an idea > ..concept to completion..

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New member
Jul 8, 2006
Hello everyone. Right off the bat, l've got something to say; I know this is a long post, and (with any luck) will be an even longer thread. But l ask those of you with an attention span of more than 3 minutes to please read what l have to say here, and tell me what you think.

Last night while shaving l came up with (what l thought was) a great idea! And here l am to run it by you guys, and see what you think & to see if any of you moderate to advanced (looks in Jon's general direction) web entrepreneurs are interested in this type of 'project'.

Now l've read the boards here, and l see that a lot of you like to offer help to people who are just getting started in this business (like me), or those who don't know all the do's and don'ts quite yet (like me).

I've read tons of threads where someone comes in and says "hey can you guys help me seo/monetize/get traffic/etc my site:". And you guys help the person out with great advice, techniques and suggestions 99.9% of the time. Of course this is a great help not only to the webmaster you're directly helping, but others reading the thread, just to see what techniques and ideas you guys (the pros) have to say and suggest. And thinking of these very threads and suggestions is where l came up with my idea.

We'll call it "concept to completion". Here's my offer/deal/plea...

How cool would it be to help us all out (the newbies of the business) by working on a site from beginning to end, instead of just looking over a site that has been up for 1 and a half years, and making a few (usually obvious) observations.

I'm talking about a thread, possibly this very thread will be the building of a site from scratch to finish; where fellow readers of the board can follow along, and see the progress of the site, chime in with suggestions and questions, and see what we're doing and why. Now before you start thinking "oh boy, he wants to watch me make a site"... no, you're wrong.

I'll do all the work. I'll spend the money for hosting/domain names. I'll write the content, or pay a professional to. I'll design the site. I'll spend the money for advertising. I'll do whatever you guys tell me to do. All you guys have to do, is tell me what to do, when to do it, and why.

Personally l'd like this project to be built around a content based site that generates revenue via contextual adverts (ie Adsense/YPN). I'd like to see a site built that makes anywhere from $5 - $10 per day. Nothing huge, not the next or myspace... just a small, easily maintained, semi successful site.

What you'll get out of this? - You'll be helping people learn, by creating a very great study guide for anyone who's just getting started in the business. So if you read this far, thanks for that. Now if you think you'd be interested please tell me what you think.

If we get a couple people who are into this, I guess the first thing to do would be to decide on a niche.

Thoughts, comments?

yay! interesting...but i'm a noob too, so we'll see what they have to say first :D

but i think it's way cool if u can pull this off...and i won't mind contributing something to it as well ( even tho just a little :p )
Personally I think it's a great idea, but I'm not the one who would be contributing, so of course I would say it's a great idea. :)

EDIT - That didn't sound right, I would contribute if I could, but there are people on here who knows 100x more than me, so I'm not sure if I could contribute anything good. However, I could help with the design, development and usability phase if needed.
Sounds interesting, I'll be following along and contributing if you get it going.
Hey Risk, thanks for responding ;)
I honestly think that people being able to see a site built from scratch, being able to watch the idea evolve and follow along with the collective professionals' thought process would really benefit people like me and you.
Wow cool couple more people on board that would like to see this idea develop. Very cool.

Since l'm a very new user here on l'll outline who l am, & what l feel my strengths are.

Name's Jeff (duh) ... Currently l work for Pulitzer developing flash ads and small special pub sites for a pretty large network of sites. As a personal hobby l've been building, programming and designing my own sites for the past 8 to 10 years. I consider myself to be well versed in php/sql/photoshop/html/css

Around January of this year l started adding adsense to a few of my sites to see what would happen, and l've had "moderate" success. I built, programmed, designed and write the content for and Combined the two make an average of $30 US per day. Which isn't great, but l defiantly see the potential of adsense and have set a goal for myself to turn that $30 per day, into $200 per day, quite my day job and work for myself.

I think this exercise would be great for myself as l'll get to work with the very talented people who post here on - but not only that l think this idea would be a great tool for others like me for years to come as long as everything is out in the open, publicly accessible; documented from the developers point of view. Not only that, people will be able to actually see our example at work.
I will contribute what I can - I am pretty conversant in PPC, affiliate programs and blogs.

But I must say that you might experience the "Shoemoney PPC Ringtones Effect" - ie. the competition for the exact strategy you are using skyrockets as a result of revealing your strategy. This is the "fight club" rule of affiliate marketing.

Still, I think it would be a worthwhile exercise. :D
Rob_TID said:
I will contribute what I can - I am pretty conversant in PPC, affiliate programs and blogs.

But I must say that you might experience the "Shoemoney PPC Ringtones Effect" - ie. the competition for the exact strategy you are using skyrockets as a result of revealing your strategy. This is the "fight club" rule of affiliate marketing.

Still, I think it would be a worthwhile exercise. :D

Hello Rob,
You know l completely hear you on that, but l see this more of "concept" site; l'm not interested in building the next big thing. So if someone wants to step in and copy our small $5 - $10 per day niche site they can go right ahead heh.. whatever floats your/their boat l guess. But ultimately what l hope for, is that anyone who follows this process will be able to apply the techniques, ideas and strategies to their own small nice ideas.

