Anyone else hate not being a programmer?

When we hire programmers we generally do our interviews in Python and Java since most developers (especially those who recently went to school for Computer Science) feel most comfortable with those languages.

However then once they are on board they almost always are coding in Scala (usually an easy transition from Java) or Ruby (usually an easy transition from Python).

Really I wouldn't worry too much about what language you learn. Good programmers are able to very seamlessly switch from one language to another. Languages are more similar than they are different and with most modern IDE's and Google, the things that are different are very easy to pick up.

For that reason, if someone says they only feel comfortable in one or two languages that would be a red flag for us.
I'm sure work exists out there, but just look at a) what other web sites use as their back-end, and b) any of the 5000 job boards out there, and see what skills people are looking for. is pretty far down on both of those lists.

Expedia is one the site I can think of which uses ASP, but that's about it. Google tends to prefer Python / C++, Amazon uses a combo of C++ / Java / Perl / Python / Ruby, Reddit uses Python, Facebook uses C++ / their own compiled version of PHP, and so on. Or check out smaller sites -- Wickedfire for example would be PHP based.

All I'm saying is you don't see a lot of sites powered by out there. Again, if I was just entering the dev world and picking a language, I would go with Python. It's an extremely powerful, easy to learn & read, versatile language that can be used for pretty near anything. Whether you need to do a web app framework, or a GUI desktop app, or a multi-threaded bot of some kind -- Python can do the job!

Have you done a flask project yet?
Yes, learn flask, make stuff with it. Your code looks decent, it's been years since I used QT so I can't really make any sort of in-depth analysis.

BTW - my dick waving code is progressing nicely :)
I'm sure work exists out there, but just look at a) what other web sites use as their back-end, and b) any of the 5000 job boards out there, and see what skills people are looking for. is pretty far down on both of those lists.

Expedia is one the site I can think of which uses ASP, but that's about it. Google tends to prefer Python / C++, Amazon uses a combo of C++ / Java / Perl / Python / Ruby, Reddit uses Python, Facebook uses C++ / their own compiled version of PHP, and so on. Or check out smaller sites -- Wickedfire for example would be PHP based.

All I'm saying is you don't see a lot of sites powered by out there. Again, if I was just entering the dev world and picking a language, I would go with Python. It's an extremely powerful, easy to learn & read, versatile language that can be used for pretty near anything. Whether you need to do a web app framework, or a GUI desktop app, or a multi-threaded bot of some kind -- Python can do the job!

talking about job boards,

you can compare the jobs for, django, c# and python.

Stackoverflow runs on and many other established companies. I guess after php the next widely used framework is on the web.

Yes startups usually do not want to go the route coz of costs. But then again 5(vNext) is moving towards opensource. So there might be a different trend now.

It depends on the kind of clients u want as a freelancer developer/small dev shop. If you want startups(new and established) and as ur clients or u want established/corporate companies as your clients. Ofcourse there will be a lot of cases where you have corporates using python, java, c++, ruby and startups using

The bottom line is the demand/work for is as much as any other particular open source counterpart in terms of volume and pay for freelance developers and dev shops.
Any good reasons to learn programming if you run paid traffic campaigns for affiliate $? Like you don't really need any programming knowledge to operate with ad network, tracking software, excel and basic wordpress, html websites. Not talking about creating apps and such things that require a lot of hassle.
Hey mpbiz, you still fucking with obj c? I don't know how anyone could choose to work in xcode all day, let alone in obj c. Everything is fucking tedious my god.

I've been upgrading this app that someone else made, which was written native for ios, and it subclasses a view controller from a unity project, which is pretty sick for embedding 3d content from Unity into a native ios experience as just another view. But goddamn it makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

I moved to a big company that does a lot of virtual reality which is fun as fuck. Just got some gear VR's and are updating a project from oculus rift 2's to the gears. Waiting for HTC vive's dev kits to come out which will be amazing. Too many VR choices, it's insane. Still awaiting hololens, morpheus, etc.

