Anyone else been dropped from EPN?

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Open another account if you can, I still haven't heard anything about my initial account from the "network quality" team...and I"m thinking I never will.

Good news (maybe) about the 1$ ACRUs. While you can see that you are getting ACRUs from your transaction report you can see the amount you've made off of them in the program tab>payment structure. Apparently it won't update with your actual ACRU for a month after the new tier program started for you. So while I thought I was getting the 1 dollar ACRUs, I was mistaken. I really don't know what I'm getting until the 9th of next month :-/

Of course this deciding on a quality score without telling you the formula for increasing your quality, is still total bullshit.


Of course this deciding on a quality score without telling you the formula for increasing your quality, is still total bullshit.

It's not your quality, it's the quality of the ACRU you send. If they bid on a small ticket item once, didn't win and haven't bid since, you may get $1. If they bid and win a couple of items you may get $25-50.

Whether eBay do this on a case by case for each ACRU or decide to average out your ACRU's is anyones guess!
Another update... still no word from EPN. Another EPN member that was kicked out has been reactivated after the "network quality team" reviewed their account.

Crossing my fingers that I get reactivated and they don't cancel the previous commissions.
Maybe Pepperjam's crying to eBay because no one's bothering to sign up under them. Perhaps there's some shit going down where they're scanning socials and tax id numbers for known affiliates and dumping them, knowing they'll immediately sign up with Pepperjam. Ebay's way of sticking a nipple in their mouth to avoid any sticky agreement issues.

Thank you for contacting us. Your account was put on hold as it was linked to some suspicious bidding activity. After reviewing your case, we have reinstated your publisher account, and you will receive your July commissions as a credit during the next payment cycle. We value your participation in the program, and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
The eBay Partner Network Quality Team

So glad this is over.
FYI, my account still has the old campaigns and data. Nothing lost except for the empty stats since the 7th.
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