Anyone else seeing frozen AuctionAds stats?

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
For many days in a row now, my AuctionAds show NO impressions whatsoever. Despite the fact that my webstats and Adwords stats tell me that the page in question has had visitors.

Here are my Adwords stats (from .csv file) for May 5th - 7th

And here are the numbers for those same days according to AuctionAds:

I think I will pull the plug on my ppc campaign today since this is money invested going nowhere...

Is it just me having these issues?

hmm I just checked my stats and they seem to be doing just fine, its been showing the impressions, clicks, and profit these last few weeks, ever since they did that last update I haven't seen a problem.
Have you checked your pages?

I've had several where I had to recreate the code in AA and paste it in my pages replacing the existing code.

Not sure why 'cause what I could tell they looked identical but the old code on the page wouldn't load but the newly generated code would.
Yeah my pages load fine. I did discover a serious issue however. The thing is - Google doesn't have an explanation for it...

My landing page URL is like this:

I have tested through a proxy site, tried searching for one of my keywords, and my ad shows up like it should. But.... when I click on my ad, I get this error page:

[FONT=&quot]Not Found[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The requested URL /MySubdomain?gclid=CMbgkLev_ocCFToYgiQodugIaxA was not found on this server.[/FONT]

So that explains why all my clicks go to waste... :( Everyone who clicks on my ad, gets taken to a Not Found page with some weird ass error. Hence no AuctionAds impressions. :eek:

I chatted with a Google representative online and explained the situation. The person had never seen such a problem before but said she was gonna "take the issue on to technical staff". I still haven't heard anything :(
Yeah my pages load fine. I did discover a serious issue however. The thing is - Google doesn't have an explanation for it...

My landing page URL is like this:

I have tested through a proxy site, tried searching for one of my keywords, and my ad shows up like it should. But.... when I click on my ad, I get this error page:

[FONT=&quot]Not Found[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The requested URL /MySubdomain?gclid=CMbgkLev_ocCFToYgiQodugIaxA was not found on this server.[/FONT]

So that explains why all my clicks go to waste... :( Everyone who clicks on my ad, gets taken to a Not Found page with some weird ass error. Hence no AuctionAds impressions. :eek:

I chatted with a Google representative online and explained the situation. The person had never seen such a problem before but said she was gonna "take the issue on to technical staff". I still haven't heard anything :(
I'm really not impressed with AuctionAds at all. I've had it running for about a week now and I've got $1.28 from about 100 clicks. That's just bullshit. It would be kinda ok if I wasn't paying for the traffic. I can get so much more from Adsense with 100 clicks... CTR also sucks donkey's balls.

I know there's plenty of people doing really well with AuctionAds, but I just can't get it to work properly. Or does the stats really lag so bad that I'm not seeing every sale yet?
I don't know if you can use a link like that, they are inserting code at the end of the string for you to parse. You should just send it to a page instead of the directory and that would solve your problem.
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