An Inconvenient Truth: Sexual Monogamy Kills Male Libido

Kate Upton? She will be irrelevant next year when X comes in to take her place because she has bigger boobs, nicer ass and we're just not stimulated by her anymore.


I will forever judge women on a 1-Kate scale when it comes to looks. By that I mean a 10 would be perfect and a kate would be equivalent to 100.

Try to get a bi-sexual, or bi-curious partner. There's a lot of possibilities for later on.
Can somebody neg rep EvilPenguin again? I don't like seeing orange bar, red suits him fine.

look it was funny the 1st, 2nd and maybe 3rd time, but now you just sound ridiculous man, get over yourself. I haven't seen a single intelligent thread or contribution from you since I signed up.
You can lie to someone who trusts you
You can cheat on someone who loves you with all their heart but then regret it later
You can kill the person that beat the fuck out of you for years with a chainsaw and mail the pieces to his family
You can rape that hot sexy 18 year old bimbo next door neighbor that's just asking for it
You can make millions scamming senior citizens with some pipe dream


I can see your point bro, but I'd like to add that we haven't been biologically designed to do any of the above things.. and there is no physical repercussion if we don't do any of them. However studies have shown that our testerone levels are healthier when we (men) are promiscuous.. so I can understand the self-control thing, but in this case it affects our health directly to be monogamous.

no one is saying it's bad to be in a long-term couple, but we're debating whether it's "healthier" to be polygamous since it keeps your hormones active and testosterone sky high..
I can see your point bro, but I'd like to add that we haven't been biologically designed to do any of the above things.. and there is no physical repercussion if we don't do any of them. However studies have shown that our testerone levels are healthier when we (men) are promiscuous.. so I can understand the self-control thing, but in this case it affects our health directly.

no one is saying it's bad to be in a long-term couple, but we're debating whether it's "healthier" to be monogamous since it keeps your hormones active and testoserone sky high..

Citation needed
Citation needed

excerpt: "Tiger Woods, Jesse James and many other philanders are dominant males. They are exciting, wealthy, famous, risk-takers and very likely have high testosterone levels. Women are attracted to them, and their testosterone inhibits the bonding effect of being with their beautiful wives and insinuates a desire for more procreation (or at least a simulacrum of it). We disdain the cheaters because they want to have both social monogamy and sexual promiscuity (and maybe we are just jealous that they can have it both ways). But the oxytocin attachment system is pernicious. "

this brings us to rusvik's point above, why would it be wrong for a high testosterone male to be socially monogamous and sexually promiscuous? (provided he find a wife that agrees)
It's all fine but SHE can fuck you over still in that case, seen shit ton of times and actually fuck them myself;)

<rant tired='666'> This logic is very flawed. So you're saying to do it first? Hey let me fuck over everyone in every business transaction before they fuck me. Are you going through puberty still? In the end you will know that you didn't yield. That you stayed true to your word and wasn't a weak subhuman species that couldn't control themselves. You think like a child.

I can see your point bro, but I'd like to add that we haven't been biologically designed to do any of the above things.. and there is no physical repercussion if we don't do any of them. However studies have shown that our testerone levels are healthier when we (men) are promiscuous.. so I can understand the self-control thing, but in this case it affects our health directly to be monogamous.

no one is saying it's bad to be in a long-term couple, but we're debating whether it's "healthier" to be polygamous since it keeps your hormones active and testosterone sky high..

excerpt: "Tiger Woods, Jesse James and many other philanders are dominant males. They are exciting, wealthy, famous, risk-takers and very likely have high testosterone levels. Women are attracted to them, and their testosterone inhibits the bonding effect of being with their beautiful wives and insinuates a desire for more procreation (or at least a simulacrum of it). We disdain the cheaters because they want to have both social monogamy and sexual promiscuity (and maybe we are just jealous that they can have it both ways). But the oxytocin attachment system is pernicious. "

this brings us to rusvik's point above, why would it be wrong for a high testosterone male to be socially monogamous and sexually promiscuous? (provided he find a wife that agrees)

Like I said earlier. Weren't we biologically engineered to protect ourselves too? Let's slit the throats of everyone that looks at us weird just incase they kill us first? Did you know we were biologically engineered to graze like animals and be nomadic too yet we adapted?

