Anyone train with dumbells in their apartment?

All the people telling him to do x, y, z for functional strength and to allow him to outfight massive bodybuilders (nice logical fallacies) aren't listening to the question.

The idea of "fitness" is very subjective so while you guys might want that, he's asked for help doing the following:

I don't want to get ripped, just to diet the fat off and ensure that I'm not losing muscle along with it.

My advice follows what some of the guys have mentioned already (mituozo, SirFappy)

Your diet is the most important thing. You're eating to lose fat but also hold on to your muscle so you need to make sure you're in a calorie deficit whilst eating plenty of protein (1g/lb bodyweight or more).

So that you don't lose your muscle, you need to stimulate it. No workouts named after celebrities, movies or referred to by alphanumeric codes will do this as efficiently as lifting heavy (free) weights 3 times per week. You should be able to smash through each workout in under 30 minutes to limit the amount of time you'll have to spend in the gym.

Stick to squats, bench press and deadlift and throw in some military press and weighted pull-ups if you want.

You need to lift HEAVY, which means that your 15kg dumbbells are already far too light. Find a gym, speak to someone who works there to find out when it's the quietest and then train at that time.

In terms of exactly what you eat, when you eat it and how you train, there are lots of options. I personally follow the ways of Martin Berkhan at but as long as you keep your protein high while eating less calories than your body needs and you stimulate those muscles, you can't go wrong.

Anyone else on fitocracy, my username is jonparker

I agree with iamjon.

Do compound exercises for building mass.

If you want dumbells, get the adjustable ones.

Stick to squats, bench press and deadlift and throw in some military press and weighted pull-ups if you want.

You need to lift HEAVY, which means that your 15kg dumbbells are already far too light.
lol. It's just for me. I'm early forties and married with children. I don't want to get ripped, just to diet the fat off and ensure that I'm not losing muscle along with it. The gyms in aMerica may awesome places, but the ones where I live are full of uneducated, ghetto, macho, 18-25yo boneheads!

Thanks for all the replies so far.

I use to be terrified of going to the gym, thought about it a lot the same as you did. What helped me make the transition was to get a personal trainer for a few weeks, as it gave me a good way to have a good starting point and just get a gym routine going. After a little bit you'll realize that everyone is just there to work out. Yeah there will be some really ripped dudes running around but there will also be a lot of average and less than average body types as well.

I think after a couple of weeks of going you'll get over it and realize everyone else is there for the same reason you are.
Whatever you do, ignore this guy.

Sounds like you mad brah.

Get at me son.

Get powerblock dumbbells and a powerblock foldable bench. I just keep it in my closet and do most of my workouts here.

I do:
Half clean and jerk (is that just a jerk? I start from the middle and go up)

After that:
Dumbbell Row
Tricep press

I don't really weight lift so I'm sure others know better than me. But, this workout does give me solid aesthetics and allows me to not get posted up when playing basketball at the park, which is all I really care about.

I also eat what is pretty much a paleo diet with a few exceptions, so diet is important.
You can do decline/incline pushups, chins and dips with the Total Gym thing for like 40 bucks. A chair and 40 lbs dumbells with removable plates can probably get everything you need done if your trying to lose weight.
I'm not saying a kettle bell will do everything. I'm saying it will help build muscles in all the places you need them. Most gym equipment only builds muscles in certain areas.

One of the absolute dumbest things I've ever read. How exactly does a kettle bell build muscle any differently than something else of the same exact weight? Most gym equipment only builds muscles in certain places? Wut?

If you use something like a kettle bell you don't have to use so many different machines just to target different muscles.

Yeah, you just have to do a million different exercises with some awkwardly balanced ball with a handle that limits the exercises you can do properly.

Using a kettle bell targets a lot of areas and your actually working out a wide range of muscles at the same time. It's a better workout.

