Anyone Here Living Car Free?


Pedaling Down The Road
Dec 21, 2012
Capac, MI
Just sold my vechicle.
Got almost all my monies back that I put into...
Going to be living car free.

Fuck the oil companies!
Fuck the auto companies!

My main transportation now:


Do you wear black rimmed glasses and a fedora while you're riding it?
I just purchased a car, I was with one for almost 5 years. The only reason I bought one is because they are moving my department. I can no longer walk to work.
I am headed to asia..i wont have a car while there..just taxi.
I have been without car payment though for many years. both my cars are older right now..but been paid for for man has allowed me to invest
How will people know you are a successful #CEO if you cant floss your fly ass whips on Instagram?