Of course those famous celebrities are going to have even more temptations because every groupy and thing that can open their legs wants a piece. Being famous comes with a price, even more of a reason to test your self control.

"but we're debating whether it's "healthier" to be polygamous" What's healthier is whatever makes us fucking happy.

I'm not saying that being promiscuous is wrong at all, I could care less how much pussy you slay or cock you suck. What I'm saying is don't generalize the entire male population because some articles from 5 years ago. Everyone makes their own choices and live with the consequences. If you want to have an orgy when your companion is out of town, so be it. But don't try to bring those of us who believe in monogamy into your utopia.

Do whatever the fuck you guys want. Just don't force your logic onto others like Jehovah's Witnesses.

Do whatever the fuck you guys want. Just don't force your logic onto others like Jehovah's Witnesses.


dot hack, it's not "our" logic bro, it's science's logic. You think I want to believe this shit? I dont bro. I always believed in marriage and finding the girl that's right for me, but now I read all these studies are proving that promiscuous males are healthier and have better hormone balance, which makes me reconsider my options.

it's true when you think about it, when you think "married man with kids" the image that pops in your head is generally a half-bald guy with a belly and mild ED lol.. rarely does the image of an active guy with a six pack and booming social life comes to mind, right?
"<rant tired='666'> This logic is very flawed. So you're saying to do it first? Hey let me fuck over everyone in every business transaction before they fuck me. Are you going through puberty still? In the end you will know that you didn't yield. That you stayed true to your word and wasn't a weak subhuman species that couldn't control themselves. You think like a child."

I am talking when the woman want to cheat on her husband/bf/etc cause he's way too nice and become boring, it happens bro, welcome to reality. I did it cause if not me - somebody else... plus to that I was free so no selfcontrol was needed. It have lot of common sense too;)
Last girl have a husband which is really like penguin describes, not ugly, but not model, kinda fat, etc but with money. And she sits on our local FB between job break and looking for a dates which maybe ends in something, yes she persists like "I can't cheat" but have second cell, give number, date and even propose to meet later, allow to touch her.... not everyone will do that to the end, but she allow to start it all.

So if you are nice fatty big earner guy don't complain, you need to have other qualities too sometimes;) Looks like someone have butthurt here
There is times when you can't think of someone else other than your loved one, and there is times when you only thought is of fucking some one else. It is all depend on many factors. Just go with your heart.
that's why polygamy is the way to go, especially when you're young. As you get older sex isn't as much of an importance anymore. You just don't care as much, because it is no longer a priority. Raising your family, etc will be more of a priority.
You guys have a very limited perspective. So one part of your health may have slightly negative effects from monogamy. What about mental health? I can't imagine that sneaking around in this day in age of cellphones and internet is that easy. How stressful would that be? What about the stress of family discord? It may be a trade off, but you should consider which is more important to you before doing anything stupid.

Also, this whole idea that we can't be something because we weren't biologically programmed is just silly. We're not talking about slugs or dogs or even apes. We're talking about humans with the most complex sexual organ on earth...the brain. Plus, humans do shit all the time that we weren't naturally supposed to do: Break sound barriers, defy gravity, submerse ourselves in water for hours at a time. All such complexity derived solely from that magnificent mind of ours. Why should human relationships be any less complex?
You guys have a very limited perspective. So one part of your health may have slightly negative effects from monogamy. What about mental health? I can't imagine that sneaking around in this day in age of cellphones and internet is that easy. How stressful would that be? What about the stress of family discord? It may be a trade off, but you should consider which is more important to you before doing anything stupid.

Also, this whole idea that we can't be something because we weren't biologically programmed is just silly. We're not talking about slugs or dogs or even apes. We're talking about humans with the most complex sexual organ on earth...the brain. Plus, humans do shit all the time that we weren't naturally supposed to do: Break sound barriers, defy gravity, submerse ourselves in water for hours at a time. All such complexity derived solely from that magnificent mind of ours. Why should human relationships be any less complex?

With current american divorce stats, men's lack of rights in courts and the fact that most divorces are initiated by women, I'd say the odds are so stacked against men, that it's atm a very bad financial and emotional decision to marry.
With current american divorce stats, men's lack of rights in courts and the fact that most divorces are initiated by women, I'd say the odds are so stacked against men, that it's atm a very bad financial and emotional decision to marry. marry American women.

No offense to any ladies here. I am sure you transcend statistics. We all do.