America, fuck yeah! Tom McClintock on AZ Imigration Law


New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
*Immigration - oops.

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Couldn't have been said better...

Wow a politician from California that make sense.

Go 4th District!
This has to be like fingernails on a blackboard to a liberal. They know it is the truth but it hurts like hell to listen to.

What makes you think all liberals disagree with this law?
What makes you think all liberals disagree with this law?

The same logic it takes for most of this Administration to slam the bill and then admit to never reading it.

P.S. Many liberals and legal hispanics are for this bill. The democrats are pandering the millions of illegals in our country to try and buy their future votes.
P.S. Many liberals and legal hispanics are for this bill. The democrats are pandering the millions of illegals in our country to try and buy their future votes.

Couldn't have said it better myself. With the new entitlement generation, and endless dollars being spent on various entitlement programs, it is easier than ever to get "cheap" votes. (Does free health care ring a bell).

Entitlement programs have been used FOREVER by liberals to get votes, it has just gotten worse as time progressed.
wow, generalize much? I'm liberal, just ask Helllblazer or Popeye, they'll vouch for me. However, I happen to think that was an excellent speech. That had nothing to do with being conservative or liberal, it was well presented and made perfect sense. Not sure why you feel the need to make this a liberal bashing.

This has to be like fingernails on a blackboard to a liberal. They know it is the truth but it hurts like hell to listen to.

TeeBird check my new sig...
you're so cool. Looks like TeeBird has a little puppy dog following him around.
medicalhumor, that is great that you agree with that speech.

The bashing you see here - in my case - is from a 24/7 shock and awe onslaught of "Arizona is Racist" attacks from every liberal media bastion.

So yes, it IS a generalization, and obviously you shouldn't be tarred with that brush.

In my experience, the word "Racist" is Liberal code for "I quickly lost the debate on this issue. But because I *feel* I am right, I will call you offensive names".
Not much bashing on the post . . . . for good reason it is 100% true!! AZ has said "no more", now more states will follow. Hopefully CA is next. Between those 2 states that will get rid of 50% of the illegals, add TX it will be more like 90%. You want to be a US Citizen, no problem. For the other 50% go home!!
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