I'm not even kidding... this is such retardation that I'm finding it difficult to comment on it. It's a better workout? Dude, anything you can do with kettle bells you can do with weights.. or milk jugs for that matter. It's just a weight... a form of resistance. Go find you a solid iron 50lb dildo and it will give you the same results. Might even be balanced better.

Put a big body builder guy against a MMA fighter and have them fight for 10 minutes and that big body builder would be gas'd out after 5 minutes.

Ya think? Gee.. I wonder who the fuck would win at the sport of fighting? A trained fighter or a bodybuilder? Hurrr Durrr. And this is assuming you're talking elite level athletes here. If your just talking about your average MMA fighter and your average BB, then maybe the odds are on the MMA guys side. Not necessarily though.

It makes you looks good, but you won't have the conditioning of someone who did more full body workouts like they do with MMA. That's why you rarely see big beefy guys in MMA.

Not everyone that lifts traditional weights is an over weight bodybuilder, and not every MMA fag throwing around his kettle bells is a bad ass. Some of the biggest pussies I know are wearing their Tap Out shirts right now playing with some gay ass balls with handles attached to them. Some of the most conditioned people in the world lift weights.

You can lift heavy as fuck, eat to be fit, and stay on top of your cardio and I bet you kick 99% of the average wannabe MMA fags ass any day. Take me to an average MMA gym and pick out the baddest motherfucker you can find, and I will go to the nearest high school and find the kid squatting 415 for reps and running the 40 in 5 seconds and I'd bet the farm on the football player.

But of course Its all what you want OP. I don't think sitting in a gym and working on machines is the best way to workout. We weren't built to do that. Go to an MMA gym and do their kind of workouts.

We weren't built to workout with machines that have been refined for decades to provide optimal range of motion and leverage... We were built to lift kettle bells?
I'm not saying a kettle bell will do everything. I'm saying it will help build muscles in all the places you need them. Most gym equipment only builds muscles in certain areas. If you use something like a kettle bell you don't have to use so many different machines just to target different muscles.

Never once did i tell him to use machines, just a barbell and a power rack. I guarantee you if you did an ECG of someone both fucking round with a kettleball, and another of the same guy doing a 1RM deadlift, you'd see a shit ton more stress on most every muscle in the body than the kettleball achieved.

Using a kettle bell targets a lot of areas and your actually working out a wide range of muscles at the same time. It's a better workout. Put a big body builder guy against a MMA fighter and have them fight for 10 minutes and that big body builder would be gas'd out after 5 minutes.

That's like saying a computer scientist can program better than someone who's never programmed before.

MMA trainers train to fight, so of course they'd fucking beat someone who doesn't know how to fight?

It makes you looks good, but you won't have the conditioning of someone who did more full body workouts like they do with MMA. That's why you rarely see big beefy guys in MMA.

Perhaps we have different definitions of beefy, incidentally.

But of course Its all what you want OP. I don't think sitting in a gym and working on machines is the best way to workout. We weren't built to do that. Go to an MMA gym and do their kind of workouts.

Yeah, if he wants to do MMA, go to an MMA gym and learn from an MMA fighter. If you just want to lose fat, again, better ways to do it.
One of the absolute dumbest things I've ever read. How exactly does a kettle bell build muscle any differently than something else of the same exact weight? Most gym equipment only builds muscles in certain places? Wut?

A kettle bell can be pretty much be a full body workout. You have a wide range of motions that allow you to target most muscles in the body. To accomplish the same thing you would have to use different gym equipment. Get it?

Yeah, you just have to do a million different exercises with some awkwardly balanced ball with a handle that limits the exercises you can do properly.

How it is anymore limiting than jumping from different gym equipment to target different muscles. Have you ever used a kettle bell?

I'm not even kidding... this is such retardation that I'm finding it difficult to comment on it. It's a better workout? Dude, anything you can do with kettle bells you can do with weights.. or milk jugs for that matter. It's just a weight... a form of resistance. Go find you a solid iron 50lb dildo and it will give you the same results. Might even be balanced better.

