Anyone Have Weird Memory Problems When It Comes To Working?


New member
May 3, 2008
I am noticing a growing problem I am having and I don't know if its ADD or just my brain being a lazy cunt.

Anyway lately my mind has been all over the place when ever I want to sit down and work on something. It's become so bad I feel like a noob when I am creating new campaigns and landing pages. It's as if when ever i start working my brain shuts off access to all the knowledge I've gained over the years and I'm totally clueless on how to go about building my campaign.

Yet 10 minutes later if someone asks me a question about their website and ask for advice ill have no problems pointing out whats wrong and offering advice that makes their websites better. But when it comes to my own websites and campaigns I just go blank, I feel like a kid whos finger painting all over the wall and for some reason I think my half ass'd attempt is going to work. Then sometime after when the landing page or campaign obviously didn't work I think back and go "what the fuck was I thinking, of course this shit wasn't going to work."

Am I the only one who experiences something like this? I think I dicked around too much and procrastinated for too long that now when ever I think of doing work my brain wants to shut down or wants me to do something more interesting.

If I had to guess, maybe its because I don't have a regular schedule so getting my brain into a working mode is harder since I don't follow a schedule.

I never gave a second thought to taking shit like xanax, but damn I might give it a try if it will jump start my brain again while working. Has anyone else dealt with anything like this?

Do you get regular exercise?

Also, if you don't find the work you do interesting, aren't you doing it wrong?
How big is the room you are in? Are there any windows? Etc.. We need to know more about your environment.
That's kind of weird. Maybe you should write down notes on how to make a good campaign and then look at your notes whenever you have memory problems?

I sometimes have the problem where I get so distracted with a bunch of different stuff that I never get work done. Wickedfire, go play counter strike for 15 minutes, eat, tv, check email, stats, news, etc...
Do you get regular exercise?

Also, if you don't find the work you do interesting, aren't you doing it wrong?

At the moment I don't do any full blown exercise routines like going to the gym for an hour, but I do walk about a mile or two everyday taking out the dogs.

As for the 2nd question. I don't know man, that's a tough question to answer for me nowadays. 4-5 Years ago I would of said hell yeah I love this shit. I couldn't wait to wake up and get working on my campaigns and making money.

I climbed that money mountain and make a lot of money awhile back. I dicked around too much and I didn't do serious work for about 2 years. When I came back the motivation wasn't there anymore. I felt like I climbed the mountain and I made a lot of money. To me I thought I reached the top, but there never is a top when it comes to money. I felt content, but I knew it wouldn't last forever so I would have to keep climbing to feel content.

I love what I do, But I think I am just lacking a reason to do it. Back when I was younger I had a reason to push to succeed. I had something to prove to everyone who thought I was crazy for doing this. When I succeeded It felt like a big accomplishment and a big F U to everyone. I think that's when I felt content. I think that was my biggest driving force, and now its gone.

I think I need something like that to get the fire burning under me again. It reminds me of a post i saw on reddit of a guy talking about that unbelievable fire you can get when someone does something wrong to you.

soincrediblylost comments on My girlfriend just got engaged with someone else that she has been dating secretly for 6 months. I'm committing suicide by hanging myself in 2½ hours...

That's pretty much how I felt. I had that unbelievable motivation to prove the people who doubted wrong.

That feeling is the ultimate motivator and I wish I could get that feeling back.
How often do you ejaculate?

Are you married?

Where do you live?

Do you have kids?

What school did you go to?

Do you have any underlying medical problems?

These are all important questions we need answers to to help.
How big is the room you are in? Are there any windows? Etc.. We need to know more about your environment.

My office is in probably a little 300sf room. One window. Not much to see outside of it either. Could be a reason why.

That's kind of weird. Maybe you should write down notes on how to make a good campaign and then look at your notes whenever you have memory problems?

I sometimes have the problem where I get so distracted with a bunch of different stuff that I never get work done. Wickedfire, go play counter strike for 15 minutes, eat, tv, check email, stats, news, etc...

I've tried this before by writing down a bunch of headlines and ideas for a campaign, but even while doing this I still have a problem recalling basic marketing knowledge and when I look over it I start noticing all the rookie mistakes. I think anything to do with work my brain says NOPE and wants to focus on something else.
How often do you ejaculate?

Are you married?

Where do you live?

Do you have kids?

What school did you go to?

Do you have any underlying medical problems?

These are all important questions we need answers to to help.

that's too many questions. Can I just give you my name and social security number and you can find all the answers for those questions for me?
My office is in probably a little 300sf room. One window. Not much to see outside of it either. Could be a reason why.

I've tried this before by writing down a bunch of headlines and ideas for a campaign, but even while doing this I still have a problem recalling basic marketing knowledge and when I look over it I start noticing all the rookie mistakes. I think anything to do with work my brain says NOPE and wants to focus on something else.

call me crazy and I will have no problem believing you, but try moving your office around or moving it completely, a lot of people recall things by creating mental images or pictures of things. In learning timeline therapy, there was a case where a guy moved into a smaller office and he couldn't get shit done and his performance suffered hard. It was because he couldn't create the images he used to create because of the office being smaller. When you said memory issues, I thought of this story right away.
that's too many questions. Can I just give you my name and social security number and you can find all the answers for those questions for me?

