Another Fraud Ring Exposed

its a shame these companies exist. They are holding back the industry from growing to bigger markets

Will it really kill lead gen though?
If anything it should put more emphasis on pay per sale instead, and perhaps this is something that should be suggested to the advertisers.
I've always found it amazingly frustrating that you can get a lead payout that's in excess of $50, but if you're doing a sale you're lucky to see $20... which is fucking moronic, because the sale is likely to turn out better for the advertiser than the lead.

I might be wrong on this but:

Lead Gen stuff tend to be more service-centric (financial, dating)... the margins on those are usually higher than CPS stuff. Remember that a CPS advertiser selling... let's say TVs, only have a profit margin of, let's suppose, 4 or 5% if they want to keep their price competitive.

700$ TV x 5%MARGIN = 35$

With that 35$, they need to pay for everything. Employees, call-center, storage, CC fees, etc... and at the end affiliates.