For augmented reality we've started using this sdk because it's cross platform and has a shit ton of crazy features: metaio | Products most of these computer vision frameworks are based off OpenCV | OpenCV
I think it depends on your mindset. My Bachelor's was in Comp Sci with a focus in Programming. Now I want to do web programming and my main issue is time, there's just not enough of it. Between my day job, which I hate, and my Master's (database dev), it's a crapshoot.

What I really want to learn is Ruby on Rails. Ruby will be pretty easy because I already have the fundamentals of OOP and base programming knowledge. Web stuff is where I really need to learn and expand.

I have a project that I want to work that, which I know if profitable. But the rest of my life is getting in the way, haha.

Thing is that the day job pays the bills, quite well. Guess that's the thing about working with specialized IT systems...

What we really need is a remote that can pause time. That would be sweet.
I'm curious, what do you learn in Comp Sci?

I remember back when I had employees, one of my methods of finding them was plastering bulletins around the local university. So I ended up with a couple recent graduates from the 4 year Comp Sci program. Three months into the job, I asked them if their Comp Sci degree helped any with the job, and they just laughed, and said "not in the slightest".
The thing that annoyed me about my Bachelor's was all the General Education stuff. I know it's supposed to make you a well rounded individual and so on, but I found myself just wanting to learn more about computers.

My focus was in Programming so my programming classes were really good. The irony is that I ended up in a job that really has nothing to do with programming... Awesome how that worked out.

I'm not tooting my own horn here, but with the systems I work with now have maybe 100-200 people in the world that work with them. Of course you have the development and admin side of things. From what I am told, I am one of the top 5 admins of these systems.

In my opinion, any class in college that taught all concepts was pretty much a complete waste of time. Concepts are basically useless, unless its something like Object Oriented Programming concepts that are followed up with hands-on coding. If you don't get to put your hands on it, then there's really not use in teaching it. In my opinion any university offering a BS or MS in a field like Comp Sci should have to provide the education that a technical school provides as well (our education system is broken).

What I have used over the years, has been information from technical classes. Ironically, the information that we hated to study, like the different parts of a TCP stack and understanding network traffic flow has helped to diagnose different issues that I have encountered to determine when there is a systems or a network issue. Things like this really came in handy when working on really crappy networks in the middle east.

When I first started working with the systems I work with now, the database classes I took in college allowed me to start understanding how the system database worked and writing my own scripts to query data and correct issues.

So, in my opinion, if someone says it was a complete waste, I think they are full of it. But I also think that there is a lot missing from our education system that would make it so much better.

I graduated 7 years ago now so I'm trying to remember everything, ha. I can't believe it's nearing a decade already. Ugh.
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Happy seeing this thread still on top, reading through it the first time last year helped me overcome a bunch of mental blocks I've had in regards to programming.

If anyone reading is new to programming, I'll simply say this - Everything about programming is overwhelming at first - but just know that if you keep pushing, things will fall into place. The experience and logic gained in one language will help you tremendously in the next. Focus on only what you need to know to achieve the next step, don't get bogged down on the details. Equally as important... Work towards an actual script, function, or application with a clear end goal.

Some mental blocks I've had before,

-I mistakenly thought that programming was always going to be as hard as it is in the beginning... IT'S NOT! With the experience I've gained since last year, I was able to pick up a new scripting language(powershell) three days ago and write a little application in it, that's already in use on a live corporate environment to make a team of people more efficient in their tasks. Mountains become molehills with experience.

-I thought because I wasn't good at math in school, that I wouldn't like programming... another huge mistake, programming is very rewarding! Unless you're really bogged down on a specific problem, there's a constant feedback and progress being made.

-I thought that I'd never be able to pick a language, and what's the point of learning a language when 20 new ones come out each year and old ones die off quicker than meth producers in an unventilated lab... BRRRPP wrong, logic, systems and processes are eternal and more important than specifics, syntax and language.(which can all be quickly looked up)

-It's hard to get help, and programmers are condescending dicks... WRONG, just go on seriously awesome community. Yesterday I posted a detailed question with code, something I had been stuck on for a few hours and had already done 30~ google queries to find the issue.. within FIVE minutes I had three expertly written responses that got to the core of the issue immediately and it was finally resolved. One person even re-wrote my entire code from scratch to make it more efficient, taught me a bunch of things, and explained 'why'... it's like having an army of programmers at your finger tips!

