Anyone know how to get rid of the "free" traffic

I've got an old script somewhere I used to use for filtering traffic. On my phone at the moment or I'd look for it for you. Should be something similar out there.


So I guess a like a PHP script that would filter referring search term looking for any match of the word "free" and direct positives to a landing page that says, "You are a WEAK lead, we only want the GLENGARRY premium leads, so in 5 seconds you will be redirected to our free competitor". That would be badass.

[ame=]Stryper - Free (Original Music Vídeo) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Jimi Hendrix - Cross Town Traffic - YouTube[/ame]

So I guess a like a PHP script that would filter referring search term looking for any match of the word "free" and direct positives to a landing page that says, "You are a WEAK lead, we only want the GLENGARRY premium leads, so in 5 seconds you will be redirected to our free competitor". That would be badass.


I'll be the "free competitor" if you want to throw away decent traffic.

This is where Adsense comes in and other shit to monetize the tire kickers, but I know your case and how that type of monetization isn't appropriate for your site. You could definitely create a BLOG on your site that's all about freebie advice and slap some aggressive CPC ads all over that bitch and direct them over there. At least make a good $100 CPM's on those knuckleheads.