Anyone ever run a FREE IPOD program or something like that?

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New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
I'm wondering how those work and if anyone has ever been an affiliate advertiser. I see so many zip submit programs, email submit programs offering free stuff I figure these guys must be making good money. I'd love to get some input on how these guys are making money and whats involved.


I've thought about it too. I think they are just incentivized offer sites. So to get your free elmo you have to sign up for x amount of offers that would pay you $xxx. The incentive tracking scripts seem to be a little spendy.
ive done it... hard to get people to trust you... the ipod site got alot of trust from all the media placements.
Yeah now personally i dont understand how any of the zip submits really convert for them really well. But the concept is to get your product you need to sign up for 5 trial offers of which the advertiser is an affiliate of, so they get their commission for that, then send you the product which is worth less than the commissions they took in. Thats the theory.
Requires a lot of netoworkign with netflix, blockbuster, ect to create the offers.

why don't you shut your fucking mouth b/c you obviously haven't done this and are 100% wrong. lots of cpa places allow incentivizing both of these.
My take on this is that they are just repackaging offers available elsewhere and putting them all in one spot. I went through the process the other night and every single item I saw was the same or similar to offers I have seen on CPA networks and even on CJ.

The one I did was not really that well done. The first page had something like 40 offers on it, and to choose an offer you had to then select the radio yes/no button for all 40. Even if I was curious about one of the offers, it seemed like a lot of work.

Out of curiosity, I went through like 6-8 pages declining every offer, until I noticed that I was starting to see the same stuff over and over.

User experience was horrible...
I get the impression these sites have 2 goals. Their main goal seems to be to collect personal info on a person and their email address. Their TOS almost always says but submitting you are allowing them to email you offers. So they then turn around and use all the emails they collect to promote affiliate offers via email.

As far as the offers they provide, they are probably happy if they can just get enough sign ups to cover their affiliate program costs. Done right, it turns into a self generating free email collection program.

That's just the feeling I get. Who knows, maybe they are generating tons of cash without even using the emails they collected.
I was reading about resources to pull something off like this on another forum yesterday. They provided a lot of good information. Here is a script that powers the whole operation, unless you really want to code your own:

This looks very similar to the script Gratis uses. It probably is.
I've also run one before. It works, but in my opinion isn't worth the hassle. If an offer doesn't report instantly, or if anything even remotely hiccups, the people go apeshit. It was a headache and a half for me.
Also, these people collecting e-mails and addresses turn around and sell these lists to other companies and marketing firms.

Oh, you're looking to target people interested in electronics? Well I've got a list of xxx,xxx people with e-mail and home address that all signed up for a free ipod. I'll sell you this list for 10 cents per name... sell that to enough people and you're M-O-N-E-Y. So yeah, if they're not using it for their own affiliate conversions and offers, they're selling the lists. (or doing both)
This looks very similar to the script Gratis uses. It probably is.
That script sucks, and so do the owners. I got that script, then had a custom one made....and nothing but problems.

I ran some of these sites, stop doing it, and just started a few more recently. Money in it? Of course. I don't do any of that address and email BS either...I could really care less about it too. That isn't where I make any money as I have no interest in it.
And yes, it sucks when people don't credit but yet 'they did' the offer. Bunch of babies that don't understand how things work, but thats just part of how things go.

edit - none of my sites were that "submit your email" crap and also none of the 1 billion pages of "accept/decline offer bs" crap.
mr. someone is english a second language cause I couldn't make heads or tails of your post.

Had a custom script made and nothing but problems?
That's great you don't do email and address, WHY?
If that's not where you make money, WHERE DO YOU?

It sounds like you have some good info and I'd love for you to elaborate more as I really don't understand what you're saying.
I've also run one before. It works, but in my opinion isn't worth the hassle. If an offer doesn't report instantly, or if anything even remotely hiccups, the people go apeshit. It was a headache and a half for me.

Lazar, Have you tried delayed reporting? I promoted a mortgage affiliate and they didn't report until the following day a lot of times. If you didn't do real time would have made it better? Any insight/good ideas are always welcome.

I love to hear what hasn't worked for you, and maybe some ideas on possibilities of how you might do it differently to make it work next time?

Thanks for all the responses guys!
Seriously why are so many people answering that have no clue how it works.

The key is the registration path. You are going to pay out for the email or zip submit. Then you have to get that money back by having your visitors fill out offers on the inside of your zip/email sub. This is either done by using your own registration path software or outsourcing that piece to companies like

The final step is the hard offers. These hard offers should cover the cost of the giveaway and the profit you are looking to make.

It is a lot of hard work, but obviously if you figure out the backend it can be very profitable.
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Shameless Plea/Will work for programming

Anyone have the programming skills to build something similar to this?

I have some ideas in niches that are totally unexploited?

My programmer decided to go back home and I am having zero luck finding anyone with a clue to help me with projects. If you can build scripts to do things like this, then send me a PM.

I plan to do some tests to see is forms that ask for an email address AND password (like have a higher sign up rate than ones that just ask for the email address.

At first I would have thought no, but this may trick people into thinking they are signing up for a login as opposed to someone just wanting to collect their email address.
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