Anyone ever run a FREE IPOD program or something like that?

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mr. someone is english a second language cause I couldn't make heads or tails of your post.
no, sorry, first. I was just caught up in other thigns and tried to post quick.
I don't do the email and address stuff b/c I make money w/o doing it. I hate when people gather emails and sell them, so I don't do it. I make money b/c people sign up and do offers for me which results in me getting money. Yes they get money for doing the offers, but I make money off every offer, from surveys to trials - every offer.

Thanks for links to scripting sites...I will check those out.

As far as forms - I have yet to run a test where fewer fields in a form converts worse than more. Interesting theory on login making people more likely to continue, idea is worth a test.

I do have enough data to suggest that the email address is harder to get as a one field than a zip. What I dont have is the data saying what percentage of people drop between zip and email/address page. I get paid (sometimes...) at that point, even if the co-reg path guy does not.

I suspect that the email first wins (higher payout somewhat confirms that), but since I dont get access to that data, the only way for me to test it would be to create my own scripts which I intend to work on.

Some really nice wide open niches that can drive cheap traffic if I can just customize an offer for that traffic. I have everything except the programming ability to make it happen.

Damn those women and all that alcohol in college. I should have been a nerd and hung out at the computer lab instead of out chasing tail. If I could take simple ideas and make them work from a programming point of view I would be much wealthier.
Lazar, Have you tried delayed reporting? I promoted a mortgage affiliate and they didn't report until the following day a lot of times. If you didn't do real time would have made it better? Any insight/good ideas are always welcome.

I love to hear what hasn't worked for you, and maybe some ideas on possibilities of how you might do it differently to make it work next time?

Thanks for all the responses guys!

I did try delayed reporting and the people still bitched. "Not enough instant offers" blah blah. The thing with these also is you are going to need a bit of capital when you start up unless you are on weekly or bi weekly payments. Net15 or Net30 could be a killer since someone could finish all their offers say on Dec 1. but then have to wait til Jan15 or Jan30 to get their gift shipped.
A place with some insight about this stuff is It's where they all hang out and trade and sell offers. The people are really anal about this stuff.

those aren't the people you should be targeting anyway if you ask me. The average surfer is the one you want, especially if your targeting email addresses.

I can guarantee you almost everyone on that site uses an email address that is disposable that they never use other than for free offers.
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