Anyone still doing P90X or looking to start?

I am planning to start in the next week or two. I have gained about 20 pounds of mostly fat in the last 5 years and want to lose again. I am actually still towards the low end of the "ideal" weight range for my height according to online charts/calculators, but my face is looking fat compared to pictures from a few years back and I now have a small "beer belly". I guess I need to lose the weight in fat and gain it back in muscle.

Loveee p90x.. done it a couple times through already, but my initial goal was to get to a year of working out consistently for at least 2 days a week.. now 6 months later I'm at 4 days a week but I've done p90x, threw in some tony's one on one volume 1 and tried insanity but that's just too much damn max interval for me.. either way for the poster that says p90x isn't for getting strong I disagree... definitely stronger than I was 6 months ago, definitely have more muscle mass/weight.. if you work your ass off with any program that incorporates strength training you're gonna get stronger... p90x focuses on the whole body so you're going to get stronger but we all know the reality of any workout regiment is not limited to the workout alone.. gotta have that diet straight too. Anyway, good luck to ya and everyone else doing this.. show up, bust yer ass and do as much as you can and you're going to succeed.
I planning on starting as soon as I move to my new place in about two weeks. I'm already in fairly decent shape (not overweight at all) but looking to get stronger and increase overall fitness.

I have P90X. I have a bum left hand so I can't do a lot of the exercises, but I am using the Ab Ripper X. My goal is to one day be able to the all the reps.
I was in varsity football, wrestling, and track. In college I play(ed) football and rugby.

I've tried p90x, and tbh it's not all it's hyped up to be. I guess for a sedentary person it's much better than doing nothing, but the entire program depends upon a lot of really non-essential repetitive movements. By non-essential I mean serving no athletic or functional purpose.

Yes, I know not everyone is trying to be an athlete, but if you're going to commit a lot of time to exercise I would recommend a program that will actually develop your power, explosiveness, speed, and agility (and still make you look good!).

3 days a week of "old school" lifting at a gym (squats, deadlifts, powercleans, bench press, t-bar rows, etc.), 1 day working on sprinting, plyometrics, and calisthetics, and 1 day of endurance/cardio work. Obviously split up the lifting days; it makes no sense to do them consecutively. Take the other 2 days off--again not consecutively, but split them apart.

Again, I'm not saying don't do p90x, but I personally think the amount of time you spend on p90x can be spent doing more effective exercises.
I am currently in week 3. I created a thread here asking for advice on the subject. Then, I bought it and I am going hardcore. In the first two weeks I lost 7lbs so far. Just got finished doing plyo X as a matter of fact.
I am currently in week 3. I created a thread here asking for advice on the subject. Then, I bought it and I am going hardcore. In the first two weeks I lost 7lbs so far. Just got finished doing plyo X as a matter of fact.

Good luck man! Plyo was the hardest DVD to me; Never jumped that much in my life.
I did it two years ago and lost quite a bit of weight; it can get quite repetitive, but as long as you keep doing it, it should work
Finally, WickedFire has a use for all the jack3d everyone's been buying. Now you can crank out LPs about rock-hard abs and get them with the same supplement