Any good motivational books?

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Anything "written" by Donald Trump sucks donkey balls.

Brian Tracy has good stuff as far as motivation and time management goes. Just go to amazon and search for his name and you'll see what I mean.

I know this is dipping into business territory, but I'm a huge fan of "How to Get Rich" by Felix Dennis. If the thought of getting filthy rich doesn't motivate you at least a little then pot is worse than I thought :)
Anthony Robbins, confirmed. If you're too lazy to read grab a couple of his audio selections of your nearest Torrent.
I suggest Tim Ferris's The Four Hour Workweek.

I've really been meaning to read that, but haven't made it a priority. I'll have to step up and just do it.

Also want to mention, audio books are awesome - when I start one I usually want to finish hearing the rest on the same day. Where as a book I pick it up..put it down..pick it up.. put it down taking longer to get through the same material.

I second that for sure. I never set aside time to sit down and read, but I can knock out an audio book in a few days while driving, working out, etc.

Anything "written" by Donald Trump sucks donkey balls.

100% correct. I made the mistake of grabbing the audio version of "How to get rich" on impulse when I saw it on the shelf at the library. Total rubbish. Just more useless trump propaganda.
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I've really been meaning to read that, but haven't made it a priority. I'll have to step up and just do it.

I second that for sure. I never set aside time to sit down and read, but I can knock out an audio book in a few days while driving, working out, etc.

100% correct. I made the mistake of grabbing the audio version of "How to get rich" on impulse when I saw it on the shelf at the library. Total rubbish. Just more useless trump propaganda.
+1 @ audio books
I really hated Tim Ferris's "The Four Hour Work Week". Let me save you the money and summarize it for you.

1. Find some shit ass product produced overseas, preferrably China.
2. Sell that product to stupid Americans (Tim had particular luck with memory pills).
3. Outsource every aspect of the business that goes into selling that product to third world people so aside from identifying the product you don't do much.
4. Live the 4 hour work week.

A lot of what is in there actually makes the business model sound like an advertiser you would find on aff networks (us affiliates are their entire outsourced sales force).

The thing is, Tim Ferris is one of those born marketers, the dude probably could have sold matches to Joan of Arc. If you want inspiration, maybe, but I thought he came off as a douche bag. As far as actual steps go, I don't know, you'd probably be better off identifying the top 1% of aff marketers that blog and read those, much better as far as inspiration goes.
I really hated Tim Ferris's "The Four Hour Work Week". Let me save you the money and summarize it for you.

1. Find some shit ass product produced overseas, preferrably China.
2. Sell that product to stupid Americans (Tim had particular luck with memory pills).
3. Outsource every aspect of the business that goes into selling that product to third world people so aside from identifying the product you don't do much.
4. Live the 4 hour work week.

A lot of what is in there actually makes the business model sound like an advertiser you would find on aff networks (us affiliates are their entire outsourced sales force).

The thing is, Tim Ferris is one of those born marketers, the dude probably could have sold matches to Joan of Arc. If you want inspiration, maybe, but I thought he came off as a douche bag. As far as actual steps go, I don't know, you'd probably be better off identifying the top 1% of aff marketers that blog and read those, much better as far as inspiration goes.

Well good, that saved me some valuable hours of my life.

You know, the more books I read, the more I think I should just write a piece of shit book myself. I mean, it really can't be that hard.
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