Anyone getting married soon?


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
This is a little bit off topic, it's for anyone that is getting married soon.

I'm trying to help my sister get some more clients for a new business she's started.

She graduated from film school 2 years ago, and won a lot of awards for the short film she did as her final project. Since then she's shot & edited some feature length films & has traveled to Argentina (she was there during the earthquake), Cuba, and other places to shoot documentaries.

Her dream is to make a feature film of her own, and while she's developing the script and trying to find production funding, she's started a wedding film business to pay the rent.

However, I think this wedding business will pick up for her and become her primary focus, the films she makes are amazing.

She makes super high quality documentary style films about your wedding. I wish I had this 3 years ago when I got married.

If you are getting married and if money is no issue, I'd appreciate giving this some thought!

Her packages range from low 4 figures to mid 5 figures, depending on what you want. (ie if you want a 30 min documentary of your destination wedding in Fiji, it would cost mid 5 figures including travel and expenses for her and a couple crew members)

She's shot 5 weddings so far, here's a demo of a few of the films she's got under her belt now.

Eye Heart Films Demo on Vimeo

thanks guys.

Not getting married, but cool idea and good luck!! She should contact photographer firms and wedding planners in different localities and get them to upsell her services.
Not getting married, but cool idea and good luck!! She should contact photographer firms and wedding planners in different localities and get them to upsell her services.

Definitely this. Make her make some calls, send some DVD samples and some wow-ing physical letters to wedding planners with some of her work.

My advise is to give a call to entertainment booking agencies. (the type that plans everything like stage, transportation, audio and talent for social activities)

I have a good client that runs a booking agency and he gets pretty cool corporate clients, he simply delegates videographers and other stuff if a client shows interest in that stuff and simply makes it part of a package. I'm positive she can find some agency that doesn't have a superb video crew and can easily make some connections or maybe even get some contacts.

The business is largely built by reputation and referrals. Unless she wants to cold sell couples into buying her $XX,XXX, she just has to get her name out there and make some connections with the right people. (a few entertainment agencies ftw, if you ask me)
looks cool. man, there are some shitty wedding videographers out there (never been married lol, but i just know)

the pro-film angel should really sell- you should do some leadgen for her on facebook, target engaged === $$$$$
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looks cool. man, there are some shitty wedding videographers out there (never been married lol, but i just know)

the pro-film angel should really sell- you should do some leadgen for her on facebook, target engaged === $$$$$

Ya man that's for sure!! My dad is in the wedding video business for 15 years and also video transfer services (between mediums). He showed me some of the stuff done by the "pros", and it's just laughable. I just can't believe people pay over $1,000 for that. It's just garbage. The industry is full of "self titled" videographers who have no clue how to use a camera and what to do with lights. Now with the availability of cheap cameras, it is worse than ever. It is so refreshing to see someone like OP's sister doing something quality and different in this industry.
re: the agency/upsell route, she's been to wedding shows and has partnered with some photographers to upsell her services.

I'm trying to go the route of finding her some really good clients that see the value and don't mind dropping 5 figures on something as unique and memorable/awesome as this - instead of financially constrained couples that will try to haggle with her, and only want the smaller packages.

looks cool. man, there are some shitty wedding videographers out there (never been married lol, but i just know)

the pro-film angel should really sell- you should do some leadgen for her on facebook, target engaged === $$$$$

genius. why didn't I think of that!

Thanks man I'll get right on that one.
Marriage will ruin your life if you don't find the right one. In my experience, the best relationships happen when you don't try to make them happen.
So I'm definitely going to make up a sales page with a nice video on it for doing some Facebook ads and other PPC.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for someone who can design me a couple of impressive sales pages?

I'm just thinking out loud here, but I think the general concept would be like...

ppc ad targeting engaged females, try different ad copy to attract different personalities.

person clicks to the sales page

headline re: making a film featurette on their engagement and special day, (maybe another version having to do with being the envy of all your friends, another one about having a unique wedding, etc)

30 second - 1 min teaser trailer.

some sales copy re: the theme of the ad and headline - in the sales copy we sell the personalized service you get, give the price of the different packages, say how we can only do x weddings a year, and to contact us soon as we can only do x weddings a year.

another 1-2 minute teaser video,(this time a follow up with the couples to say how happy they were that they got the video. Or perhaps another angle could be a behind the scenes and interview with my sister and some of the brides.)

email opt in box to schedule a free phone consultation with a questionnaire to pre-qualify prospects:
when are you getting married
where are you getting married
what is your wedding budget
what package are you interested in

Then a 1-800 number at the bottom of the page for anyone who wants to phone us and leave a message.

No idea if it will work, but maybe also feature a bad wedding video in black and white, like they do in infomercials. Kinda like "don't let this happen to you" video sample. E.g. video all shaky (drunk uncle as a camera man), or just off focus... Basically anything that would be unsatisfactory.
No idea if it will work, but maybe also feature a bad wedding video in black and white, like they do in infomercials. Kinda like "don't let this happen to you" video sample. E.g. video all shaky (drunk uncle as a camera man), or just off focus... Basically anything that would be unsatisfactory.

great idea man we'll definitely do a split test and try one like that.
I was very impressed with the quality of the footage she shot. From the looks of the demo she does a great job. Sending this threads link to some friends now
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I watched some of her other stuff. Very good. She's talented. Tell her to stick with it.
SEO the shit out of her website.

Wedding photography/videography is a hot market. People usually do a lot of research before deciding and don't mind opening up their wallets.