Any Hostgator affiliates here?

Taylor Hawes

I'm the CMO at HG.

taylor @ hostgator

thawes @ hostgator

What else ya need?

Feel free to contact me at those email addresses as well (or PM me for phone numbers, AIM, skype, whatever else ya want) if you have any problems or questions... again, I'll make sure they're addressed

I can say that Taylor has built 4-custom branded landing pages to help us. In addition we may have had up to 100 sales or more that was not reported properly due to an error on our part. We have submitted the email names to Taylor and his staff are going through to give us the proper credit. We have been very happy with him so far.
HG has paid me. I'm low time compared to johnchow and some of the others I am sure. But I have heard of them doing custom work for folks also.

Taylor - are you still doing custom pages
Hostgator sucks balls. they did a server migration without telling me sometime yesterday or tuesday (which failed naturally). I find out at 3am last night. So all my sites are down and the tech support guy argues with me and then his supervisor refuses to give me any kind of a credit.

I lost around $200 in commissions and had the worst night of sleep I've had in about two years from being so damn pissed off.

So regardless if your making a profit promoting them or not, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THESE GUYS AS HOSTS.

that is all...
I don't trust their internal affiliate program. I go through CJ, I feel like a professional affiliate management such as CJ is less likely to scrub you of sales if you're doing volume.
I ran with them from CJ about a year ago. Got paid on time. Pretty solid referral plan IMO. Pays more than alot of dedicated referral plans.
I got a referral about 10 days ago.Will have to wait another 50 days to get payment.
My little advice.
They pay, but not preperly.
If you make 4 sales, they reject 3 of them saying some reasons, and for the 4th one they pay after several months(for me it took 4 months)
^Same here. I've referred tons, but somehow only got 2 sales. Really don't get it. I know for a fact these guys DID buy a hosting plan, maybe not immediately, but couple days later. That cookie stays alive for 5 mins or what? I've referred pretty much the same people to AWeber and got tons more sales.
to those who are claiming getting shaved, do you not see the sale at all in your account? or do you see being credited with a sale initially but, when it's time to pay out those sales disappear?