Anyone Running with pulse360 - looking for some help!

I will not talk shit, but when you make business plans you should stick to them and keep your promises that you make to your fellow employees

My rep tells me the stupidest shit today.
( sometimes advertisers put money in there and not expect a return or to profit from it ) claims this is to get better placement.

this is exactly what you have to do. if you dont have a pile of cash to blow getting pulse profitable you should advertise elsewhere. i have gone through $30k+ several times to get a campaign profitable there. Trick is, if you can get it right, you can spend that much or more per day w/ nice returns.

Used to be easy money, but with all the knucklehead affiliates on Pulse now, you have to earn your spot. You earn your spot by having good ads & spending lots of money.
Fuck that game. I want what i pay for and i don't wanna over pay. Obviously pulse isn't for me. I don't put money in shit just to loose it.
Good one. Dumb ass.

i think people are bit more please with talking shit to each other, then actually making money.

Or maybe he's just right...if you expect to just throw money at the wall and get more money back without "losing" any - then he's definitely right.