*come up with a niche
*create content & design for the site
*inject a revenue engine for the site
*advertise the site
*... do whatever it is that you guys do .. lol

So long story short, sure someone could copy our tiny niche site, but hopefully the article/thread will inspire them to research their own niche, and build their site around it, with equal or better results than our "demo".


Also, that aside l have to ask you... (please don't laugh me off the board for this.. but) What's this about the "shoemoney PPC ringtone effect" you're talking about. I never heard of shoemoney before l started reading over here; and the only thing that came up with google was a picture of "shoemoney" with a 125k adsense check... heh.

He wrote a couple fo blog posts about promoting ringtones with adwords over at and everyone just jumped on the bandwagon.
Jeff, I like your idea and I will contribute and participate in this as well.
I'll also try and develop a site, simultaneously while you develop yours.
We'll definitely pick different niches, but this will give us an opportunity to compare our progress.
What do you say?
Rob_TID said:
He wrote a couple fo blog posts about promoting ringtones with adwords over at and everyone just jumped on the bandwagon.

if everyone keeps their secrets to themselves, then the net wouldn't be such a nice place to be don't u think?

btw, any ideas yet on what the niche this project going to focus? Jeff?
Alright great, now that we've got a few people paying attention ;)
-thanks for the support everyone -

RisK said:
[...] any ideas yet on what the niche this project going to focus? Jeff?

Fair warning - Please don't laugh me off the board, or verbally assault me here, l'm new to this stuff... If l need abuse, l'll tell me wife that ''those pants do make her ass look big'' and get all the abuse l can handle, ya dig?

Well I guess l'll get the ball rolling on this one, maybe fly some ideas around. However this isn't my strong point (ie finding niches that might work). I'm a programmer/graphic designer at heart and l'm only getting started with this 'web entrepreneur' stuff within the past 6 months....

* Web design/Web Development
* Computer/Internet privacy/security

If l'm going to be writing all of the content myself l'd prefer to do it on web development, perhaps programming, & design techniques. I'm also pretty in tune with internet and computer security. Unfortunately most of these niches are pretty well chalk full of highly optimized pages l'm sure - but these are definitely areas that l'm most knowledgeable and would be able to pump out articles very quickly. But even being a novice like myself, l would think that these niche fields have been hit pretty hard. So unless one of you SEO legends says otherwise, l'll ditch this idea.

* Identity Theft

Personally l think this is a huge problem, that lots of people should be, or are interested in. And if they aren't now, they will be in the very near future. As we all know ID theft is the fastest growing crime in the world... and worse than that, the criminals get away 99.9% of the time scott free. I see that keywords seem to pay pretty decent for this as well.

* Asian Bird Flue

Why not? If this thing gets rolling (the flu that is) people will be all over the web trying to find out how to keep from getting it, no doubt. I've got a neighbor who's an accomplished author, as well as a immunologist who l've discussed paying to write content for me in the past from a scientific standpoint. He's for it, and he'd do it.

* You're the pros, how about some suggestions?

As l've stated earlier in the thread that l work for Pulitzer in a building with roughly 35 editors and AP writers. Some of whom l've already talked to about writing content for cash and they're for it if the price is right (obviously). So pretty much any niche/topic/subject matter we can come up with, l have the means to get quality, original content ... as much as we need.

I've already stated above that the goal shouldn't be to create a 10k per month website, just a small 5 to 10 dollar a day site .. so there should really be 100,000's of niches this would work for out there if l'm not mistaken.

l'd like to hear some niche ideas form some of you pros so we can get this baby going... ;)

Thoughts, comments?
I like how you think Jeff.. great set of posts you have there. Welcome to the family of WickedFire fuckers.
Out of the topics you listed I'd vote for identity theft.

My contribution for topic ideas:

Data recovery (lost data from hard drive crashes) (Overture shows 30,000 searches in May and the top 5 bids are all over $4.00)

Cruise vacations (400,000 + searches and top 4 bids are over $2.00)

These are a couple of niches I thought about starting sites in this year but haven't gotten around to.

Something that needs to be decided is how will decisions be made? Voting?
RisK said:
if everyone keeps their secrets to themselves, then the net wouldn't be such a nice place to be don't u think?

btw, any ideas yet on what the niche this project going to focus? Jeff?

Sure it would, but then again Jon is making his competition winners sign an NDA for a reason. There is nothing wrong with protecting your competitive advantage.
Identity theft is good at first glance.

It could probably be good on adsense (in fact I know it is) and there are possibly some affiliate programs to do with computer privacy etc. PLEASE reasearch that before you take my word for it, because I am guessing. Always think of monetisation strategies.

HOWEVER, if you type identity theft into Google then the top 10 sites all have better than PR7 meaning they are going to be tough to beat from a natural SEO point of view for the term "identity theft" (if that is the strategy you are going with).
In that case I stand corrected. Perhaps a dumb assumption on my part. I didn't even try going after ringtones (I do ok in other areas already) - I just read a few comments to that effect and took them as true. My bad.
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