily exploitable.

I would not give a big project to a guy until I know much about him and his work. I would give him a small project first, get him to my direct contact and then pay him step by step (or at the end if they agree).
I've tried them all, Freelancer, Elance, Guru, Vworker and Odesk and they are all the same. It takes a lot of effort and investigation to properly vet applicants on these sites just as it does to hire an employee into your workplace. Many applicants look amazing from their profiles, credentials and portfolios only to turn out to be complete crap. Never, ever, pay a bunch of money up front for a larger job. Always stagger payments over several milestones throughout the course of the project making sure you have your goals met to 100% satisfaction before handing over the $.
Can't say how glad I am to see this thread. I used a lot some years back and never had any issues. But the past 2 or 3 times I've looked to hire from there, it's been an awful experience. I guess that explains it.
This doesn't swell me with confidence after releasing a 1.5k milestone to commence 'work'
I have just started seo work from home and as to people review i also tried after working with this site i just meet frustration.
Hi everyone,

My name is Emir and I work for I came across this post in this forum and we appreciate the feedback.

We invite everyone to visit the FAQ at Frequently Answered Questions FAQs | It has all the information you’ll need about our services, features and more.

Alternately, you can visit our How-To Page as it provides more information and tips for employers and freelancers.

If you have account issues and concerns, we would like to ask if you can visit and file a support ticket through Contact Freelancer | Or send us an email to

If you have a Ticket already, please PM me your your ticket ID/number and I’ll make sure our Contact Support Managers will work on your account concerns.

I’d like to take this opportunity to assure you that is not a scam. We have been featured in the best trade publications, including respected and prestigious International news networks. We have over 3.4 million users worldwide and have paid out more than $120 million dollars to freelancers. Please visit the website ( - Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online) for more information.
Hey emir, how about you shut the fuck up and stop treating these people like they're borderline retarded?

The information you've provided is a blatant PR attempt on people who (i hope) know this industry. We don't need advice on how to visit your FAQ or to submit a support ticket.