Another Warrior Needs Your Help!

wow that thread turned into a circular clusterfuck. Nearly every person is responding with, for every person who buys my ebook i'll donate ____. LOL thats just sad no one has any actual money but they all seem to have plenty of ebooks on how to make the money.
"I am sad to say that another well-liked Warrior Forum member is having some financial trouble. It seems like it is happening more and more with the way things are in this economy."

so pathetic nobody can read between those lines
I'm circling back around to pity with the WaFools.
Seriosuly, it's just like MLM over there. They want to believe so badly that they can get rich that they'll stick by it, and it forms a sort of economic cult, where you (supposedly) help out your brothers in need... even though said brothers are the ones that have been sucking you dry.

The moment you begin to question it logically, much like religion, you break the fantasy. The fantasy that they can all get rich, and that they're all independent, and they're all doing fantastically well on an antiquated business model (but it's on the internet, therefore it's web2.0, right? RIGHT!?) that's doomed to failure, simply because at some point all the potential leads dry up, and all the money has flowed to a few singular points at the top of the chain.

I've often thought if WF ever did want to do something altrusitic, fucking WaFo up so badly that they'd have to start the entire forum again would be the best thing to do.
Maybe something like resetting everyone's rep and post count to zero, so dickheads with 12,000 posts who still don't understand direct linking aren't seen as "gurus", and their internal economy collapses because no one trusts offers as the people saying how great they are only have 2 posts now.
Failing that, just embedding that buffer overrun cookie in a few different places there that people likely to look at.
Why are all their pictures of old men? Is it a joke of some sort of did all the experienced pedophiles that figured out how to be a shadow on the internet just decide to try to make money on the net as well?
Everytime a Wafo needs help because they're in "dire need" I feel good inside. :)
Why are all their pictures of old men? Is it a joke of some sort of did all the experienced pedophiles that figured out how to be a shadow on the internet just decide to try to make money on the net as well?

I noticed that too, lots of moustaches. Maybe when sex offenders register with pedo databases as part of their sentence they are automatically given accounts on WaFo.
Interesting that his last product was something like "21 days to financial freedom."

I think that he and I define "financial freedom" quite differently. Begging for dollars on WaFo is not exactly my idea of "Financial Freedom".
What a FANTASTIC new niche! Telling people you're wife is in the hospital, the bills are $1600 a month, and you just had a heart attack, and to ask for donations.

Shit, I need to create a new LP right away.

You know, one would think that with all the e-books you fools sling about making money online, every one of you "warriors" and "gurus" should be raking in the dough and sitting on fat stacks of cash.

Hell, one of you should write an e-book on how to build a cult-like MLM forum and then use the sheep who sign up for it as pawns and solicit donations from these suckers.
I sent the guy a paypal for $7.41 . what can i say? I am a softy sometimes.
What a FANTASTIC new niche! Telling people you're wife is in the hospital, the bills are $1600 a month, and you just had a heart attack, and to ask for donations.

Shit, I need to create a new LP right away.

No it's $1600 a day, be sure to include that on your LP, not $1600 a month, sheesh you wanna make money or not?

What a bunch of douchefucks, anyway it's a good thing, fuck them, let them be ripped of, fuckin sheep.
The irony is hillarious! WaFo guru selling "Make money online" ebooks is facing bankruptcy.
But nobody on WaFo is questioning the effectivnes of his ebooks :hollering:
Way to go, morons! :thumbsup:

EDIT: Boy was I wrong! There's even somebody having doubts, post #24