An affiliate is using my friends pictures in an ad on Plenty Off Fish

I think the real question is where did your asshat friend post pics of himself that this aff got them lol.
Ben will remove it. Don't contact a lawyer. Not worth your time, but he'll make it worth his. A.K.A. charging you 200 an hour for nothing. Forget about it.
If my picture was being used I wouldn't really be mad about it. I might ask for it to get taken down but to sue over that is just funny. Yeah its wrong and what not but sounds like your friend is trying to make a quick buck.
He'd have to get a lawyer, the supeona POF for the the info. Most likely giving that info would be a violation of ECPA so they couldn't produce it anyways.

Then file suit...

Then sue him, settle and try to collect the money.

Would cost him min 5-7k to go through the process and probably wouldn't get much.
You are not going to get any money from this via a lawsuit. You are going to shell out decent cash to pay the attorney and chances of you getting any money from the person using your images is slim to none.

Best thing you can do is shoot an email over to POF and ask for the images to be taken down. You can always contact the affiliate network and tell them to relay the message to the pub that the images cannot be used.

You are better off going through the 'free' processes of getting the images taken down. You are wishful thinking if you think you can sue and actually collect money. Unless it's a huge company that is using your images it's not worth your time.

You are not going to get any money from this via a lawsuit. You are going to shell out decent cash to pay the attorney and chances of you getting any money from the person using your images is slim to none.

Best thing you can do is shoot an email over to POF and ask for the images to be taken down. You can always contact the affiliate network and tell them to relay the message to the pub that the images cannot be used.

You are better off going through the 'free' processes of getting the images taken down. You are wishful thinking if you think you can sue and actually collect money. Unless it's a huge company that is using your images it's not worth your time.


Oh I know that he won't get any money and I've told him that and haven't heard back for him so I don't know if his contacted Ben or not.
It's show some affiliates really appreciates your friend beauty face. She also can be famous lol!

Must be a good lookin' friend rite? :D

P/S : J/k
My friend recently found out that his pictures are being used on Plenty off Fish for some date a solider ad and he wants to get them removed/sue them for money. What's the best way to go about this?

Oh shit dude, sorry that was me. I guess I should probably remove his images from all those gay dating sites too.
where can i get legit pics(that look like real ppl, noot istockphoto crap) so i dont get teh sued later?

tits for your troubles
you can go over and higher some protection over at and get the Knock Around Guys package for $1,500 it comes with a 2 broken rib minimum & Gangster Ass whoopin. There are even options if your Network is messin with your leads check it out This program really works and is well know by the Super Affiliates