Another teen suicide from bullying


New member
May 7, 2010
1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand - Yahoo! News

MENTOR, Ohio – Sladjana Vidovic's body lay in an open casket, dressed in the sparkly pink dress she had planned to wear to the prom. Days earlier, she had tied one end of a rope around her neck and the other around a bed post before jumping out her bedroom window.
The 16-year-old's last words, scribbled in English and her native Croatian, told of her daily torment at Mentor High School, where students mocked her accent, taunted her with insults like "Slutty Jana" and threw food at her.
It was the fourth time in little more than two years that a bullied high school student in this small Cleveland suburb on Lake Erie died by his or her own hand — three suicides, one overdose of antidepressants. One was bullied for being gay, another for having a learning disability, another for being a boy who happened to like wearing pink.
Now two families — including the Vidovics — are suing the school district, claiming their children were bullied to death and the school did nothing to stop it.

Fucking sad as shit. Another reason why I don't want kids. Imagine how school systems and kid's morals would be in 5-10 years. MTV would have 12 and pregnant and shit. Bullies really need to get beaten :music07::music07:

Grew up 20 minutes from Mentor. The place is white trash central. I'd rather go bankrupt renting/buying a shithole in a nicer area than putting my kid in that school. Thing is, in NE Ohio, housing is CHEAP and there's no reason to ever sacrifice on your school district... unless your kid's education isn't important to you.

And Mentor is NOT a "small" cleveland suburb. It's fucking huge. Maybe they lived in Mentor-on-the-Lake. Still white trash.
Yeah I can imagine all those white trash making fun of someone with an accent cause they're gonna get nowhere in life
So stupid.

I wish they would just throw a few punches instead of killing themselves. You might catch a beating a few times but no one will fuck with that "crazy kid" ever again.
for those that have kids this really hits home. i have a little girl and while i wont try to pretend i know what the parents are going through, i can try. i would fucking rage if that shit happened. teachers really need to be held accountable. if they need to hire more staff to keep an eye on the shit that goes on during lunches and recess, then so be it.

that first sentence is really killing me :(
So stupid.

I wish they would just throw a few punches instead of killing themselves. You might catch a beating a few times but no one will fuck with that "crazy kid" ever again.

Yeah, I agree. Especially when you're young you can do batshit crazy stuff and never be held responsible for it, so it's a good way to keep bullies away.
I have 3 kids in Ohio schools, far different area. We live in a wealthier, "better" school area. Still have our share of white and other trash, though.

I was bullied as a kid but never came close to killing myself. I just stopped going and pretty much homeschooled myself for a year before transfering.

I am really tempted to do homeschool or private, but there is a big part of me that would like them to keep going to public schools, though I philosophically/politically/economically oppose their existence.

One of the reasons I do what I do is for family reasons and having options as far as time/money. If I wanted to homeschool the kids or otherwise engage them in some way that would require having a flexible schedule, I can do that. A lot of people in the world are fucked up, and some people are really disturbed, but I do think there is a lot that can be done to prevent shit like this.
So stupid.

I wish they would just throw a few punches instead of killing themselves. You might catch a beating a few times but no one will fuck with that "crazy kid" ever again.

if they just kicked the shit out of one kid or hit them with a object they would never get bullied again, I don't know why parents don't reinforce this in their kids.
So stupid.

I wish they would just throw a few punches instead of killing themselves. You might catch a beating a few times but no one will fuck with that "crazy kid" ever again.

Just speaking for myself, when I was a depressed teen.. I did that shit, but inevitably I was the one who would get in trouble. And in my case it resulted in the bullies recruiting others to gang up on me.
Now two families — including the Vidovics — are suing the school district, claiming their children were bullied to death and the school did nothing to stop it.

Stupid.. no such thing as being bullied to death. They got bullied, and then took their own life over it, instead of dealing with it in other ways.

