And my business partner's an idiot


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
The dude watched "The Secret" and now any time something doesn't go right he tells me that it's because I didn't believe correctly about how it would turn out...

Are there any big "The Secret" people here? Because if there are, I'm officially done looking at your weird emoticons.

[ame=]The Secret - First 20 mins - YouTube[/ame]

When clicked on my first DR link and saw it spinning for the 17th time, I thought I'm not gay, but then I got hard and came without touching myself.

Now tell me this. Am i gay for thinking I'm not gay or I'm not gay for thinking I'm gay.

The mind is that deep.
When clicked on my first DR link and saw it spinning for the 17th time, I thought I'm not gay, but then I got hard and came without touching myself.

Now tell me this. Am i gay for thinking I'm not gay or I'm not gay for thinking I'm gay.

The mind is that deep.

The dude watched "The Secret" and now any time something doesn't go right he tells me that it's because I didn't believe correctly about how it would turn out...

Are there any big "The Secret" people here? Because if there are, I'm officially done looking at your weird emoticons.

The Secret - First 20 mins - YouTube

The only secret is that being a guru selling the Secret pays better than using "The Secret".
Yeah, I'd get out of any rational, logical, scientific, mathematical, analystic, or reality-based business with this person if he's going to buy into pre-industrial revolution magical thinking. Unless you are selling art and he's the painter or something, or musician. Then carry on.
Whenever I've seen someone getting into this whole secret thing they've had a breakup in life that they havent got over. It's complete bullshit, I detest the people who come up with this shit and keep pumping it.

You need a new business partner that deals in reality and not fantasy.
I remember Joe Vitale's testimonial on some adwords guidebook how it showed him how to spend $1 a day in adwords. I thought it was kinda hilarious knowing Joe the guru is a $1/day baller
my dad is superstitious like this and he is a complete failure. You could give him a million dollars to start a business and he would lose it all in six months guaranteed.
A good attitude is a great commodity.

But you can't will Wicked Fire members to stop looking at cock. If your partner thinks you can, right his way of thinking by leaving that situation and let him realize that he can't Charles Xavier your partnership back to norm.

I'd definitely have a long talk with him about this though. Marriage counseling before the divorce.
Just kick him squarely in the balls and then remind him that he didn't believe correctly how it would turn out.

When he's done puking buy him a beer.
The Secret is overdone and exaggerated but the basic principles are sound (Think and Grow Rich)

It's definitely a crappy extrapolation of a fundamental psychological principle.

Our thoughts effect our emotions which affect our behaviors.

It was changed by new agers to:

Our thoughts emit frequencies that the universe resonates in harmony with.

If that was true I'd be getting slapped in the face by 50 cocks literally non-stop.
You do realize critizising the person you chose to do business with is basically critizising yourself? You choose him.

You remind me of the husband who feels superior because he has a stupid wife; but in reality he is the stupid one for being with someone he knows is stupid.