Any of you ever want a partner? But never satisfied with whats around you?

Yup, I've actually had a partner previously that I met on campus who had previous experience. He was a developer. We drew up plans, went through successful first round as far as drawing interest is concerned. Things kind of grew between us though (different sights with the project he wanted more education/ 501c3 access and I was more concerned about capital growth).

Now looking to make some ties again, but I guess the above example is a good reason to get a key hourly employee rather than offering an equity share.

Also with the next partner prepare an exit strategy now while you're on good terms.

Do you want to lead or be led? If the A is you choice, pay people to do what you want. If the latter, go an work for someone else.

Also, leader like ideas they want to make happen and able to raise/steal/kill for money to do it.