Another dumb poll - what's your whisk(e)y?

What kind of whisk(e)y do you drink?

  • Bourbon Whiskey

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • Scotch Whisky

    Votes: 34 36.2%
  • Irish Whiskey

    Votes: 17 18.1%
  • Canadian Whisky (WTF?)

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Any kind I can get my hands on

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • None, I have the tolerance of a teenage asian girl

    Votes: 10 10.6%

  • Total voters

If you like Islay whiskies, this stuff is the shizzle

Will have to try that.

Have to admit a serious bias against Canadian Whiskey, just don't get it -- not enough flavor, too sweet. Maybe I haven't had the good stuff.

I keep every kind of whisk(e)y at home except Canadian (and Japanese, but that one just because it is too expensive for what it is).

Even have some Thai rice whisky, very good for getting rid of pine sap (or unwanted guests). ;-)
Windsor Canadian FTW!

I’m from Windsor. Hell, I was at the party when they were sold to Allied Domecq. Free CC all night and a free commemorative bottle for all guests.

If you ever come down here go to the Canadian Club Heritage Centre and get a bottle of CC Sherry Cask at the gift shop. The stuff is hard to find elsewhere and very good.
I will go for Scotch.. It is raining here today. Its Saturday. I am little free tonight. I think I will get some scotch or maybe a beer.
I haven't seen a single Jameson commercial.

I will find some quality bushmills though. I've heard other people praise it too. The problem is that where I live a lot of fake whiskeys are sold and it's hard to find a quality 12year old.
I haven't seen a single Jameson commercial.

I will find some quality bushmills though. I've heard other people praise it too. The problem is that where I live a lot of fake whiskeys are sold and it's hard to find a quality 12year old.

My Grandfather came from Ireland and he say's our family has been drinking that label for 400 years. The Jameson stuff if from outsiders that came to Ireland less than 200 years ago and try to make a version of Scotch whiskey and then call it Irish whiskey.

I have tried both and there is a huge difference. Jameson spends a TON of money advertising in the US, Bushmills doesn't advertise like that because they cannot make anywhere near the quantity to service that big of a market.

The good news is that Jameson is $2 MORE EXPENSIVE than Bushmills.