Anyone heard of Affiliate Boost?

Anyone ever heard of Affiliate Boost?

Oh! Come on? There are better ways to promote your affiliate network than the ones you're using.

Classic DP thread - Quote from the thread -

I can make more money than any affiliate. Affiliate share profit with the company. I don't share profit.

Affiliates also take 100% of the risk. Pretty smart for the company, pretty dumb for the affiliate if they fall for the scheme.

The only reason affiliates become affiliates is because they have nothing better to make money. Think about it.

Oh! And fuck that hyphen :D

As I said before I am not actively looking for affiliates. I have had at least 7 sign ups from this thread.. I denied everyone but 1, which is someone I know. I started this network so my partners and I could promote offers direct. Since then we have slowly grew and it seemed like it was time to have a site.

@Jake1125, your statement "affiliates who take all the risk" is not true at all.... Affiliates and Networks are both taking a large risk when starting a relationship. I have taken several very large hits because of fraudulent leads, as any network have or will in the future.

The only reason I responded to his thread was because it was sent to me. I do not frequent forums and this will be my last post here.
No I would not, AND AGAIN WHY WOULD ANYONE SPAM WICKEDFIRE TO GET AFFILIATES....????? Answer that question and then we can talk. There MAYBE 5 people on this forum that I would allow into my network, and 3 are already in.

af-filiate-boo-st: Now accepting (2) new affiliates.
He had to spend all his money to pay his 1 affiliate his $68 commission.

Should've spent it on paying his writer for the content on his website.

See his inquiry on my thread here.

Jonathan sent me an order to write the content for his site on the 26th, which I delivered on the 29th. Our email contact:


The total cost is $100 and he sent me half upfront before I started. The content was delivered almost a week ago, and as you can see, there's no money and no response from him. I doubt he will even see this since he hasn't logged in to WF since Saturday.

Copied from his email on the 29th:
My paypal and eBay were limited yesterday for eBay selling. I have to submit invoices to prove I purchased the items I have sold (after I sold 50 of them and got positive feedback....). I am going to have my Uncle pay you by the end of the day. Sorry for the inconvenience. His PayPal e-Mail will be (email).

I tried to contact his "partner" who sent me the initial $50 and no response. I haven't emailed his "uncle" yet because I don't want to involve him and cause problems with Jon's family relationships.

If this guy is avoiding a $50 payment for his website content then I certainly wouldn't want to send him any traffic as an affiliate, that's for sure.

It looks like he hasn't put my content on the site yet, but here it is on my computer:


Not only spamming message boards to gain attention, but stiffing a writer who provided him with some decent site content.

First of all if I was trying to "Steal" your content wouldn't I put the content on my site? Do not sit here and make threats to me about a forum like WF. Who cares what thread you make, or what you say there? Do you think I care about $50? I have not been online as you can clearly see. Your payment has been sent now and you can continue to go cry where ever you please. For you to sit here and complain after 3 days about $50 show's how "professional" you are. Sometimes stuff comes up that prevents people from being online 24-7.


And you can keep your content, I would rather not have anything from you on my site.
