Anxiety Ridden—Do Not Want

Jun 25, 2010
Mesa, AZ
So, the rundown... I'm 19-years-old, sophomore at the University of Arizona, working towards a major in English, have a huge interest in internet marketing and have been working on projects for roughly 4 months now.

Anyways, lately I've been getting super, super stressed out about a lot of things, but sometimes nothing at all. Like, right now, I'm worried about lots of shit related to $: How will I continue to pay for college when every step I take forward with regards to my financial situation, it always seems like something happens to throw me 1,000 steps back? How can I continue to pay for rent when my parents promised me they'll go halfsies on ea. month's rent (minus utilities) and they haven't followed through on that promise? Blah, blah, blah.

I don't know why I get this way, but I do. And it's like, when I'm not stressing about money, I'm stressing about being successful. I will kill myself if I end up like my parents. They're in their late 50s and won't be seeing retirement probably until they die. I just can't fathom being a parent myself one day and having my kids stress themselves sick 'cause they're worried or hesitant to approach me for $ to help them tie up the loose ends when their student loans fall short of paying for their essentials.

College is supposed to be the greatest years of my life and I find myself freaking the fuck out on the daily (well, when I allow myself time to sit and think). It's like sick, UA just beat Iowa. Too bad once I get home from the game, the weight on my shoulders will start to pile up again.

The thing is with all this is I know I won't let myself fail in the things I pursue. I know I won't let myself be taken away from the university I want to pursue my education at, let alone from the people I love and care about down here. I just feel like I'm scared into immobility. I find myself being a little bitch playing that played out woe-is-me bit far too often and it both scares and annoys me.

So, idk, I guess I'm using this thread to vent + find some comfort in knowing some of you went through this same thing. I'd appreciate any responses. I really cherish the community here at Wickedfire. When I stumbled upon internet marketing 4 months ago, I hit the ground running. I devoured everything I could read, I am forever asking questions to those who open themselves up to me, etc. I've found a real passion in all things internet marketing and it is something I know I will be doing for a long, long time. But, when I'm stressing the fuck out over paying rent, it's hard for me to devote quality time into my projects and into learning news things. So, I'm stuck. Help.

Not trolling -- Pray for your purpose and fulfill it. You can wake up daily and spin your wheels -- but if you don't know what the purpose of all the madness is, you'll never ever feel accomplishment and "success".

Anyone who has become anything has felt like you feel right now... its normal. You've just got to beat it before you have a a) heart attack, b) panic attack c) heavyt level fake suicide notion.


btw, college is meh, 24 to 27 were my prime years. Enjoy them.
im in a similar situation. my temporary fix is just apathy. i stopped giving a fuck about anything. but you can only say "fuck it" for so long. the weight is starting to come back
I've found that in these situations working harder usually does the trick.

There's frustration there because you don't have enough money yet. However if you work HARD on your goals the frustration dissolves because you know you're doing everything that's in your power to pull yourself out.
Stress is normal and it can be good (eustress). Just don't be so stressed about your stress. Otherwise you end up dwelling on it which causes more anxiety. It's a waste of time and energy that you could be using to work on your projects. Realize what you have control over (taking action now) and what you don't (the future), then take a deep breath and get to work.

My friend just got out of bootcamp for the Marines. Yesterday he told me one thing that stuck with him was whenever anyone started bitching the drill instructors would say "No one fucking cares". Waaah I'm too tired/stressed/scared. No one fucking cares. Just get shit done.
Does your University have a counsellor? Will be worth it if you can find a decent one.
No one fucking cares. Just get shit done.
Yeah, right! We all has passed a lament moment in the way we running up the business. But the most different between us is how we face it. I'd say keep on running and work hard, the advantage of you is you are still 19, means it's just too early to quit..
Nobody said this biz was going to be easy, but it is definitely worth it. When you start stressing, you may want to try to look at the positives that you have going for you instead of dwelling on the negatives.

You are young, which gives you a lot of time to learn and make mistakes without the consequences seriously impacting others(assuming you are not married or have kids). At this point, the worst that will happen is that you have to move back in with mom and dad. That may suck, but there are greater tragedies in life and that should only be considered a speed bump if you are willing to do the work to be successful.

You see how things are turning out for your parents and know what you don't want to happen with your life. This can be a very powerful motivator to get you to where you want to be. Most people discover this too late and either have to bust ass twice as hard or end up settling for a half assed life(my choice is to bust ass twice as hard).

In the end, all the stress and anxiety needs to take a back seat to your desire to be successful. You are the only one that will determine your destiny.

Now get to work.
I've been listening to Eben Pagan audio book and oddly enough, I listened just this afternoon about him talking about fear around money.

He had this NLP exercise for you to try to overcome your fears:
1. Spend 5-10 min writing down all your fears about money
2. Write down all the consquences that would happen if those fears became true. What is the worst possible outcome for each fear?
3. Imagine in your mind that they have come true. How would you feel? How would you react?
4. Imagine that they have come true and write down what you would learn from the experience. How could you turn this into a positive outcome? People learn by making mistakes and experiencing these mistakes for themselves.

Realise that everybody makes mistakes. You are young enough to make lots and still recover. Life is nothing without struggle - you can't have success without failure. If everybody "wins", then winning is meaningless. Like handing out "participation" awards at school carnivals rather than 1st 2nd and 3rd. (That bit is from Zig Ziglar rather than Eben, I've been listening to a lot of audio lately).

Actually, I think the full audio would be great for you to listen to as it's all about the "inner game" of success - financial or otherwise. The course is called "Self Make Wealth".
Go take a walk in the woods alone. A nice park which has side trails or very little people.

There you will try this experiment...