Sure thing bro, I've been meaning to get in touch with you and tell you that a Nigerian prince has left you $1.7 billion (you're apparently a distant heir!), too.. This just reminded me.

So PM me your bank details too.
You diagnosed yourself accurately in my opinion. I have had this same type of suspended brain animation a few times(time duration varied from hours to literal weeks). Each time, I have realized it is a result of a repetitive routine that grows tedious.

You have to take a break, maybe a day, maybe months, and retool your brain to facilitate the achievement of new goals. can order dominos and watch Sports Center for a year(like some guy who visited WF once did after he built a warchest).

Don't think you need to be getting a CAT scan at this point, but.........
call me crazy and I will have no problem believing you, but try moving your office around or moving it completely, a lot of people recall things by creating mental images or pictures of things. In learning timeline therapy, there was a case where a guy moved into a smaller office and he couldn't get shit done and his performance suffered hard. It was because he couldn't create the images he used to create because of the office being smaller. When you said memory issues, I thought of this story right away.

This brings up something interesting I've been thinking about. Not to long ago I hooked up my computer to my 50inch TV and at first I didn't like it, but I grew to like it except for the problem with the privacy of having a big 50 inch tv as your monitor.

Eventually I switched back to 22inch monitor on a desk. I don't know if this has any relation to it, but looking back I do remember being more 'creative' in thinking up new ways to market products. I don't know if it had anything to do with using a bigger screen or not, but it would be something worth split testing.

Sure thing bro, I've been meaning to get in touch with you and tell you that a Nigerian prince has left you $1.7 billion (you're apparently a distant heir!), too.. This just reminded me.

So PM me your bank details too.

I think I remember hearing about something like this before, but I must be having one of my brain farts. I think your a pretty trust worthy guy so I'll pm you my bank info. And I'll be sure to give you some of that money for notifying me.
1. Take a holiday to recharge.
2. You need a bigger purpose. Just grinding to make money gets old after while. I had this problem for a couple of years, I ended up hiring someone to help me sort it out. He was expensive as fuck, but well worth it - I now know exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing, and I work like a man possessed (and enjoy it). I can hook you up if you like, PM me and I'll put you in touch.
You diagnosed yourself accurately in my opinion. I have had this same type of suspended brain animation a few times(time duration varied from hours to literal weeks). Each time, I have realized it is a result of a repetitive routine that grows tedious.

You have to take a break, maybe a day, maybe months, and retool your brain to facilitate the achievement of new goals. can order dominos and watch Sports Center for a year(like some guy who visited WF once did after he built a warchest).

Don't think you need to be getting a CAT scan at this point, but.........

Yea I think your right. I'm always in a constant routine of basically waking up and getting on the computer to TRY to work, but usually end up procrastinating while doing smalls spurts of 'work'.

I usually take a night off and go out to the bar every once in awhile and take the day off the next day to recover. That usually helps, but the effect doesn't last very long.

1. Take a holiday to recharge.
2. You need a bigger purpose. Just grinding to make money gets old after while. I had this problem for a couple of years, I ended up hiring someone to help me sort it out. He was expensive as fuck, but well worth it - I now know exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing, and I work like a man possessed (and enjoy it). I can hook you up if you like, PM me and I'll put you in touch.

PM sent
it sounds like you've somehow developed a negative subconscious association to your work, a link in your mind that fires off negative emotions & seeks to escape every time you think about working. the linkage may not even be logical or make any sense, but sometimes things get linked together subconsciously on accident. this is the underlying principle that makes habits so hard to break.

it sucks, but its fixable. you might consider looking into NLP (or other techniques) as a way to reconfigure those subconscious associations to work from negative back to positive. good luck, bro.
The good news is you don't have a memory problem. You have an ambition problem to which I have a very sime remedy

Go buy something you can barely afford or can't afford. Maybe it's a boat, maybe it's a car,or a house. preferably you get a loan. If you care anything about your manhood you will figure out how to pay for it. And bam motivation problem solved
I never gave a second thought to taking shit like xanax, but damn I might give it a try if it will jump start my brain again while working. Has anyone else dealt with anything like this?

Xanax causes memory problems so probably not what you need.

As you said you had a purpose before and now that's gone so need to find something else to motivate you.
do you use weed on regular basis?

I know how that sounds, and a lot of people are telling there's not problem with it, but there is for some people. After smoking for 2 years almost every day, I had some problems figuring out things like you. It will pass away if you stop your weed for a few months.

That being said,, build a methodology. Like a plan, but with big number of steps you can follow. Don't think too much of the bigger picture, but grow a habit to have short term goals leading you to the point where you want to be. That will help with the motivation. If you don't have motivation your brain will think that whatever you are doing is not important and will not give you access to that information (easily).

Also, I think you might be distracted by something around you/in your live. Maybe have some thoughts around that.
If you're having a problem with motivation then check this out:

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