Anyone know how to get rid of the "free" traffic


pink floyd
Jun 12, 2011
Hate when I fire up analytics and check the organic traffic kws and see "free" in there. For example, say my service and main kw is "business consulting in san diego" and I'm getting fuckin searches for:

"free business consulting in san diego"

And because my site comes up in the top 3, people call and say, "well I searched for free business consulting in san diego and you guys came up first in g00gle". Yeah.

Any working methods to deal with this, or it's just gotta be that way?
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In the sidebar on your site pitch a free ebook download in exchange for an email opt-in:

-"10 tips for choosing the best business consultant!"
-"10 things you must avoid when working with a business consultant!"
-chit like that

Now the user feels like they have got something for "free". Pitch your services at the end of the ebook.

Now you also have a high quality email address of a business owner. These are valuable to alot of people. Put them through an email funnel for the next 2 weeks to try to convert them. If they don't convert at that point sell the email address or promote some other related products/services to them.

PS: Stop fucking complaining like a bitch and figure out how to capitalize on the traffic you are getting.
Hate when I fire up analytics and check the organic traffic kws and see "free" in there. For example, say my service and main kw is "business consulting in san diego" and I'm getting fuckin searches for:

"free business consulting in san diego"

And because my site comes up in the top 3, people call and say, "well I searched for free business consulting in san diego and you guys came up first in g00gle". Yeah.

Any working methods to deal with this, or it's just gotta be that way?

You need to hire me to turn those suckers into paying clients after they get a taste. The word "free" is the best thing that happened to internet marketing.

I have lost count how many times I clicked on a link because the Cheapo in me saw the word free.

Since you're serious,

Create a qualifications process for those seeking free stuff. Have them fill out a form with all their pertinent info. Clearly state that any false or incomplete info will prevent them from getting your free introductory offer.

With the info now truly weed out the false flag sites and see if you see any gems.

Another way you can turn those freebies into paying clients is to create something that's free, but with n upsell.

Many more ways you can create the trap, just use your creative imaginations. I do consulting work and I am not cheap, but for you, my initial review will be FREE!
It's up to you to convince the people who want something for free that it is not only necessary but worth their while to shell out money for paid consultation.

I don't know what the niche is, but I am sure there is some sort of way to take advantage of this.
For reals? You get leads at your doorstep and are angry?


Give them something 'free'. Then upsell.

Marketing is not rocket science, but some people make it out to be. For fuck sake man; do you even marketing?
Years ago, I worked in this call center for a shady business consultation company.

We'd spend all day cold-calling leads and qualifying them for a sit down with a sales representative.

Qualifying them involved finding out how much revenue they generated the previous year, how many employees they had, what areas of their business they would like to improve, etc.

All of this was done to simply see if this lead was worth their time. If the potential client was, what they would do is pay them a visit and try to get the business to show them their books. This allows them to get a ballpark figure on how much you can bleed the company dry. After that, they tell the business owner everything is a mess and they'll need all the expensive services if they even want to survive another year.

They targeted small-to-medium sized businesses exclusively because it would be likelier that the owner wouldn't know any better.

I would at least make all your tire-kickers fill out a big fat form spilling the beans on their business before offering anything.
Nah man, it's not like some of you are thinking. I gave the wrong impression and a bad example. My business isn't consulting, but similar in a way, and I am targeting only a certain clientele who can pay--and I almost always stay busy with full-paying clients because of my paying traffic. The "free" calls generally can't be converted in my business--if you have to ask, or you're searching for "free" then you probably can't afford it. I'm not being snobby, just realistic. I do see how in some niches if people are kicking tires or on the fence or just cheapskates, you maybe can convert/funnel/squeeze them. It ain't that way in my field. There ARE however, several agencies in town that will do what I do for a "free" or reduced rate, so when I get the free calls I send them there. Fuck em. It's fucking inconceivable to ME how anyone would do what I do for free or for less. I was just looking for alternative ways to deal with the managing the "free" traffic and ya'll have posted some good ideas, thanks!
So work a deal w the other agency. Sell the damn leads. Those are good fucking leads
So work a deal w the other agency. Sell the damn leads. Those are good fucking leads

Yeah, but are they the GLENGARRY leads?

[ame=""]Glengarry Glen Ross -- The LEADS (extended cut) - YouTube[/ame]
Years ago, I worked in this call center for a shady business consultation company.

We'd spend all day cold-calling leads and qualifying them for a sit down with a sales representative.

Qualifying them involved finding out how much revenue they generated the previous year, how many employees they had, what areas of their business they would like to improve, etc.

All of this was done to simply see if this lead was worth their time. If the potential client was, what they would do is pay them a visit and try to get the business to show them their books. This allows them to get a ballpark figure on how much you can bleed the company dry. After that, they tell the business owner everything is a mess and they'll need all the expensive services if they even want to survive another year.

They targeted small-to-medium sized businesses exclusively because it would be likelier that the owner wouldn't know any better.

I would at least make all your tire-kickers fill out a big fat form spilling the beans on their business before offering anything.

Was this call center based in Utah?
It works here so it must be sound advise,

In big letter put

Ballers Only
Peasants need not apply
I've got an old script somewhere I used to use for filtering traffic. On my phone at the moment or I'd look for it for you. Should be something similar out there.