Anyone ever done stand up comedy at an open mic night?

Don't ever come again for your morning glass of goat milk! Grandma said you will get none.

She said exactly "neahhh, neahhh bhhaaa medicalhumor".

Fuck you STS, I'm procrastinating again.

Meh, your grandmother has not produced milk in a decade.

I wear down all my competition with STS procrastination.

Funniest part in that stand-up was this, lol

And before anyone asks...No, I didn't do any material on periods, weight loss or bad boyfriends.

I was going to "like" your post any way, but when I read this I really liked it lol.

edit: The only thing I would add to that is decide for yourself if your jokes are funny, and go out there and just say fuck it. Get a few beers in you, smoke a joint, do whatever you do to get in your zone and then just open cannon on the crowd. If they laugh great, if they don't fuck them they were a shitty audience who didn't get your jokes. The best thing about being an artist over a say a mathematician is that everyone's opinion of your work is just that, their opinion. If you find your material funny, that's all that matters. Grade yourself based on well YOU performed, not on how much the audience liked your jokes. The guy before you might have been hilarious and a different style, there may be a heckler who's drunk and had a bad day, etc you can't control the audience's reaction to your material, but you can make sure your jokes are funny to you and you deliver them to the best of your ability.
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my brother and I did this a few years ago, but we did an Andy Kaufman style bit that only 1-2 people out of 50 or so thought was funny.

My brother is 6'5 280 lbs and was pretending to be my caregiver. I of course was in a wheelchair pretending to be retarded.

We'd been at the club for an hour before our turn and people had seen my brother blow up in anger at me, with a couple of people actually coming to my defense. (leave him alone! can't you see he's scared?)

When we got on stage, my brother told a couple of dumb jokes to piss people off, and then turned his anger at their response on me. It ended with me falling out of my wheelchair and a couple of bros threatening to kick my brother's ass.

Someone also called the cops, and I had to come out of character eventually, which made people even more mad.

Obviously much funnier for us than the crowd.

that is AWESOME.

Reminds me of an Anthony Jeselnik quote. His comedy is very dark (and absolutely hilarious) and there's an interview with him where he said after one of his shows two chics came up to him and asked "are you really like that in real life or were you just joking?" his response was "Well here's a clue, I'm on stage at a FUCKING COMEDY CLUB. chances are jokes are on the way"