Anyone have experience making a fake Medical Bill?


Oct 14, 2010
I need to create a fake medical bill for a movie i'm making.. Anyone have any ideas? Or have experience doing so?

Someone give the Hitler youth kid here some advice on how to commit medical insurance fraud. We need more lulz here.
why not just go to a walk-in clinic and get a REAL medical bill for an hour of your time and $50?

you can get your fucking head examined while you're there.

Wtf are you guys talking about.. I've been a member here since 2010 and I get treated like this? It's a medical bill for a movie skit
Wtf are you guys talking about.. I've been a member here since 2010 and I get treated like this? It's a medical bill for a movie skit

That's not what your original post said, so now you're lying to us. You said you needed to get an account back.
Oh are you another arrogant dumb fuck who bought an aged wickedfire account on DP?

Location: Hong Kong

I've been in the game since 2005 honcho. Anyways I'll go ahead and delete it. I remember when everyone on wicked fire was actually helpful, now everybody looks to bash someone the first chance they get.
That's not what your original post said, so now you're lying to us. You said you needed to get an account back.

There's no better way to get WF on your side than treating them like complete fucking idiots and then throw up the "I've been here since 2010 so you better respect me!" in their collective face to prove that you're entitled to the information you're demanding.
Location: Hong Kong

I've been in the game since 2005 honcho. Anyways I'll go ahead and delete it. I remember when everyone on wicked fire was actually helpful, now everybody looks to bash someone the first chance they get.

Nah, stick around. Don't worry about the haters.

This thread has potential. :)
There's no better way to get WF on your side than treating them like complete fucking idiots and then throw up the "I've been here since 2010 so you better respect me!" in their collective face to prove that you're entitled to the information you're demanding.

But it is a good way to start things like...

...I've represented some big brands, I've been a member since 2010 at one point
Location: Hong Kong

Okay? And? You do realize that HK is a business friendly international financial center with low taxes right? Nah, you're just another ignoramus who incorrectly assumes HK is some kind of third world hellhole.

I've been in the game since 2005 honcho. Anyways I'll go ahead and delete it. I remember when everyone on wicked fire was actually helpful, now everybody looks to bash someone the first chance they get.

For someone who has been in the game since 2005, you didn't learn much and aren't impressing anybody.
Wtf are you guys talking about.. I've been a member here since 2010 and I get treated like this? It's a medical bill for a movie skit

I read the OP before you edited it, where it said you needed a medical account to "get an account unbanned".

Why the fuck would anyone need a fake medical bill for a "movie skit"?

Is the movie about telling the difference between a real medical bill and a forgery?
Found OP's movie:

Step 1. Open your internet browser, internet explorer
Step 2. In the address bar, type the string ""
Step 3. Once at the website Google, type "Copy of Medical Bill" and hit enter
Step 4. Choose a medical bill form the results and click on it and click the View Original Image Button
Step 5. Left Click with your mouse and select the option Save Image As.. and save the image to your computer
Step 6. Open the file in Adobe Photoshop or similar editing software and edit the bill
Step 7. Print out the Fake Bill
Step 8. Put the Fake Bill in your mouth
Step 9. Poop out the Fake Bill
Step 10. Eat the Fake Bill Again
Step 11. Profit
Location: Hong Kong
This fool must be TRIPPI'n Bluechinagroup has a special place in my heart.
Ma nigga, have you never heard of a little software called mychanger? I'd suck a dogs dick to get my hands on something like that again, Got to have to earn respect before you can cash it and spend it on the bitties.