Put your full attention on the present moment.

Sounds easy doesn't it?

The first thing you will notice is how hard your mind will try to fight you out of the 'now'. The only thing that's important is devoting more and more consciousness to the present moment, until past, future and problems are squeezed away one by one. After a while the present moment becomes so real that's is as if you hadn't looked at the reality of nature in several years, maybe your lifetime. You've always had your mind running around and keeping your conscious poisoned with either a burdened past or a fictional future.

This isn't advice to avoid or circumvent your problems, they will still all be there. Only with time and practiced presence will you will have enough conscious power to deal with them. You will have to face each one individually, as fully conscious as the experiment in the park.

Living in your mind is insanity, being present bares sanity. -z
I've been listening to Eben Pagan audio book and oddly enough, I listened just this afternoon about him talking about fear around money.

He had this NLP exercise for you to try to overcome your fears:
1. Spend 5-10 min writing down all your fears about money
2. Write down all the consquences that would happen if those fears became true. What is the worst possible outcome for each fear?
3. Imagine in your mind that they have come true. How would you feel? How would you react?
4. Imagine that they have come true and write down what you would learn from the experience. How could you turn this into a positive outcome? People learn by making mistakes and experiencing these mistakes for themselves.

Realise that everybody makes mistakes. You are young enough to make lots and still recover. Life is nothing without struggle - you can't have success without failure. If everybody "wins", then winning is meaningless. Like handing out "participation" awards at school carnivals rather than 1st 2nd and 3rd. (That bit is from Zig Ziglar rather than Eben, I've been listening to a lot of audio lately).

Actually, I think the full audio would be great for you to listen to as it's all about the "inner game" of success - financial or otherwise. The course is called "Self Make Wealth".

I'm just starting to learn about NLP. REading through [ame=] Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (9780757307768): Richard Bandler: Gateway[/ame] Which has a gay name and can't stand the whole self help crap but since he's the one that pretty much came up with NLP I figured I should start there. I do love anything related to the subliminal and reprogramming and I'm already starting to see things differently with the way i mentally categorize things. I'm hoping this will help with my anxiety as well.
Winston Churchill - never, never, never, never give up.

This. What you're dealing with is fear, an illusion created by your mind to keep you safe. Only it's doing the opposite.

Go read a biography of Churchill. What's amazing about him isn't what he achieved, but how many times he completely fucked up (everyone said he was finished after Gallipoli), was written off as a failure, then picked himself up and carried on.

I live by his favorite three words. KBO - Keep Buggering On.

I did Eben Pagan's course on Wealth too (Self made wealth) and it's really good.

If you want something to really help you make progress with this fast, read Turning the Mind into an Ally by Sakyong Mipham, and follow the instructions to start meditating. That's the one thing I've done which has helped me deal with the whole fear thing the best.
I go through this same shit a lot, in a very similar situation. I also have the same anxiety/stress problem too, often for no reason but other times because of $ related B.S. or feeling like I'm not living up to my own standards in terms of hustling/reaching goals. It also doesn't help that I pump my body full of powerful stimulants almost daily, only makes shit worse.

Personally I'm working on getting this worked out myself and I'm getting better at it, getting pharmaceutical grade stimulants out of my diet has helped a lot and making the decision that whenever I worry, I need to go do something work related--even something as small as write an article or sending an email. Seems to help. Also getting away from the computer, out of the house, etc.

Also seems like you might be worried and stressed but just barely enough to get a huge fire lit under your ass to change shit. Try to get over that threshold so you're grinding harder and more focused since it might help you set up more passive income so you can worry less, grind slightly less and then scale out with your income. Whenever you get anxious just remember it's going to pass and it's another hurtle towards the top, ultimately. :/
I've been listening to Eben Pagan audio book and oddly enough, I listened just this afternoon about him talking about fear around money.

He had this NLP exercise for you to try to overcome your fears:
1. Spend 5-10 min writing down all your fears about money
2. Write down all the consquences that would happen if those fears became true. What is the worst possible outcome for each fear?
3. Imagine in your mind that they have come true. How would you feel? How would you react?
4. Imagine that they have come true and write down what you would learn from the experience. How could you turn this into a positive outcome? People learn by making mistakes and experiencing these mistakes for themselves.

Realise that everybody makes mistakes. You are young enough to make lots and still recover. Life is nothing without struggle - you can't have success without failure. If everybody "wins", then winning is meaningless. Like handing out "participation" awards at school carnivals rather than 1st 2nd and 3rd. (That bit is from Zig Ziglar rather than Eben, I've been listening to a lot of audio lately).

Actually, I think the full audio would be great for you to listen to as it's all about the "inner game" of success - financial or otherwise. The course is called "Self Make Wealth".

This is good advice. You can't just ignore fear and dread, but you can defeat them by accepting the potential consequences and moving forward.
Worst decision I made was going to college.
I loved college, and it helped me in a lot of ways -- even if my degree is pretty worthless.

There's no way anyone can say, college will be worthless for you, or college will be great for you. We can't tell the future. It's different for different people.
I recommend you stop being such a faggot.

- You can pull in $1-3k easily a month just writing articles for people. You're a fucking english major, should be child's play.
- Live off campus. Its cheaper.
- Milk your college for all the free help you can get. You can get grants based just on need, or loans. Write them a letter about your financial situation ( I did this back in college cause mom who recently divorced my dad was payin for it - free $$ AND fuck you, its not welfare, the school i went to was 25K+ a year. Those fuckers better cough up some money!)

Anyway, it just sounds like you're being a little bitch. You control your own destiny, not your parents.
I'm in a good place financially and I still worry about money. I don't think it has to do with money for the most part, it has to do with just worrying in general.