any aussies here?

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Jeesh, I must have scared the others away with that reckless suggestion of coffee! ;)

hah. I'm up for a meetup at some stage. Mightn't have much to contribute yet, but definitely up for it.
Nah, I'm only here during working hours... Gotta keep bits of your life separated after all ;)

I gotta admit though, I only work online because I'm a social retard (to whit, my other thread about going to sci-fi/pop culture conventions)... gimme a couple of months to get comfortable with the idea and I'll come ^_^

I spend a fair bit of time in Melbourne as well, so if I don't get to weirded out by the Sydney one, maybe I'll come along to that one too.
Eli: What's with your state stealing incest?!!? How are we meant to make fun of Tasmanians now??? *shakes fist*

I actually never heard of that until someone was making fun of me in Digg comments lol

I duno about that. Doesn't every state/country have their invest weirdos? :)
Far out had no idea we had so many peeps frrom lil old Perth, there is almost enough to have a meet up one day. Thought AM never existed down here.
I am from melb aswell, i'd be up for a meet up.

Does anybody know of any good aff programs for us aussies? Lots of places have sprinkles here and sprinkles there but they mostly suck.

Fucking email cash stealing everything, I HATE YOU EMAIL CASH YOU MAGGOTS.
Heard my ears burning, Yeah im here in Perth too.

Oz is on the down low with affiliate marketing. I focus 100% of my efforts on USA and UK. Australians are more reluctant to buy shit online I find and our demographics is just too small when targeting certain niches. Good old USA is where its at.

Any one interested in talkin locallly hit me up, not many of us around here.

I find and our demographics is just too small when targeting certain niches.

That's what I've found too. My sites rank well but the traffic isn't there, at least not for the crappy niches I've chosen.
Yeah thats it. Ferben, can you speak the local tongue over there? If so why not compete on the ppc fields? I cant write shit in other languages and have tried ppc in spanish but was too hard fidning merchants to promote that had english affiliate information.

Anyway when you comin back to perth and what made you travel to paris?
Yeah thats it. Ferben, can you speak the local tongue over there? If so why not compete on the ppc fields? I cant write shit in other languages and have tried ppc in spanish but was too hard fidning merchants to promote that had english affiliate information.

Anyway when you comin back to perth and what made you travel to paris?

I write French well enough to create a ppc ad but not well enough to write a sales page, so I think I'd have trouble converting. I haven't had much success with ppc in English so I don't think I'll be trying in another language, for now.

I'm in Paris purely because I love to travel in Europe and living here makes that easy. I hate London so decided on Paris instead. It's super expensive here so I think I'll be moving at the end of this year. If I stay in Europe I'll be heading to Berlin which is a great city and very cheap or I'll return to Australia.

Do you work full time in AM?
Sydney, and I don't fuck my sister. Or daughter. Not that I have a daughter.
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