Any Hostgator affiliates here?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I started promoting Hostgator hosting plans in March this year.
Hostgator pays affiliates the last week of the month 60 days after the transaction.

When and how often will I be paid?

Your commissions are paid on the last week of each month following the first 60 days after the sale. The registered account must also be currently active and paid up to date at the time of payout, and there is no minimum balance limit to reach before you are paid.
For example, if you made one sale in January, you will be paid your $50 commission the last week of March. If you continue to make regular sales each month afterward, then expect to be paid on the last week of every month (after your first commission payment).


I still havent recieved my March payment...

Im doing quit some volume but this doesn't look that well...

The affiliate support also sucks..

More people pushing Hostgator here?


Drop me a PM with your affiliate username and contact info and any ticket ID numbers of your emails and I'll make sure this is handled for you right away. Sorry for any inconvenience or issues. I can assure you we definitely do payout... about a Million $/month ;) (though we are a few days late at times I'll admit... we're working on streamlining that).

Also hit me up if you are doing volume about higher payouts, etc. as well.

- Taylor
i've never promoted hostgator, or any other hosting programs for that matter, but i must say it's a positive sign when you see the program manager coming on here and offering to be constructive

Drop me a PM with your affiliate username and contact info and any ticket ID numbers of your emails and I'll make sure this is handled for you right away. Sorry for any inconvenience or issues. I can assure you we definitely do payout... about a Million $/month ;) (though we are a few days late at times I'll admit... we're working on streamlining that).

Also hit me up if you are doing volume about higher payouts, etc. as well.

- Taylor

Hey Taylor!

I got my March commissions, it was a few days late, but got them anyway :)

Looking forward to April he-he!

i've never promoted hostgator, or any other hosting programs for that matter, but i must say it's a positive sign when you see the program manager coming on here and offering to be constructive

^This, very nice!
I've gotten to commission checks from host gator. both were a week late but all of my commissions were paid.
The problem with host gator is that by default they dont have auto renewal. So at the end of the first 60 days when the buyer takes their time to go manually hit renew, on the completely separate control panel that set up for renewing, they claim the accounts in default and dont fucking pay you.
They are solid hosts, but fuck them as affiliates.
The problem with host gator is that by default they dont have auto renewal. So at the end of the first 60 days when the buyer takes their time to go manually hit renew, on the completely separate control panel that set up for renewing, they claim the accounts in default and dont fucking pay you.
They are solid hosts, but fuck them as affiliates.

Not true. The accounts auto renew. If they are on paypal and don't have a subscription elected/setup, then yes they would have to manually pay. Obviously we can't pay out affiliate commissions if the user isn't paying us.

To the others that are or have had any issues. Once again, please reach out to me. If there is anything that can be done, I'll be able to make it happen.

I've been at HG for about 6 months now, and we've made some huge changes to the affiliate program in that time. If you were an affiliate from before and unhappy with the program, hit me up and I can let you know what all we changed and why it's different and getting better and better each month too.

- Taylor
Fishy Thread is Fishy
Is host gator allowing you to post here?

Excuse me?

I work at HostGator. Yes, I can post here if I want (hah)....

We definitely pay out affiliates (at about $1M/month in payouts), and welcome anyone having any issues to contact me personally and I'll make sure to address any of those issues. Will leave the thread be now, carry on! :)