An Opportunity to be on Reality TV


paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
So a reality television show has contacted an offline company of mine and wants us to donate a high-value item and install it for their show in exchange for some television time and exposure.

We would have to deliver and install the item, which we usually do on our products. The only problem is it's a 12 hour drive and we'd also incur expenses for at least one overnight stay, gas, food, paying our crew for installation labor and finding contractors down there with a backhoe and one to pour concrete. As of right now, we offered to provide one at our cost and for a delivery charge. We'd just be out our time and we're hella backed up right now, like 4-6 weeks currently. And they want us to be there in two weeks with a finished product.

The television show hasn't premiered yet, but is slated to premiere late August. From the research I've done, it looks like we'll be on the first episode.

My worries include getting very little or no tv time after editing and/or our company not getting any exposure except for a, "special thanks in the credits." Also, my biggest worry would be the television show getting cancelled before the first episode even airs.

My hope would be that we would get at least 20-30 seconds airtime and we'd be able to plug our website, at the very least. It would be picked up by many local media outlets (to the install site). I would also call up all the local (to me) news stations, newspapers, other circulations, etc. and notify them that we'd be on the show and hopefully get them to run a story.

This is a company we just started this year and our business is already booming out the roof and the business is seasonal. However, this year has been extremely busy for other dealers.

What are everybody's thoughts? As a new business, would it be worth risking around $4k for possible exposure like this?

We asked what kind of exposure we'd get and her response was, "First, this is obviously a big project so we will film you guys bringing the item in as well as installing it. We suggest you wear your logo and put it all over the place- on shirts, hats, even on the pool itself so that whenever our cameras are filming you there is no question as to who is doing the project. I can't tell you exactly what shots will make the final episode, but our editors do a great job of fitting people in and showing them off. Also, there will be a special thanks credit to your company at the end of the episode."

But of course, I'm taking that with a grain of salt.
Unless someone here can point something totally flawed out (like it's going to air on some random station no one knows about), I'd say just go for it. Worst case scenario at least you won't have the "what if" in the back of your head. Think of it as spending 4K on testing a new traffic source.
If it was me, I'd be all for it. I just have to convince my partner that it's worth it to push back customers we've already promised an installation date to.

It would be aired on A&E.
Also, since this is pretty new business, we don't have $4k extra to risk losing, I'd be financing it myself from my affiliate income. Also, we'd have to get a logo done, t shirts done all that. Right now we're just using text on our website and we don't have any logo designed yet so that's something we'd have to scramble to get done.
I wouldn't do it. You're already 6 weeks backed up. What's the difference between a 6 week wait, or an 8 week wait? Either way, you're fully booked.
I think it depends on the product, and how likely it is someone will actually buy from you based on seeing a small mention in the programme.

Personally, with all you've said about it, I wouldn't go for it.
I can't believe they weren't willing to just pay you all while only letting you show your logo minimally. If anything, I'd say it would be a good experience. You will most likely be able to get some work from the showing as long as they are telling the truth. You could maybe get a contract saying you all have to have a certain amount of air time?

P.S- Anyway you can tell us/PM me what the show is?
If I was in your situation, I would jump at the chance.

Think about it - when you are prospecting for future clients, you can tell them you were on A&E.

Heck, why not document the installation process, take pictures, and use it in future sales materials.

When a potential client asks about the installation process, you can just say, "Here, this is our team installing our product on the set of the A&E show "Insert show here". You will get the same first class treatment that they got"

How many of your competitors can say that?

Put "As seen on A&E" on your website, consider putting a clip of the show on your website (With permission), etc...

Now, this is just me rambling because I know nothing about your product, market or the benefits you will receive from TV coverage, but it is just something to think about...

Milk it for all it's worth...
If I was in your situation, I would jump at the chance.

Think about it - when you are prospecting for future clients, you can tell them you were on A&E.

Heck, why not document the installation process, take pictures, and use it in future sales materials.

When a potential client asks about the installation process, you can just say, "Here, this is our team installing our product on the set of the A&E show "Insert show here". You will get the same first class treatment that they got"

How many of your competitors can say that?

Put "As seen on A&E" on your website, consider putting a clip of the show on your website (With permission), etc...

Now, this is just me rambling because I know nothing about your product, market or the benefits you will receive from TV coverage, but it is just something to think about...

Milk it for all it's worth...

Very good ideas
Put those costs on a 6 month 0% interest card and get to fucking work. You'll have 4 months to convert from air date and pay that shit down. Keep good records and write that shit off too. Get some sort of guarantee that they're not gonna fuzz out your logo or something. Remember, that shit will be rerun. Cheap money for that kind of exposure.
If I was in your situation, I would jump at the chance.

Think about it - when you are prospecting for future clients, you can tell them you were on A&E.

Heck, why not document the installation process, take pictures, and use it in future sales materials.

When a potential client asks about the installation process, you can just say, "Here, this is our team installing our product on the set of the A&E show "Insert show here". You will get the same first class treatment that they got"

How many of your competitors can say that?

Put "As seen on A&E" on your website, consider putting a clip of the show on your website (With permission), etc...

Now, this is just me rambling because I know nothing about your product, market or the benefits you will receive from TV coverage, but it is just something to think about...

Milk it for all it's worth...

This x10. Who cares if they show you for 30 seconds or 1 second or if the show gets canceled the next day, you'll have the cred that comes from national TV coverage. You could send out press releases to local papers too that push the local business angle.
How did Berto's exposure on Crash Test do for his business and his personal well-being? Contact him and find out about that. I can't recall if his stuff was on A&E or Fuse.

National TV coverage is a pretty nice angle. Some companies pay the big bucks to get the opportunity to do what you'll be doing for a fraction of it. If your installation, or whatever it is that you are doing exactly, works out at an angle that companies are looking for, your business could explode.

And definitely push it locally as much as you can. Write papers, write articles, and make more threads like this.
lol. Pass.

$100 Makeover
A&E IndieFilms
Beyond Scared Straight
Billy the Exterminator
Breakout Kings
Cold Case Files
Criminal Minds
Criss Angel Mindfreak
CSI Miami
Drill Team
Dog the Bounty Hunter
The First 48
The First 48: Missing Persons
Fix This Kitchen
Fix This Yard
Flipping Vegas
Flip This House
Gene Simmons Family Jewels
The Glades
Manhunters: Fugitive Task...
Paranormal State
Parking Wars
Private Sessions
Sell This House
The Sopranos
Steven Seagal Lawman
Storage Wars

The list above are all the shows on A&E. A shitload of people watch those shows. I'd do it simply to say you were on XYZ show.

You also have to determine whether A&E is your target market.
absolutely do it

you'll be kicking yourself in the ass in a few months if that show really blows up and you missed that chance.
I'd say it depends on your market. We do not know what your product is so it's hard to say how helpful it will be to the people in the show.

Also it's sounding like a b2b type product, which means it might not have a wide range of consumers.

However I'd ask them to cough up some expense and guarantee a minimum amount of airtime.

The major benefit I see to going for it would be to get on TV, and whore that out on your site and any od your marketing efforts.

This way if anpotential customer is looking at your business or business B, you have the huge advantage of saying you've been on show XYZ and if it's good enou for them it's good enough for the customer.

The key factors though are to guarantee air time and have them cover your expenses ... That shit is pennies to a bupig network like that, especially if it is relatively quick to install