Anyone Have Weird Memory Problems When It Comes To Working?


Do you have clearly defined goals that drive you? Or just kind of 'drifting'?

Have you tried figuring out what 'works' vs. what 'doesn't'?

Focus on your strengths, outsource what you are not good at. Find interns or staff and have them create a campaign for you and then 'correct' them and make it better (since that's what you are not having problems with).
1) Stop watching video / internet porn and stop wanking

2) Start training with weights at the gym. Use one of the bazillion weight training programs out there.

3) Get a urine / blood panel done to find out the state of your hormones. Pay special attention to free testosterone, total testosterone and cortisol. Take them to a MD who specializes (or knows) about hormone health to find out if your levels are low and to get any prescriptions necessary to fix that.

NOTE: DO NOT just go in and start begging for ADD drugs like some people on this forum do as that's not going to fix anything.

4) Visit a naturopath or natural health expert (a real one, not someone from ezinearticles) to find out which supplements you can / should be taking based on how you want to live and the results from #3.

5) Start following a regular schedule with a productivity tool. I'd suggest The Pomodoro Technique® as would many others on this forum - download the free book and read it. It's like 20-30 pages and can really make an impact on your productivity.

Sometimes you need to go into maintenance mode and make some upgrades to your body to fix what's going wrong with the mind. The goal here is to try to avoid drugs until a health professional is sure that you need them. Medications are excellent (I'm a pharmacy student, believe me I have no issues with meds) but they are incredibly overprescribed. Try investing in yourself first.
We need to know more about your environment
Are you depressed? Are you working by yourself? I had a similar thing, took about 6 months almost completely off. It helped a bit, but I'm still not on the same level. Seems that change in environment may help.

If it's in your area of expertise, can you get a local client and work from their office (active environment) a couple of days a week? I noticed that I do a lot more shit this way. At home it's a bit different... Sitting by myself... Some days just listening to a lot of music... watching movies... reading... shit like that...

However, it helps to start the day with 20-30 min. workout and sometimes with a good book that gets you thinking about business, life, motivation, etc. My problem is that I kind of lost most of the goals... Just like you said, kind of lacking a reason... I know, it sucks. Was thinking to get some addy or something too, but don't think it's worth it. Tried it once, then ended up going out to the bars and pissing a lot of chicks off, it makes me mad or something. Drinking a lot of coffee - used to work, now it doesn't...

Setting a schedule sucks for me too - some days I do get into it and work till I am about to pass out - work while I feel like I can do a lot of shit - then, wake up at like 2pm pissed off that my schedule is all screwed up again... Oh well, I am just happy that I am at least half productive now. Was a lot worse before. Used to stress a lot about this shit, now I kind of take it as a natural thing... May be I do need to get more life and relax a bit, it's not all about work for me right now I guess.

Thinking to go fishing this weekend, etc... Had like no normal daily activities before, just some family, work and sitting around computer all day... Relax a bit. Do little tasks - I bet you can focus on those. Like 2-3 hour ones? Break everything down to the little tasks if you have to.

Hack edit: Needed to separate paragraphs :p
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Try meditation, it traings you to be able to focus and let go of your mind at the same time. Its helped me tons with improving my productivity rates.

The technique that I use is a buddhist meditation technique called vipassana
for the love of god don't just start randomly taking xanax, for some people it works, for some people it makes them suicidal (same with all other anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds).

Go see a doctor and start getting more sunlight per day ( ~ 1 hour day )
I have the same exact problem.

I find that many times this happens because I'm trying to procrastinate or I simply just have too much on my mind.

One thing I've found useful is to take out a piece of paper and write out as many thoughts as I can until I have nothing more to empty out onto the paper, I then start really working and my mind is much much more clear.
it sounds like you've somehow developed a negative subconscious association to your work, a link in your mind that fires off negative emotions & seeks to escape every time you think about working. the linkage may not even be logical or make any sense, but sometimes things get linked together subconsciously on accident. this is the underlying principle that makes habits so hard to break.

it sucks, but its fixable. you might consider looking into NLP (or other techniques) as a way to reconfigure those subconscious associations to work from negative back to positive. good luck, bro.

I think this is the main reason why. You guys brought up other ideas I hadn't thought about as well, but I think may be the big one.

do you use weed on regular basis?

I haven't smoked in probably 4 months. Never really was a big smoker. Just wasn't my thing. I like to drink that's about it.


Do you have clearly defined goals that drive you? Or just kind of 'drifting'?

Have you tried figuring out what 'works' vs. what 'doesn't'?

1. Nope, I mean there are some obvious goals that I think everyone has (eg. Making a lot of money), but to me I can't find the reason to go 110% and make that goal even though its pretty obvious that's an important goal for anyone to have.

And I think for goals to work you need a strong motivation that doesn't come from giving yourself a little pep talk or listening to tony robbins. I think the real driving force comes from finding a fire inside you and then connecting it to your goal. I have a feeling I have to find that fire again and then restructure it to fit a new goal.

for the love of god don't just start randomly taking xanax, for some people it works, for some people it makes them suicidal (same with all other anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds).

Go see a doctor and start getting more sunlight per day ( ~ 1 hour day )

Yea I'm not gonna go start downing xanax pills. It was just kind of throwing a feeler bait out there and see if maybe anyone was dealing with the same things I am and maybe xanax help'd fix that and I should look into it, but after reading all this advice I don't think I have an ADD problem.

Thanks for the advice everyone, helped me pin point some problematic areas.
I don't want to get into details here but I had a very traumatic and life-changing event happen a couple months ago in my personal life which involved the death of someone very, very close to me. I couldn't sleep, eat, or focus for shit. In the aftermath, doctors were passing out xanax to us like candy.

It made me more open, willing to talk, eased the "nervous" feeling in my stomach, and definitely helped me feel more relaxed. I wouldn't abuse it because you will build up a tolerance to it like anything else - but taking it when you feel nervous or depressed is definitely okay. It gets the job done, thats for sure. And there's no dirty buzz like other drugs. It feels very clean and pleasant.

I would look into it if you are interested. Or talk to a doctor and find out what your options are. There's no harm in that.

I no longer take it but I will say it helped me get through a very rough few weeks.
1. Nope, I mean there are some obvious goals that I think everyone has (eg. Making a lot of money), but to me I can't find the reason to go 110% and make that goal even though its pretty obvious that's an important goal for anyone to have.

And I think for goals to work you need a strong motivation that doesn't come from giving yourself a little pep talk or listening to tony robbins. I think the real driving force comes from finding a fire inside you and then connecting it to your goal. I have a feeling I have to find that fire again and then restructure it to fit a new goal.

Here is an idea, clearly define your goal. Having a lot of money is a goal but is bullshit. You need to break it down further.... why do you want to have a lot of money? What would you BUY with a lot of money? What would THAT give you?

Example: Having 1 million dollar is not a good goal in my opinion because it's not tangible.

Making $100,000 in a month in order to have startup capital to make a guerilla type movie about successful startups started by homeless, disadvantaged or minorities in the United States - is. Think about all the people you could interview, the things you would learn, and then the amazing movie you could create, bringing knowledge and hope to others. While promoting the movie you could sell movie rights, books, workshops etc. to make $1,000,000 while helping people.

Start with the dude that created FUBU, interview the lady that came up with SPANX, interview the guy that couch surfed at AOL.

Now, does that sound like more of an exciting goal then just 'Make a lot of money!'?

Just a thought....