An affiliate is using my friends pictures in an ad on Plenty Off Fish


New member
Nov 22, 2009
My friend recently found out that his pictures are being used on Plenty off Fish for some date a solider ad and he wants to get them removed/sue them for money. What's the best way to go about this?

take a screenshot, find a lawyer & contact affiliate nework with affiliate id #.
LOL I like to use photos of my ex's. That'll teach em to act like a bitch!


But seriously I don't think your friend is going to make any substantial financial gain out of suing. Get the ads denied/taken off and move on to other things. ;)
My friend recently found out that his pictures are being used on Plenty off Fish for some date a solider ad and he wants to get them removed/sue them for money. What's the best way to go about this?

Tell your friend to jump off a cliff
screenshot, take it to POF. They will take it from there.
Take note of the website they use as well, if it is their own website, do a whois take note of any information you can before they got alert and change it.
It's funny you ask this here. If you're serious about this, you ought to ask a lawyer, not affiliates on Wickedfire - the same place where those who lie, copy and steal all the time, hang out.
It's funny you ask this here. If you're serious about this, you ought to ask a lawyer, not affiliates on Wickedfire - the same place where those who lie, copy and steal all the time, hang out.

Nice. ^^ This.