Anyone been to the Domincan Republic?

If you end up in Puerto Plata - Go to 'Crazy Moon' and 'The Cave' <- literally an old restored cave w/a club in it. I've gone to DomRep 5-6 times now (I sponsor a kid there) and it's amazing each time. Punta Cana if you're going as a couple (nicer, calmer, cleaner water and beaches as it's the North side of the Island), Puerto Plata if you're going to partaaay. Oddly I stayed at the RIU as well when I was in Punta Cana, and I went with one of my bro's, only complaint was the resort was full of old people, nightlife was 'ok', but the atmosphere was more suited for couples than young sinlges (always check on planned resorts), Where as Puerto Plata I think I stayed ON the resort like 2 of the 7 nights, the others were beach parties, chicks resorts, pools, etc.

One place you must check out is Cabarete at night. It's like a strip of clubs/bars/pubs/more bars all open face (no wall) and a beach/ocean 200ft away. You can take drinks from one bar to the next (Umm, you can take your drinks anywhere actually lol - literally - you ride around on scooters for taxi's and we drank on them too - watch for big bugs/get sunglasses when on the back of those things), and the bars don't close (literally until the last person leaves, especially during dry tourist seasons). There's dividers/breaks along the bars where there's dark spots and hookers run up saying shit like "100pesos sucky sucky - 200pesos jeegy jeegy" :p Stay away at all costs!

Have tons of fond memories from DR - and $1200 sounds steep but then again I fly from Toronto (usually it's between $750 - $1000 - check


Also something you might want to check out/try there is KiteBoarding (world competitions are held there) - shit is HARD and you need a lot of upper body strength just to attempt the training... When we were there some guy died, fell into an updraft or whatever and slammed into a building... still fucking awesome sport to watch and try if you skate/snowboard/surf


EDIT: 99 posts ...for some reason all I can think of is boobs...

great for kitesurfing but gets a bit crowded right at cabrete. Bozo beach a bit better but more advanced.
My brother and his wife have been there once, and said they loved it. I've never been, but did spend a month in Barbados before. If it's anything like Barbados, I wouldn't go, because you're basically stuck in your resort the entire time. I didn't bother because I was young and naive, and was staying out in the middle of nowhere anyway, and I've never had so much bad shit happen to me in such a short period of time.

Everything from being stuck in the ghetto "up the hill" and being scared shitless, got robbed (few times), had a stalker who eventually tried breaking in, taxi drivers fucking me over, locals working with cops to extort me, a death threat because I didn't let this guy basically rape a young American girl. Even had a large friendly local, young good looking black guy with a British accent, and his white British girlfriend spend about 5 days of their lives buttering me up.

Some parts were awesome though. I remember ending up at this national park with a couple guys, we sat around and smoked some weed with a shaman, while overlooking this absolutely breathtaking jungle. It was gorgeous. Of course, that good feeling was abruptly brought to an end when we barreled through the jungle with the car, and got stuck. Couldn't get the car out, and it was getting dark, which means about 8 million bugs were about to descend on us. There was a small village about 2km away, and we found some guys who helped push us out in exchange for beer.

Go to Cuba or something. At least you can walk the streets there.
All I wanna know is, how was the internet there? lol

I'm looking into going 4wheeling around or hiking/camping for a few days.

Also want to find a local to show me a around and not get Aruba'd
One of my best friends lives there, gonna visit him this summer :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paradise on earth.

+ another girl I met here who has family in Haiti + DR. She's really awesome, a nursing student. (the girl I meant to call when I was drunk but called u instead).

Gabe is a cool dude btw.