And my business partner's an idiot

But thoughts don't necessarily lead to action.

You can't just act without the thought of action. The mind controls the body, remember?

If you've got shit in your head, that's how you're life is going to appear to you, like shit. Vice versa.

Look at all these recent shootings, for example. Do you think it was just a random act? No. It was the culmination of negative thoughts that lead to these horrible actions.
You can't just act without the thought of action. The mind controls the body, remember?

If you've got shit in your head, that's how you're life is going to appear to you, like shit. Vice versa.

Look at all these recent shootings, for example. Do you think it was just a random act? No. It was the culmination of negative thoughts that lead to these horrible actions.

I don't disagree with this. Thoughts are incredibly important, and I spend most of my waking life thinking.

The point I was trying to make, is for every person like Steve Jobs, there were 1,000 other people with the same idea who did nothing about it.

I know people who come to me with cool ideas all the time, do nothing about them, and 5 years later somebody else took that idea to market and is a millionaire.

Ideas and thoughts are a dime a dozen. Taking action on those ideas and thoughts is what is rare.
You do realize critizising the person you chose to do business with is basically critizising yourself? You choose him.

You remind me of the husband who feels superior because he has a stupid wife; but in reality he is the stupid one for being with someone he knows is stupid.

Yeah? Hahaha. Man, if I'd known this were what he believed, I'd never have jumped in. On the other hand, we've built a sizable, pretty succesful company. The only real problem I have is that I built this business. He sat around and thought happy thoughts. I didn't realized why until he showed me this.

Oh and we had the argument regarding the movie. I said it's good to think positively. But the example the movie gives is, if you think about getting a pet elephant, eventually, you'll get one. If you think about bills, you'll get bills in the mail, but if you think about getting checks in the mail, people will send you checks. That's idiotic. You get checks in the mail because you landed a client and you performed a service for which he was billed. Maybe you landed that client because of confidence brought on by positive thinking backed by an incredible ability to articulate knowledge you've acquired. But it certainly wasn't because you sent brainwaves into the Universe and mother nature responded by waving a magic wand over the client you landed.
Yeah? Hahaha. Man, if I'd known this were what he believed, I'd never have jumped in. On the other hand, we've built a sizable, pretty succesful company. The only real problem I have is that I built this business. He sat around and thought happy thoughts. I didn't realized why until he showed me this.

Oh and we had the argument regarding the movie. I said it's good to think positively. But the example the movie gives is, if you think about getting a pet elephant, eventually, you'll get one. If you think about bills, you'll get bills in the mail, but if you think about getting checks in the mail, people will send you checks. That's idiotic. You get checks in the mail because you landed a client and you performed a service for which he was billed. Maybe you landed that client because of confidence brought on by positive thinking backed by an incredible ability to articulate knowledge you've acquired. But it certainly wasn't because you sent brainwaves into the Universe and mother nature responded by waving a magic wand over the client you landed.

Now would be a good time to review your operating agreement/contract for loopholes that will allow you to oust him.
I remember years ago when The Secret came out, I hunted it down and watched it and it all went over my head. Or under my head?

Every now and then I come accross people practicing a variant of it:

[ame=""]Tapping for Fifty Thousand Dollars! - YouTube[/ame]

Tap! Tap! Tap! Kaching! I'm rich now.
[ame=]The Chaser's War on Everything - The Secret - YouTube[/ame]
I've tried to make a pen hover with my thoughts alone for 20 years now. It hasn't been a success.
I disagree. You are your actions.

I think what he meant to say was, "Thoughts are things."

More importantly, your beliefs are things.

Because whatever you believe, whether you like it or not, is going to become your reality.

If you believe you're the best WickedFire member that ever lived and that you're a god of all things IM, then, since that is your belief, your actions will reflect that.

Please note there is a HUGE difference between "thinking" something, as in, "I think I'm a bad mofo." and "believing" something (I KNOW I'm a bad mofo).

This area is my specialty bros. Love the conversation, so far.
You sir, are an idiot.

The worst thing about this type of thinking for the upper middle class is that it can put you an a fine, slippery slope in regards to people who are less successful or even get sicknesses. Blaming the victim much?

But there are some nice articles that voices the concerns better than I would at 8 am.

What's Wrong with The Secret
Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant: Here's <u>The Secret</u>: Blame the Victim
Terrible Truth, Beautiful Lie: Yes, The Secret DOES blame the victim

This area is my specialty bros. Love the conversation, so far.

Oh man... a specialist?

Like, you went to school for this? You have a degree in "metaphysics" or quantum physics? Oh, wait, did you just watch The Secret a bunch of times, decide to start following its tenets, make a fair bit of money, retroactively attribute your success to the pseudo-philosophy you learned, and then declare this to be your specialty? Retroactive confirmation bias is my favorite thing.

By the way, the key to my success is the following: each day, I go to the local zoo, sneak into the elephant cages, and shovel elephant dung unbeknownst to the zookeepers. Since doing this, I have made so much money. I'm pretty sure that quantum physics says that if you smell elephant dung fumes all your hard work will turn into cash. This is my area of specialty. Love the conversation, so far!