What mental blocks are stopping you from learning programming?

Random presention I came across yesterday, the point made at 50secs onwards for the castle serving x people per day at the labour or hundreds in contrast to a small team of programmers was really interesting.

Paging Mattseh and other Python coders or anyone who is good at this ORM modelling thing:

Indulge a noob question here.

A typical occurence is an object like a blog post which can belong to many categories.

How do you add this relationship in Django?

My understanding:

Post object has a field called Categories which is ManyToMany and uses an 'intermediary' object and the 'through' parameter.

This category intermediary object has two fields, categoryId and postId?

Then why even use the ManyToMany field and not just create the relationship from the foreign keys using the _set method:


Wouldn't that do the same?

I have to say, this ORM thing sometimes seem like it makes databases more confusing where SQL would be more down to earth.

Could be this is a stupid question but yeah, it is what it is.
Paging Mattseh and other Python coders or anyone who is good at this ORM modelling thing:

Indulge a noob question here.

A typical occurence is an object like a blog post which can belong to many categories.

How do you add this relationship in Django?

My understanding:

Post object has a field called Categories which is ManyToMany and uses an 'intermediary' object and the 'through' parameter.

This category intermediary object has two fields, categoryId and postId?

Then why even use the ManyToMany field and not just create the relationship from the foreign keys using the _set method:


Wouldn't that do the same?

I have to say, this ORM thing sometimes seem like it makes databases more confusing where SQL would be more down to earth.

Could be this is a stupid question but yeah, it is what it is.

(I haven't used Django's ORM in years) I don't think you need an intemediary object, see the example here:

The reason that you do it this way is it's that very easy to get the category of a post, by just doing "some_post.categories".

Behind the scenes, the ORM is creating foreign keys and constraints, as well as things like cascading deletes.

Obligitary plug for pony, which is the best ORM I've come across. You can use it in Django if you want, I use it with flask.
I have to say, this ORM thing sometimes seem like it makes databases more confusing where SQL would be more down to earth.

That would be a good assumption to make. :)

I can't stand it when so-called "developers" tell me they don't know SQL. Pisses me right off. It's like saying I'm a landscaper, but I don't know fuck all about planting trees.

You do want a nice DB library / ORM though to help protect against SQL injection and the like though.
. . .
-It's hard to get help, and programmers are condescending dicks... WRONG, just go on seriously awesome community. Yesterday I posted a detailed question with code, something I had been stuck on for a few hours and had already done 30~ google queries to find the issue.. within FIVE minutes I had three expertly written responses that got to the core of the issue immediately and it was finally resolved. One person even re-wrote my entire code from scratch to make it more efficient, taught me a bunch of things, and explained 'why'... it's like having an army of programmers at your finger tips!

What mental blocks are stopping you from learning programming?

Random presention I came across yesterday, the point made at 50secs onwards for the castle serving x people per day at the labour or hundreds in contrast to a small team of programmers was really interesting.

Do Great Things: Keynote by Justin Rosenstein of Asana | Disrupt NY 2014 - YouTube

An epiphany in my programming journey was the mass cooperation between individuals on open source projects. Inside of platforms like GitHub the cumulative amount of personal time spent improving code has to exceed hundreds (thousands?) of man hours per minute in real time. The same guy who works developing proprietary code for a company to beat his competition, who has signed an NDA, will not hesitate to spend part of his evening or weekend helping to improve open source code. Code that could benefit his competition. His competition in the digital marketplace does the same and they both know it.

To see the cooperation in the Issues section of GitHub to improve code that will benefit people across the board gives hope to this fucked up planet. I'll bet money that at this moment business competitors, citizens of nations at war with each other, black, white, jews, muslims are cooperating together to help eliminate bugs in code they both use.

Can't help to think what would happen if the same system in the GitHub Issue threads was applied to any problem facing the world today.