You still don't get it. It's all about how you work out with a kettle bell. Swinging around a kettle bell works out multiple muscles at the same time. You can use what ever you want. The point is the way you work out. It's not a one solution fits all, but It's a great workout if you want strength and cardio.

Ya think? Gee.. I wonder who the fuck would win at the sport of fighting? A trained fighter or a bodybuilder? Hurrr Durrr. And this is assuming you're talking elite level athletes here. If your just talking about your average MMA fighter and your average BB, then maybe the odds are on the MMA guys side. Not necessarily though.

Once again you took it out of context or it went right over your head. The point I was trying to make was that you rarely see MMA fighters working out the same as a body builder. Because bodybuilders go for looks. MMA fighters want strength and cardio. Bodybuilders are strong in their own aspects (hurr durr look how much weight I can lift). But MMA fighters know whats more important.

Not everyone that lifts traditional weights is an over weight bodybuilder, and not every MMA fag throwing around his kettle bells is a bad ass. Some of the biggest pussies I know are wearing their Tap Out shirts right now playing with some gay ass balls with handles attached to them. Some of the most conditioned people in the world lift weights.

Where did I say that you should do nothing but kettle bells? The OP said he had dumbbells and didn't have room for a bench or any bars. Kettle bells in his situation would be perfect. And like I mentioned above a kettle bell works out a lot of muscles and builds strength and cardio its perfect for him.

You can lift heavy as fuck, eat to be fit, and stay on top of your cardio and I bet you kick 99% of the average wannabe MMA fags ass any day. Take me to an average MMA gym and pick out the baddest motherfucker you can find, and I will go to the nearest high school and find the kid squatting 415 for reps and running the 40 in 5 seconds and I'd bet the farm on the football player.

lol don't be stupid. You were just talking about how a MMA fighter would kick a body builders ass and now your saying the opposite. Herp derp.

We weren't built to workout with machines that have been refined for decades to provide optimal range of motion and leverage... We were built to lift kettle bells?

You weren't built do the same motions over and over and expect ever single part of your muscles to be equally as strong just because you did a certain amount of reps.

That's why doing shit like this:

[ame=]Strength and Conditioning | Tire Sledgehammer Workout - YouTube[/ame]

Is better because you get a full body workout and your not targeting single muscle groups at any one time expecting to get the same results based on the amount of reps. I'm not saying its the only way to do things. It's just a better overall workout.
Once again you took it out of context or it went right over your head. The point I was trying to make was that you rarely see MMA fighters working out the same as a body builder. Because bodybuilders go for looks. MMA fighters want strength and cardio. Bodybuilders are strong in their own aspects (hurr durr look how much weight I can lift). But MMA fighters know whats more important.

Your an idiot. MMA fighters wrkout like bodybuilders all the time. The only difference is diet and hormones. Give me Georges St. Pierre, let him keep training EXACTLY like he already is, but let me control his diet and what he injects into his body and POOF! you will have a bodybuilder. Get it?

lol don't be stupid. You were just talking about how a MMA fighter would kick a body builders ass and now your saying the opposite. Herp derp.

Like I made sure to point out, depends on if we are talking elite level or average MMA douchebag (you). I'll take Anderson Silva over Jay Cutler any day.. but I'd take the best football athlete over the best MMA fighter ON AVERAGE. Your problem is you keep associating traditional weight lifting with bodybuilder meat head that wouldn't even consider stepping on a treadmill bc he only wants big muscles.

You weren't built do the same motions over and over and expect ever single part of your muscles to be equally as strong just because you did a certain amount of reps.

