Anyone getting married soon?

i got fucking dumped yesterday night man, great thread to see right now.

So did I a couple of weeks ago. I was even planning on proposing.

Fuck it. You fall, you get up, you get stronger. You only lose if you don't use the pain to better yourself.
I really liked the demo! One question though, does this service include a happy ending?
Really impressive demo video. Considering I'm 3 weeks into a relationship I don't see myself getting married anytime soon but maybe if everything goes right and she is still doing it in 3-5 years who knows I would probably go for her services...especially since you live near me.
Solid work.... I bet she likes Jane Campion.

If I were her I would contact every photographer, every wedding dress shop, every wedding boutique, every wedding florist, cake designer, etc... ask for 10 minutes of their time, MEET them in person with laptop in hand, show them the video, and then let them know that she'd be willing to offer 30% referral commission. And I'd bring gifts for their time ($15 Starbucks gift cards... whatever. JUST SOMETHING. Prove to them you are not a broke joke, and that you're serious about giving for time and thought.)

And then I'd redo the lander to have the video autoplay and have contact info on the home page. That flash stuff is nice, and artsy types like it, but the video is the magic, and the more people who see that, the better off she'll be.

I could go on and on... but that's a decent start.

Oh, and obviously, ranking that video with a little youtube help for the easy to rank for terms is a must.
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Solid work.... I bet she likes Jane Campion.

If I were her I would contact every photographer, every wedding dress shop, every wedding boutique, every wedding florist, cake designer, etc... ask for 10 minutes of their time, MEET them in person with laptop in hand, show them the video, and then let them know that she'd be willing to offer 30% referral commission. And I'd bring gifts for their time ($15 Starbucks gift cards... whatever. JUST SOMETHING. Prove to them you are not a broke joke, and that you're serious about giving for time and thought.)

And then I'd redo the lander to have the video autoplay and have contact info on the home page. That flash stuff is nice, and artsy types like it, but the video is the magic, and the more people who see that, the better off she'll be.

I could go on and on... but that's a decent start.

Oh, and obviously, ranking that video with a little youtube help for the easy to rank for terms is a must.

Great advice.
Solid work.... I bet she likes Jane Campion.

If I were her I would contact every photographer, every wedding dress shop, every wedding boutique, every wedding florist, cake designer, etc... ask for 10 minutes of their time, MEET them in person with laptop in hand, show them the video, and then let them know that she'd be willing to offer 30% referral commission. And I'd bring gifts for their time ($15 Starbucks gift cards... whatever. JUST SOMETHING. Prove to them you are not a broke joke, and that you're serious about giving for time and thought.)

And then I'd redo the lander to have the video autoplay and have contact info on the home page. That flash stuff is nice, and artsy types like it, but the video is the magic, and the more people who see that, the better off she'll be.

I could go on and on... but that's a decent start.

Oh, and obviously, ranking that video with a little youtube help for the easy to rank for terms is a must.

thanks for the advice!

what lander are you talking about though? We don't have a lander yet I'm still trying to get one made up =P