Now if the school did nothing after repeated attempts from the bullied/bullied's parents to remedy the situation by either changing their classes up or punishing people, and the school did nothing, sure they're responsible for a portion of the result, but they certainly shouldn't be sued for millions.
for those that have kids this really hits home. i have a little girl and while i wont try to pretend i know what the parents are going through, i can try. i would fucking rage if that shit happened. teachers really need to be held accountable. if they need to hire more staff to keep an eye on the shit that goes on during lunches and recess, then so be it.

that first sentence is really killing me :(

Many schools already hire aides for basically babysitting the kids during lunch and recess. When I was a kid, the teachers did this- I don't know what they do with all their time these days. I was reading about some schools that outsource this function completely to companies that sound pretty scary. If anyone thinks teachers are bad at this, I'm afraid the $8/hr babysitters and/or hiring Blackwater to do it isn't going to be any better ( because really when it comes to hiring staff, that's what you are going to get). Based on what my kids tell me its the same old same old- bullies get away with everything and the kids who stick up for themselves get in trouble.
If it bothers you so much, drop out of school. Sure you'd have to go back and get your GED if you wanted to get anywhere in life, but it's a hell of a lot better than killing yourself. Pathetic. I was bullied in school. But instead of killing myself I ambushed the little fucker in the bathroom and beat the tar out of him. I was hiding in one of the stalls just waiting for him and when he came in I jumped over the stall and pounced on him. I didn't stop until his face was covered in blood. I didn't get in trouble either because there was no proof (remarkably no one saw or heard it) and I got my friend to lie and say that I was with him at lunch the whole time when the fucker was "attacked." LOL. Needless to say, no one ever fucked with me again. I'm not a violent person at all, but I knew I had to put a stop to this ass hole before things got too out of hand.
These are laws in the making, right in front of us our faces.

I've seen "bullycide" thrown around a lot lately. Sure, it might imply suicide, but it also implies homicide.

And check out the coverage at CNN: Living News - Personal Wellness, Love Life, Work Balance and Home Style -

Lots of PR behind this. Gonna be laws and lots of wasted dollars spent.

I don't know what bullying is like these days. But I was bullied in school, and I didn't throw myself off a bridge, or slit my throat. I'm pretty normal, just like all of you (well, most of you).

These kids need parents to tell them "Listen, fuck those guys. As long as they don't touch you, you're fine. Otherwise, they're noise. Nothing more. Now, if they touch you, tell me. I'll take care of it."

lol Kids and parents these days.
if they just kicked the shit out of one kid or hit them with a object they would never get bullied again, I don't know why parents don't reinforce this in their kids.

Yup. My son already knows the rule - you let somebody hit you and you don't fight back you gotta deal with me. Pretty sure I'm scarier than some punk ass middle school kid. He plays football so it probably won't be an issue but it still needs to be said.
This is not new, the only thing new is that it's getting so much attention.

We've all been bullied and probably bullied others at some point, there's still a difference between that and some of the psychological warfare some of these kids have gone through. Most kids will make it, some don't. If all the new attention to an age old problems saves lives, more power to it.
Shit, I'm in highschool right now and last year some kid from another school in my town commited suicide. He was Paki and idiots kept on calling him a terrorist and shit. He hung himself in the school bathroom.

If you get bullied, just fucking bite back and then being idiot "gangstas" they'll wanna fight you. Just fight em and fuck em up.

Most are bitches, one pop to the chin and they'll be out.

Thats what I'm gonna do if anyone starts shit with me.

Fuck all the liberal pacifist bullshit, you fuck someone up, you won't be bullied again, and if you do it right you won't have to deal with cops. If you go to teachers or whatever you're fucking yourself over.
This happened a few years ago, but it seems the media is publicizing old cases because of those trend. I just happened to be reading the chapter on suicide in The Tipping Point. Public high school sounds brutal. I'm glad there were only 60 kids in my class.

For some reason this reminds me of a story we read in a Japanese anthropology class. Some elementary school student was being bullied (if I recall correctly). His response? He beheaded the bully and impaled his head on the school gates. I bet no one fucked with him again.

I personally don't understand bullying, especially if the victim is a social outcast. No one remembers Columbine? In a few of the suicide stories the victim died due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound; that could easily have been a murder/suicide. Don't pick on people who are likely to snap (and this can be most people given the circumstances).
I'm a pacifist at heart. But even if I wasn't, I would not tell my kids to respond with violence. No way. I've heard some pretty awful stories, including a couple where a kid takes a stand and is killed. One happened days later by gun. There's a lot that doesn't make the big media news.

So, no way. I'd rather my kids work on developing their minds and self-confidence to withstand the taunts of others. Fists get trumped by guns.

And again, if the kids are ever touched, I'm involved. But not them.