I have no fucking clue what you just said but I think you meant that you can't just do a few traditional BB exercises and expect strength and muscle growth to be equally distributed across the body? Wrong. You don't have to go swinging a weight in every which direction to attack the muscle from every possible fucking angle. This is a common newb misconception. Do nothing but the same EXACT 4-5 compound movements and progress in strength and/or reps and combine it with a good cardio program and you will be light years ahead of the guy trying to workout the muscle from all possible angles. The body just doesn't work like that. Not saying those types of exercises are useless..bc they are great for specific functional training, but it's not the most effective method for muscle growth, fat loss, and fitness.
Your an idiot. MMA fighters wrkout like bodybuilders all the time. The only difference is diet and hormones. Give me Georges St. Pierre, let him keep training EXACTLY like he already is, but let me control his diet and what he injects into his body and POOF! you will have a bodybuilder. Get it?

Like I made sure to point out, depends on if we are talking elite level or average MMA douchebag (you). I'll take Anderson Silva over Jay Cutler any day.. but I'd take the best football athlete over the best MMA fighter ON AVERAGE. Your problem is you keep associating traditional weight lifting with bodybuilder meat head that wouldn't even consider stepping on a treadmill bc he only wants big muscles.

I have no fucking clue what you just said but I think you meant that you can't just do a few traditional BB exercises and expect strength and muscle growth to be equally distributed across the body? Wrong. You don't have to go swinging a weight in every which direction to attack the muscle from every possible fucking angle. This is a common newb misconception. Do nothing but the same EXACT 4-5 compound movements and progress in strength and/or reps and combine it with a good cardio program and you will be light years ahead of the guy trying to workout the muscle from all possible angles. The body just doesn't work like that. Not saying those types of exercises are useless..bc they are great for specific functional training, but it's not the most effective method for muscle growth, fat loss, and fitness.

Sounds like your just mad cuz I can swing a kettle bell from my dick piercing.
Swinging a kettle bell using momentum won't do shit, if you want full body you can do clean and jerks.

Personally I'd join a gym, then look for a training guide to follow (I just finished Kris Gethins 12 week daily trainer over at a couple of weeks ago and now I'm going into another trainer series by Jim Stoppani.

The calories in calories out is not entirely accurate either, the video below explains it succinctly (note this is based on pretty much the nutritional structure I follow myself). (it has 3 parts, take the time to watch it it's pretty insightful).

[ame=]JumpstartMD presents Dr. Peter Attia on the Role of Fat in Weight Loss - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I personally do CKD Cyclic ketogenic diet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it works for me, different people need different things, you have a family so it may be harder for you to maintain, this for me works best to help retain gains whilst cutting fat down.

Again everyone is different, some people love kettle bells, I like old school proven methods as the base of lifting with the addition of newer findings of specific lifting techniques (cadence, rest-pause, drop sets, super sets etc) instead of just going with a set amount of reps and sets.

The sledge hammer to tire thing is good also, for alternative training days (do one every sunday, sometimes I'll run, other times I'll push sleds or work on plyos or do some Crossfit with my gf).

Also the Machine v Free weights argument MACHINES VS. FREE WEIGHTS - Flex Online again written by the same guy who wrote the schedule I'm running right now, he has a PhD so he isn't some random bro discussing science and shit sourcing youtube videos.

You should train with both, free weights help stabilizer muscles + burn more cals (if you count them and it matters to you).

Also body builders don't lift for strength they lift for size, want to see strong men look at the strongman comps, they are not body builders, body builders tweak their lifts for the optimal results, using a blend of lifts/weights/reps to hit different fibers resulting in different appearances, the same as football players have training/nutritional programs specifically built for them, shit even different positions would train fairly differently, you wouldn't have a wide receiver training the same as a lineman.

At the end of the day everyone has different things that work differently for each of us, no one is really wrong but assuming what works for each individual will work for everyone is silly, it's the same as running ads, test new things, find something that works and scale it to actually live that lifestyle instead of it being something you have to do to stay in shape. ;)
Check out the YMCA or something similar. My local YMCA is better than all of the other gyms around here in terms of not being filled with douchebags and fat housewives, and having decent free weights in a small dimly lit room that smells horrible. It's the exact opposite of Planet Fitness, where you work out in a large bright room full of morons, there no squat racks, and you get yelled at if you do dead-lifts.