Any of you cock suckers push this stuff?

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"contain undeclared, active pharmaceutical ingredients"

oh noes!! tainted w/ stuff that might actually cause weight loss!

"Sibutramine (trade name Meridia in the U.S. and Canada, Reductil in Europe and most other countries), usually as sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, is an orally administered agent for the treatment of obesity"

Hello friend,

Thank you for list. I though all diet product just either cause you to poop more or no work at all. Never knew they can make heart attack stroke and kill fat people.

I make sure I no promote fat people killing pills. Shiva will not look too kindly at me and Lord Vishnu will mostly likely no grant me mercy if I did promote.

Good luck bros and try not to promote pills that kill fat people.
That's good, or you'd be reincarnated as a cockroach, or a worm.

Or worse, a fat person.
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