Anyone still doing P90X or looking to start?


New member
Feb 22, 2007
Anyone still in the process of P90X or thinking of starting?

Im in Week 2 of my second round and would like to touch base with anyone going through it - or just about to.

im on phase 2 week 1. Done the whole thing a few years ago worked well.
There is always going to be someone who tries to discredit something. I have yet to see someone who goes through the 90 days, and not see amazing results
read the whole article, he gives tips on how to make it more efficient.

bottom line is, are you trying to get a decent body to pick up girls or are you trying to be healthy?

What do you plan to do after the 90 days is up? Do you plan on doing p90x for the rest of your life? It's much easier to keep a healthy diet and not have to work out 6 days a week for 1 hour a day.
Diet and workout are two separate things. Yes, I plan on eating as healthy as I do for the rest of my life. I dont want to be back in the "hole" I was before.

I will always be active in one way or another. It may not be P90X every time, but they do have a ton of other home workout programs that are very effective.
I actually hacked apart my p90x schedule pretty good lol.

I replaced kempox with hiit cardio. On almost every one of the muscle groups i replace some of the exercises with compound lifts. example: chest&back i replace some of the silly pushups with flat bench. or on Legs and back i add real deadlifts.
got my pictures taken and my pull up bar installed, was planning to start on april 1st, but i procrastinated.

thank you for reminding me.

i'm in my early 30s in the worst shape ever...

i'm planning to do just the exercise without following the diet, because i've been eating healthy and i don't intend to turn myself into hulk.

my goal : lower my resting heart rate, be lean, strong and get rid of my belly fat.
I've completed the p90x doubles program. Definitely a good workout program. I play basketball at a decent level, so obviously its not ideal for a specific sport, but in terms of getting fit, it definitely works. I still use 2 of the lifts per week in my sports specific workouts as the arms and chest / back related excersizes are amazing IMO.

The plyo part isn't really plyo, its more intense cardio, real plyo is more about less reps and maximum explosiveness in terms of sports training, but I'm getting a bit sidetracked.

Shit works. Period.
Did it last summer. It's a pretty awesome program. Got my first official six-pack with it! It's hardcore but the way you feel after the workout is amazing!

It's hard to dedicate to though, especially when your schedule is stuffed, but you just got to make time.

~Robert #2
I've said this before on here. I really like crossfit the community around it is awesome and I love the competition between trying to beat other people in the gym.