Anyone else been dropped from EPN?

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New member
Oct 13, 2007
So as of yesterday I notice that I can't login to the ebay Partner Network. It just says my email or password is invalid. I try the "forgot password" function and never get an email to reset my password.

Looking on the EPN discussion forum, I'm seeing other affiliates complain of the same thing. They've contacted someone at EPN through the Help form and get a response like this:

Thank you for contacting us regarding your difficulties with login to
your Account.

You are unable to login to your account on the eBay Partner Network
because your account has been expired. Please refer to the expiration
notice sent to your email account from the eBay Partner Network Quality
Team for more details.

I realise this may not be the answer you'd hoped for.

Kind regards,

Susan Braham

Everyone who has gotten this response ("Please refer to the expiration
notice sent to your email account") says they never received any such email. I know I didn't either.

I've tried contacting someone thru Help but so far haven't seen a response. No direct email address. No phone number to call. Just a stupid form that they say takes at least 2 business days to get a response from.

Frankly this is total bullshit. No explainations. No warnings. No recourse. And it's very convienent for them to pull this right before payments are to be sent out.

My account had nothing suspicious going on. All the traffic was 100% from natural search. I typically had 1-2 ACRUs per day and completed about two or three $1000-5000 transactions per week.

I know from a reliable source that EPN are doing a flush out of low quality affiliates this month in preparation for the new pricing structure. However, I think that this may be a bug in whatever retarded automatic way they were to do it.

I wouldn't worry too much just yet. Bear it out for another few days.

I agree with you too about the $$$ from EPN. It's fantastic. I think those who stick through the complete idiocy and poor management at EPN will be rewarded.
Maybe Pepperjam's crying to eBay because no one's bothering to sign up under them. Perhaps there's some shit going down where they're scanning socials and tax id numbers for known affiliates and dumping them, knowing they'll immediately sign up with Pepperjam. Ebay's way of sticking a nipple in their mouth to avoid any sticky agreement issues.
Yes there definitely must be a bug. My traffic is very targetted as evident by the ratio of ebay clicks to total visitors (5:1, meaning each visitor clicks an avg of 5 ebay links per visit).

Still unsure if last month's commissions will be paid out or not since I can't login. Still awaiting a response from eBay. I'd expect to hear something back on Monday when business opens.
You're preaching to the choir here. It was a bug that caused my account to shut down last week. I got a lot of canned responses and then they said they were forwarding my issue to Network Quality and I never heard from them after that. I ended up opening another account. And now I'm getting the 1 dollar ACRUs because of the new account. woooooo hooooo. What a bunch of bullshit.
Thank you for writing back to us regarding your expired Account.

Please be informed that I've forwarded your email to the Network Quality team at eBay Partner Network. They will review your expired Account and get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

What "patience and understanding"? This is bullshit. Luckily they'll get back to me "as soon as possible".
Just an update if anyone cares.

I've reached out to two potential employees in EPN and posted on the discussion forum.

Still no response from them or the "quality team".
I just logged in to see that my previous ACRU's have been 'adjusted' to $1. These were previously shown at the standard $25, so this was a bit of a shock. Maybe time for pepperjam....
my account is still ok (knock on wood) good thing too cuz my sites are starting to do well...hopefully epn gets their shit together soon but i'm thinking its gunna take them a while
So as of yesterday I notice that I can't login to the ebay Partner Network. It just says my email or password is invalid. I try the "forgot password" function and never get an email to reset my password.

Looking on the EPN discussion forum, I'm seeing other affiliates complain of the same thing. They've contacted someone at EPN through the Help form and get a response like this:

Everyone who has gotten this response ("Please refer to the expiration
notice sent to your email account") says they never received any such email. I know I didn't either.

I've tried contacting someone thru Help but so far haven't seen a response. No direct email address. No phone number to call. Just a stupid form that they say takes at least 2 business days to get a response from.

Frankly this is total bullshit. No explainations. No warnings. No recourse. And it's very convienent for them to pull this right before payments are to be sent out.

My account had nothing suspicious going on. All the traffic was 100% from natural search. I typically had 1-2 ACRUs per day and completed about two or three $1000-5000 transactions per week.

Holy shit, ouch. Sorry that happened.
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